In The News

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In The News

Gaza Terrorist Groups Fire Rockets, Launch Drones As A Show Of Force And Unity

Gaza’s rulers, Hamas, and other armed Palestinian terrorist groups send ‘clear message to Zionist enemy’

Palestinian armed terrorist groups began a large military drill in the Gaza Strip Tuesday morning in a show of strength and apparent unity that was designed to send a “clear message to the Zionist enemy.”
“We will not accept…

In The News

Rocket Sirens Blare In Southern Israel As Projectile Fired From Gaza Toward Israel


Rocket sirens blared in southern Israel early Tuesday morning for the second time in under a week as a projectile fired at Israel from Gaza failed to cross the border.

The alarms went off shortly after midnight in Kibbutz Kerem Shalom, near the southern part of the Gaza Strip and Israel’s border with Egypt.

The Israel Defense…

In The News

Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra Records Moroccan National Anthem


Immediately following the announcement of the Israel-Morocco normalization agreement, the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra (JSO) recorded the National Anthem of Morocco in honor of the historic agreement.

Arranged for the symphony orchestra and choir by Israeli composer and conductor Nizar El-Khater, the rendition of the anthem was…

In The News

Pro-Israel Group Torches Warnock in New Ad


The political arm of the largest pro-Israel membership group in the United States launched an ad campaign Wednesday targeting Rev. Raphael Warnock, the Democratic candidate for Senate in the Georgia runoff.

The 30-second spot from Christians United for Israel Action Fund takes aim at both Warnock’s record of statements critical of…

In The News

Iron Dome Missile Shield Intercepts Two Gaza Rockets

Following alerts throughout southern Israel

Sirens alerting of incoming rockets from the Gaza Strip blared throughout communities in southern Israel on Friday.
The Iron Dome missile shield intercepted two projectiles fired by Islamists militants in the Hamas-controlled enclave.
Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson’s Unit said that…

In The News

Moroccan Delegation Arrives In Israel


A Moroccan diplomatic delegation was in Israel on Monday for the first time since normalization between the countries was announced earlier this month.

The delegation, which landed in Israel on Sunday night, plans to work towards reopening the Moroccan liaison office in Tel Aviv, which it has held onto for the past 20 years since…

In The News

Official Moroccan Delegation To Arrive In Israel On Monday Following Normalization

An official delegation of Moroccan officials will arrive in Israel on Monday to further the recently established ties between the two countries, a Moroccan diplomatic source told i24NEWS on Sunday.
The delegation, arriving on the heels of a US-brokered bilateral normalization agreement signed last week, will work with Israeli…

In The News

IDF Hits Key Hamas Rocket Facility During Overnight Strike: Report

Site hit in retaliatory strike said used by Hamas for developing rocket attack capabilities

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) hit a key Hamas military facility during its overnight retaliatory strike on the group’s assets in the Gaza Strip, Ynet reported on Saturday.
According to the report, one of the targets hit was of special…

In The News

God’s Covenant With Abraham

CUFI Coffee Break
Lesson 46
In the Ancient Near East, it was common for two people to make a covenant by cutting animals in half, splitting the halves, and then walking in between the pieces to make an oath. By walking between the split animals, each person was swearing that if they broke their part of the agreement, they would meet…

In The News

Gantz Orders Seizure Of $4 Million Transferred From Iran To Hamas

Israeli Defense Minister and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz signed Tuesday an order to seize four million dollars transferred from Iran to Gaza’s ruling faction Hamas, the Defense Ministry announced in a statement.
At the recommendation of the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF), Gantz signed the decree in the…

In The News

UN Condemned Israel 17 Times In 2020, Versus 6 Times For Rest Of World Combined


The United Nations General Assembly on Monday adopted two resolutions criticizing Israel, bringing 2020’s total tally to 17 resolutions against the Jewish state versus six resolutions singling out any other country, according to a tally by pro-Israel watchdog UN Watch.

Israel and activists have long slammed the UN for routinely…

In The News

Moroccan FM: Diplomatic Missions Will Open In Tel Aviv, Rabat In Two Weeks

Normalization deal sealed by King Mohammed VI in the presence of Israel’s National Security Adviser, Kushner

Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said on Tuesday that following the normalization agreement with Israel, diplomatic missions in Tel Aviv and Rabat will open in two weeks time, Hebrew media reported.
The minister…

In The News

Greece, Israel Agree On Flight Training Center At Kalamata


Greece and Israel have reached an agreement, after five months of negotiations, for the transformation of Kalamata Airport in southern Greece into a flight training center.

The agreement was presented on Monday to the relevant parliamentary committee by Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos.

Ministry sources told Kathimerini…

In The News

First Israel-Morocco Flight Arrives In Rabat To Seal Normalization Deal


The first flight from Israel to Morocco took off on Tuesday morning for a whirlwind trip by a joint Israeli-American delegation that will include the signing of several bilateral and trilateral agreements.

National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat, who is leading the trip on the Israeli side, said these would include agreements…

In The News

IDF Chief Warns Iran Against Attack, Says Retaliation Plans Already Drawn Up


Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Aviv Kohavi on Monday warned Iran against attacking Israel, saying that the Jewish state will retaliate forcefully against any aggression.

“Recently, we have heard increased threats from Iran against the State of Israel. If Iran and its partners, members of the radical axis , whether in the…

In The News

Woman Killed In Apparent Terror Attack Remembered For Living Life To The Fullest


Esther Horgen, who was found dead in a northern West Bank forest in an apparent terror attack, was eulogized for her love of life as she was buried on Tuesday morning.

“For 30 years we walked together, and two days ago you went for a walk and didn’t return,” said her husband Benjamin. Horgen’s body was found a day after she went…

In The News

First Israel-Morocco Flight Takes Off For Rabat To Seal Normalization Deal


The first flight from Israel to Morocco took off on Tuesday morning for a whirlwind trip by a joint Israeli-American delegation that will include the signing of several bilateral and trilateral agreements.

National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat, who is leading the trip on the Israeli side, said these would include agreements…

In The News

Ritual Bath From Time Of Jesus Found At Gethsemane In Jerusalem


Archaeological excavations by the Antiquities Authority ahead of construction unearthed a 2000-year-old ritual bath near the modern church at Gethsemane, together with the remains of a church from the Byzantine period (ca. 1500 years ago). The finds were uncovered with the assistance of scholars from the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum…