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In The News

GOP Puts Biden Admin on Notice: Congress Not Bound By New Iran Deal


Republican foreign policy leaders in Congress officially informed the Biden administration late Wednesday that they will not be bound to any new agreement with Iran that promises relief from harsh economic sanctions, according to a copy of that communication exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The letter is a sign…

In The News

UAE to host first-ever official Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremonies in Arab state

Ceremony will be held in Dubai tonight with a delegation of Jewish and Arab Israelis

As Israel prepares to mark Yom Hashoah – the national Holocaust Remembrance Day – Jews and Muslims in the Gulf will hold ceremonies to also commemorate the occasion.
According to Channel 12 News, it will be the first time Yom Hashoah has…

In The News

Israel responds to ICC: You have no jurisdiction over us


The International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction to investigate Israel for alleged war crimes, is what the government plans to respond in a letter to the Hague, top ministers decided on Thursday.

The response is consistent with Israel’s longstanding position on the matter.

Israel is not a member of the ICC, and has a policy…

In The News

Netanyahu: Israel will defend itself against ‘existential threat’ regardless of Iran nuclear deal

World powers are currently holding talks with the Islamic Republic in the Austrian capital of Vienna

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Wednesday that a renegotiated nuclear deal between world powers and Iran will not stop the Jewish state from protecting itself from malign regimes seeking its destruction.

In The News

U.S. restores more than $200 million in aid to Palestinians


The Biden administration plans to provide at least $235 million in U.S. aid to the Palestinians, restarting funding for the United Nations agency supporting refugees and restoring other assistance cut off by then-President Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said.
It will mark Democratic President Joe Biden’s most…

In The News

US: Biden administration earmarks $40 million for Palestinian security


Group of Republicans said bracing for contesting Biden’s increasing aid to Palestinians

The administration of US President Joe Biden earmarked $40 million for aid to Palestinians, adding the sum to its previous allocations, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

The appropriate notification arrived in the Congress on…

In The News

US lawmakers reintroduce bill to address hate, violence in Palestinian schools


A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers has reintroduced a bill to require the U.S. State Department to address hate and violence in the Palestinian school curriculum.

The measure—the Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act (H.R. 2374)—was introduced by Reps. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), Josh Gottheimer…

In The News

Sudan moves to cancel Israel boycott


Sudan moved toward repealing its law mandating a boycott of Israel in a cabinet vote on Tuesday.

The cabinet voted to cancel the 1958 law, which forbade diplomatic and business relations with Israel, it said in a statement. 

The Sudanese decision still needs the approval of a joint meeting of Sudan’s sovereign council and…

In The News

Netanyahu warns Iran against harming Israel on eve of Iran nuclear talks


On the eve of talks to revive the Iran deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Tehran that it faced “grave danger” if it harmed Israel, as he recalled the battle for Jaffa in the 1948 War of Independence. 

“Those who want to harm us, place themselves in grave danger. It was true in Jaffa in 1948 and it is true today, with…

In The News

Israel welcomes first Abu Dhabi-Tel Aviv flight in official ceremony

Etihad Airways CEO says has never received warmer welcome anywhere in the world

The first flight from Abu Dhabi landed in Israel on Tuesday, with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ambassador to Israel on board, as the delegation was welcomed in an official reception at the Ben Gurion Airport.
Tony Douglas, CEO of Etihad Airways,…

In The News

Afghanistan’s last known Jew leaves for Israel

Zabulon Simantov, 61, has announced that he will immigrating to Israel in the fall

The last known Jew living in Afghanistan is reported to be leaving for Israel, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
“I’m going to watch TV in Israel to find out what’s going to happen in Afghanistan,” Zabulon Simantov told Arab News on…

In The News

Two rockets land nearby Baghdad airbase hosting US soldiers

14 attacks carried out against US interests in Iraq since Biden took office in January

Two rockets hit near an Iraqi airbase hosting US soldiers north of Baghdad on Sunday, three days ahead of a new “strategic dialogue” with Washington, a security source said.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the strike, which…

In The News

Israel Air Force receives advanced intelligence jet


The Israel Air Force received on Sunday the Oron advanced intelligence jet at the Nevatim Air Base in Southern Israel. 

The IDF said in a statement that the jet was developed by the Defense Ministry’s Directorate of Research and Development, the IAF, the IDF Intelligence Directorate, the Navy and Israel Aerospace Industries. It…

In The News

‘Like a Miracle’: Israel’s Vaccine Success Allows Easter Crowds in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM — On Friday morning, in the Old City of Jerusalem, in the limestone alleys of the Christian quarter, it was as if the pandemic had never happened.
The winding passageways that form the Via Dolorosa, along which Christians believe Jesus hauled his cross toward his crucifixion, were packed with over 1,000 worshipers. In the…

In The News

Saudi foreign minister says ties with Israel would bring ‘tremendous benefit’ to Middle East


Normalization with Israel would bring “tremendous benefit” to the region, the Saudi foreign minister has said, but such an accord with the kingdom would depend on progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Under the Abraham Accords brokered by former US president Donald Trump last year, four Arab countries — the United…

In The News

Thousands gather for Easter in Jerusalem’s Old City


Thousands gathered in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem’s OId City Friday for the Way of the Cross procession, retracing Jesus’s last steps before his crucifixion, The New York Post reported. 

The ceremony, held on Good Friday, comes before the holiday of Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus following his death on…

In The News

Biden administration to allocate $90 million in aid to Palestinians


The Biden administration has allocated $90 million in aid to the Palestinians, with only a portion of the money being publicly announced, according to a report by the Associated Press.

The United States announced last week that it would give $15 million in coronavirus relief to the Palestinians. However, the Biden administration…

In The News

Israel signs multimillion-dollar commerce accord with Morocco


Jerusalem and Rabat have signed a strategic accord worth hundreds of millions of dollars, Israel Hayom has learned.

The heads of the Israel Manufacturers Association, the Israel Farmers Federation and the Israeli Federation of the Chambers of Commerce signed the unprecedented agreement with the General Confederation of Moroccan…