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In The News

Lebanon’s Top Christian Cleric Criticizes Hezbollah in Leaked Video


Those dragging Lebanon into regional conflicts were not acting in its best interests, the country’s top Christian cleric said, in unusually direct comments that appeared to refer to Hezbollah.

“I want to tell them … Do you want to force (Lebanon) to go to war? Are you asking before you go to war? Before you go to Syria? … You’re…

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Tesla opens its first ‘Supercharging’ station in Tel Aviv

esla also has more than 6,000 Superchargers across Europe

Tesla first fast-charging station for electric vehicles opened at the Azrieli shopping center in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, business website Globes reported.
The company plans to open three more so-called “Supercharger” stations in 2021, for the exclusive use of Tesla customers,…

In The News

US says joining upcoming Vienna talks on Iran deal, ‘open’ to direct negotiations

State Department says not expecting ‘immediate breakthrough,’ hails ‘healthy step forward’

The US confirmed on Friday that it will be part of the upcoming meeting in Vienna next week, which will focus on the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.
The State Department also announced that Washington was “open” to direct negotiations with…

In The News

Bahrain appoints its first ambassador to Israel


Bahrain has announced its appointment of the country’s first-ever ambassador to Israel, following the establishment of formal relations in September as part of the Abraham Accords.

Khalid Al Jalahma will head the Gulf country’s diplomatic mission to Israel, the state news agency BNA reported on Tuesday. Al Jalahma serves as…

In The News

Biden Administration to Allocate $90 Million in Aid to Palestinians


The Biden administration has allocated $90 million in aid to the Palestinians, with only a portion of the money being publicly announced, according to a report by the Associated Press.

The United States announced last week that it would give $15 million in coronavirus relief to the Palestinians. However, the Biden administration…

In The News

Israel and Bahrain Sign $3 Million ‘First-of-Its-Kind’ Deal to Share Knowledge on Water Technology


Israel’s state-owned water company Mekorot has inked a $3 million deal to provide Bahrain’s Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) with consulting services on water projects and to share knowledge on technologies, in what marks the first “significant” agreement between the Jewish state and the Gulf emirate since the Abraham Accords.

In The News

Holocaust survivors who died in Israel’s wars to be honored in ceremony


A special ceremony commemorating Holocaust survivors will be held at the Ghetto Fighters House Museum near Acre in northern Israel. 

The ceremony, held this year under the title of “Last Survivors,” will honor Holocaust survivors who made aliyah after losing their families in WWII, and later died during one of Israel’s military…

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Kosovo’s top diplomat calls opening of Jerusalem embassy ‘a done deal’


Kosovo’s new foreign minister says she considers the opening of the country’s embassy in Jerusalem to be “a done deal.”

Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla is asked during an interview about the pressure Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has put on Kosovo’s new government to reconsider the Balkan nation’s recent opening of an…

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Congressional Republicans blast ‘outrageous’ Biden admin offer to roll back Iran sanctions


Congressional Republicans are calling the Biden administration’s reported plan to roll back sanctions on Iran before it commits to renewed diplomatic talks an unacceptable concession that will only embolden the hardline regime and reward its bad behavior.

As Iran continues to balk at U.S. proposals for direct negotiations on a…

In The News

US to offer Iran new nuclear deal, sanctions relief this week – report


The United States is trying to break the nuclear deadlock with Iran and is planning a new proposal that would include some sanctions relief for the Islamic Republic, according to a report in Politico.

Biden administration officials plan to put forth a new proposal to restart nuclear talks between Washington and Tehran as soon as…

In The News

Palestinian terrorists issue death threat on American as Biden admin seeks closer ties


After more than a week of silence in the face of questions, the State Department said it is concerned about the safety of a prominent pro-democracy Palestinian-American who recently received death threats from a terror organization affiliated with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas.

Fadi Elsalameen, a human-rights and…

In The News

Oldest surviving ‘Righteous Among Nations,’ who saved Jewish boy, dies age 101


The oldest surviving person to bear the title of Righteous Among the Nations, Anna Kozminska, died last week at the age of 101, Poland’s Institute for Remembrance has said.

She was to be buried on Tuesday at the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw.

Kozminska was believed to be the be oldest living person recognized by…

In The News

Bahrain appoints first-ever ambassador to Israel


Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi approved Bahrain’s first-ever ambassador to Israel on Tuesday, ahead of the Gulf state opening its embassy in the coming weeks.

Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani appointed Khaled Yousif al-Jalahama to the position on Sunday. Jalahama is the Director of Operations at Bahrain’s…

In The News

Almost all remaining Jews in Yemen deported – Saudi media


The last three Jewish families in Yemen were deported by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, leaving only four elderly Jews in the country, after heavy pressure by the Houthis, the London-based Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsatreported over the weekend.

The families, totaling 13 people, told Asharq Al-Awsat that they were now searching…

In The News

UAE’s ambassador to Israel extends warm Passover wishes to Jewish community

Mohammad Mahmoud Al Khajah posted his message in Hebrew and English

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ambassador to Israel tweeted a message for the Passover holiday on Sunday evening in which he called for celebrating freedom and new beginnings.
Mohammad Mahmoud Al Khaja, who is currently not in the country, posted his message in…

In The News

Iraq’s Jewish community dwindles to fewer than five

A turning point for Jewish history in Iraq came with the first pogroms in the mid-20th century

The death of Dhafer Eliyahu hit Iraq hard, not only because the doctor treated the neediest for free, but because with his passing, only four Jews now remain in the country.
At the Habibiya Jewish cemetery in the capital Baghdad, wedged…

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Palestinian arrested after attempting to ram vehicle into IDF soldiers


A Palestinian driver tried to ram his vehicle into a group of Israel Defense Forces soldiers near the West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim on Sunday, the IDF said.

The vehicle instead hit several other Israeli vehicles and the suspect was arrested. There were no injuries reported in the incident, at the parking lot of the Ein…

In The News

‘Iron Sting’: Israel completes testing of ‘groundbreaking’ laser-guided mortar


A new laser-guided mortar completed trials and will bring greater firepower to smaller units while reducing collateral damage to noncombatants due to its high levels of accuracy, the Defense Ministry said in a statement Sunday.

The Iron Sting 120mm mortar was developed by the ministry along with the Israel Defense Forces and Elbit…