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Over 40 years of peace between Israel and Egypt

CUFI Coffee Break
During the Six Day War of 1967, Egyptian President Nasser lost sovereignty over the Sinai Peninsula. His successor, President Anwar Sadat, was determined to regain it. In an effort to negotiate with Israel, he flew to Jerusalem and met with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The negotiations looked promising, but…

In The News

Biden decides to advance sale of F-35 fighter jets to UAE


US President Joe Biden’s administration has told Congress it is proceeding with more than $23 billion in weapons sales to the United Arab Emirates, including advanced F-35 aircraft, armed drones and other equipment, congressional aides said on Tuesday.

A State Department spokesperson said the administration would move forward with…

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Netanyahu to US defense secretary: We won’t let Iran obtain nukes


Hosting US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at his office in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Israel and the US agree on never allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

“As you know, the US-Israel defense partnership has continually expanded over successive administrations and our cooperation is crucial…

In The News

First Sudanese delegation to visit Israel in coming week: report

Khartoum’s intelligence and security officials said set to visit Jewish state soon

Sudan’s first delegation to the Jewish state since the historic normalization is expected to visit Israel in the coming days, Israel media reported on Tuesday.
According to reports from the Jerusalem Post and Kan public broadcaster, the visit is…

In The News

Iran fires missile at Israeli-owned ship near UAE – report


An Israeli ship called the Hyperion and owned by an Israeli company was attacked near the shores of the Fujairah emirate in the United Arab Emirateson Tuesday, according to reports in Lebanon. The attack came a day after Iran vowed to avenge the explosion at its Natanz nuclear facility, which it blamed on Israel. 

Data available…

In The News

EU sanctions elite Iran commander, seven others over 2019 protests


The European Union has imposed sanctions on eight Iranian militia commanders and police chiefs, including the head of the elite Revolutionary Guards, over a deadly crackdown in November 2019, the bloc said in its Official Journal on Monday.
The travel bans and asset freezes are the first EU sanctions on Iran for human rights abuses…

In The News

Israel, UAE close to reaching tax treaty

A taxation treaty that would boost investment ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates is in the works and could be finalized within the coming weeks.

The treaty is expected to help facilitate more than $2 billion in annual bilateral trade in the coming years and could grow to as much as $6.5b. a year within the coming…

In The News

Iran vows ‘revenge against Zionists’


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused Israel on Monday of being behind the electrical “incident” at the Natanz uranium-enrichment facility the previous day.

Iranian state television quoted Zarif as saying, “The Zionists want to take revenge because of our progress on the way to lift sanctions … they have publicly…

In The News

Israeli hospital signs ‘breakthrough’ deal to provide diabetic care in UAE


Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer has signed a “breakthrough” agreement to provide treatment to diabetics in Dubai, The Jerusalem Post has confirmed.

The deal, the first of its kind signed under the “Sheba BEYOND” program, was closed on Monday in Dubai with the Al Tadawi Healthcare group. The medical centers had agreed on a…

In The News

‘Israel will continue to defend itself from Iran’s aggression,’ Netanyahu vows

PM affirms importance of US-Israeli ties at joint presser with Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin

“Israel will continue to defend itself from Iran’s aggression,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Monday’s joint press conference with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
The Israeli PM lashed out at the “fanatical regime in Iran,”…

In The News

Republican Senators oppose Palestinian aid in letter


A group of Republican senators sent a letter to the Biden administration urging it to halt aid to the Palestinians until several conditions can be met to ensure the support isn’t going to terrorists. “We call on you to halt these expenditures until the State Department accounts for statutory restrictions and remedies known…

In The News

Iran breaches nuclear deal with advanced centrifuges

The development comes as the IAEA said Iran had breached the terms of the deal in a separate case

Iran announced Saturday it has started up advanced centrifuges that enrich uranium more quickly, in a new breach of its undertakings under a troubled 2015 nuclear agreement.
President Hassan Rouhani officially inaugurated the…

In The News

Israel may have achieved immunity against Covid-19


Israel may have reached herd immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, say experts from its largest hospital, Sheba Medical Center.

Herd immunity happens when a sufficient percentage of a population has immunity – through vaccination or having recovered from the disease — and gives indirect protection to those who aren’t…

In The News

Former Lebanese justice minister: ‘Hezbollah is an enemy of the state’


Former Lebanese justice minister Maj. Gen. (ret.) Ashraf Rifi said on Monday that Hezbollah was an enemy of the Lebanese State.

Rifi, who is also the former director-general of Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces (the national police), told Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya the Shi’ite militia was a collaborator of Iran, which he likened…

In The News

Biden cannot allow Iran to keep its weapons program


Abbas Araghchi, Iran’s deputy foreign minister, could not have been more clear after the first round of talks aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal concluded this week in Vienna: We’re not making any concessions until America does.

The U.S. must first lift sanctions, he said. Then and only then will Iran be “fully ready to stop…

In The News

Republicans delay Biden administration’s funds to Palestinians


Congressional Republicans put a hold on $75 million of the newly reinstatedUS aid to the Palestinians, two sources in Washington confirmed on Thursday. 

On March 26, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) sent Congress a “program narrative” of about $75m. in Economic Support Funds (ESF) for programs in the West Bank…

In The News

Iran frees South Korean tanker seized in bid to access frozen assets in Seoul

Hankuk Chemi, seized in January by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, said heading for Strait of Hormuz

Iran freed South Korea-flagged Hankuk Chemi oil tanker it seized in January,  Seoul’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday.
The ministry specified that the ship’s captain has been released, and that the tanker has been able…

In The News

UAE hosts first-ever official Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremonies in Arab state


Jews and Muslims in the Gulf hold ceremonies to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day yesterday and today, concurrently with Yom Hashoah being held in Israel.

A ceremony was held in Dubai yesterday with a delegation of Jewish and Arab Israelis. Several dozen social media influencers in the Gulf joined them and organizers hoped they would…