To truly grasp the impact the Holocaust had on the world is to come face to face with the depths of the reality of evil in the world. The events of the Holocaust will stand forever in history, for every generation to come, as a testament of the enduring responsibility for humanity — and Christians especially — to stand against the forces of evil.
Through survivor accounts, thought-provoking reflection prompts, and a careful examination of key events, this course seeks to foster both intellectual growth and personal introspection.
It compels us to remember not only those who perished during this dark
period but also every Jewish life persecuted before, during, and since this
horrific chapter in history.
To truly grasp the impact the Holocaust had on the world is to come face to face with the depths of the reality of evil in the world. The events of the Holocaust will stand forever in history, for every generation to come, as a testament of the enduring responsibility for humanity — and Christians especially — to stand against the forces of evil.
That is why CUFI is proud to introduce the Holocaust Course, a 7-part educational resource that describes the events of the Holocaust and explains what you can do to ensure that this horrific period of history is never again repeated. Through survivor accounts, thought-provoking reflection prompts, and a careful examination of key events, this course seeks to foster both intellectual growth and personal introspection.
It compels us to remember not only those who perished during this dark
period but also every Jewish life persecuted before, during, and since this
horrific chapter in history.
The Holocaust was one of the darkest events in modern history. Between 1933 and 1945, the Nazi regime and its allies and collaborators carried out the state-sponsored persecution and murder of 6 million European Jews. More than 9 million Jews lived in Europe in 1933 (1.7% of the total population), but by 1945, nearly two out of every three European Jew had been killed.
In 1950, the population of European Jews had been reduced to only 3.5 million, a direct result of Adolf Hitler’s attempt to exterminate the Jewish people. Nazi policies also led to the persecution, brutalization, and murder of millions of other Europeans whom they deemed either inferior or whom they considered enemies or threats.
This complimentary course includes video footage of Holocaust survivor and educator, Irving Roth (of blessed memory), sharing his firsthand experiences of life as a boy in Czechoslovakia under the Third Reich and inside the Auschwitz death camp.

The Holocaust teaches us the depths of hatred and prejudice and fear and anger to which mankind can stoop. It shows us what is possible in the hearts of men and on the face of the earth if evil is left unchecked. And we also learn the power of the human spirit, of the strength of hope, and of what is possible when men and women lean into courage and stand against darkness.
We must learn the stories of the past, consider the impacts of the rule of evil left to its own devices, and seek how we may act, advocate, and engage with the immediate defense of Israel and the Jewish people.
We will remember. We will not stand silent.
And we will boldly proclaim that “Never Again” is more than a phrase — it is a solemn promise we are determined to fulfill.
The Holocaust teaches us the depths of hatred and prejudice and fear and anger to which mankind can stoop. It shows us what is possible in the hearts of men and on the face of the earth if evil is left unchecked. And we also learn the power of the human spirit, of the strength of hope, and of what is possible when men and women lean into courage and stand against darkness.
We must learn the stories of the past, consider the impacts of the rule of evil left to its own devices, and seek how we may act, advocate, and engage with the immediate defense of Israel and the Jewish people.
We will remember. We will not stand silent.
And we will boldly proclaim that “Never Again” is more than a phrase — it is a solemn promise we are determined to fulfill.
The trials and suffering of the Jewish people throughout history compel us to approach the present with a clear understanding of the urgent need for advocacy for Israel and the Jewish people today. These additional resources reaffirm the need for Christians to rise up and stand in support on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people.
The trials and suffering of the Jewish people throughout history compel us to approach the present with a clear understanding of the urgent need for advocacy for Israel and the Jewish people today. These additional resources reaffirm the need for Christians to rise up and stand in support on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people.

Never Again? is a feature-length documentary about the horrors of antisemitism and the power of survival and redemption. It sheds the spotlight on this modern-day hatred and brings a newfound awareness of the power we have today to say, “For Zion’s sake, we will not rest or be silent. NEVER AGAIN.”
The Sin of Silence eBook by Pastor John Hagee, challenges the false assertions of Holocaust deniers by presenting the truth about the existence of extermination camps, the capacity of the gas chambers, the actual number of Jewish victims, and the massive extent of the Nazis’ crimes against humanity.
CUFI’s Micro History: The Night of Broken Glass is a short video that shares about Kristallnacht, the pogrom that occurred on November 9 and 10, 1938, where mobs ran amuck in the streets of Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland, attacking Jews in their homes, workplaces, and houses of worship.

Never Again? is a feature-length documentary about the horrors of antisemitism and the power of survival and redemption. It sheds the spotlight on this modern-day hatred and brings a newfound awareness of the power we have today to say, “For Zion’s sake, we will not rest or be silent. NEVER AGAIN.”

The Sin of Silence eBook by Pastor John Hagee, challenges the false assertions of Holocaust deniers by presenting the truth about the existence of extermination camps, the capacity of the gas chambers, the actual number of Jewish victims, and the massive extent of the Nazis’ crimes against humanity.

CUFI’s Micro History: The Night of Broken Glass shares about Kristallnacht, the pogrom that occurred on November 9 and 10, 1938, where mobs ran amuck in the streets of Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland, attacking Jews in their homes, workplaces, and houses of worship.