Palestinian Authority

Palestinian Authority

Greenblatt call to halt donor funding to PA, Hamas Regimes

Donor countries should stop funding the Palestinian Authority and Hamas regimes which is squandering the money, US special envoy Jason Greenblatt said in an opinion piece he published Thursday on the Fox News website.

“Donor countries must ask themselves why they should keep struggling to raise money when everyone can plainly see the Hamas regime…

Palestinian Authority

Dozens of West Bank Palestinians cross into Israel in illegal border breach

Dozens of Palestinians illegally crossed into Israel from the West Bank Friday in a major breach of the border fence.

The incident happened in the area of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank near the Israeli city of Netanya, the Walla news site reported.

The border-crossers burned parts of the fence, and sabotaged a mechanical gate for the second…

Palestinian Authority

PA said to raise salaries of bomb makers behind deadly 2003 attacks

(September 9, 2019 / JNS) The Palestinian Authority has raised the “salaries” of two of the terrorists responsible for deadly twin suicide bombings in Israel in 2003, according to Israeli NGO Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

The monthly payments were increased from NIS 6,000 ($1,703) to NIS 7,000 ($1,982) in accordance with P.A. law, according to…

Palestinian Authority


Palestinian schoolchildren are exposed to a dramatic amount of incitement and intolerance against Jews and Israel, a research institute based at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found.

IMPACT-se describes itself as a “research, policy and advocacy organization that monitors and analyzes education,” according to “international standards on peace…

Palestinian Authority


In a visit to the Jalazone Refugee Camp near Ramallah earlier this month, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas claimed that the Palestinians “will enter Jerusalem – millions of fighters.”

In a video uploaded to Abbas’ Facebook page on August 10, and reported this week by the Middle East Media Research Institute , the Palestinian…

Palestinian Authority

Fatah: PA has begun ‘gradual disengagement’ from Israel

The Palestinian Authority announced on Monday that all government employees in the West Bank and Gaza Strip will again receive only 60% of their salaries by next week due to the ongoing financial crisis the PA is facing.

The employees have been receiving 50-60% of their salaries for the past few months. The authority says that it’s unable to pay…

Palestinian Authority

Greenblatt: Palestinians have aspiration, not right, to East Jerusalem capital

The forthcoming US peace plan will not be based on “fictions of international consensus” or on international law, the Trump administration’s Middle East peace envoy Jason Greenblatt said Tuesday.

Greenblatt also said that while the Palestinians may aspire to a capital in Jerusalem, they do not have a right to one. “It is true that the PLO and the…

Palestinian Authority

Top Trump negotiator: US still regards Abbas as a peace plan partner

WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Donald Trump’s top peace negotiator said the as yet unveiled U.S. Middle East peace plan includes the Palestinian Authority and its president, Mahmoud Abbas, as well as Hamas.

“Our plan right now is with President Abbas,” Jason Greenblatt said Monday at the annual Washington, D.C., summit of the Christians United for…

Palestinian Authority

PA increases salaries to terrorists in 2019 despite financial crisis – report

The Palestinian Authority has paid no less than NIS 234,172,000 (more than $65 million), or, on average, NIS 46,834,400 a month in salaries to terrorist prisoners (including released prisoners), according to a PA financial expenditures report for the first five months of 2019.

In research presented this week by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), this…

Palestinian Authority

Erdogan says ‘out of question’ to support US Palestinian plan

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it was “out of the question” for Turkey to support the US economic plan for Palestinians, in comments published on Monday.

The White House plan revealed last week calls for $50 billion in investment over 10 years in the Palestinian territories and their Arab neighbors.

“It is out of the question for us to…

Palestinian Authority

Testimonies of Palestinians tortured by the PA to be shown at The Hague

(June 24, 2019 / Israel Hayom) The testimonies of Palestinians who suffered torture at the hands of the Palestinian Authority because they collaborated or were suspected of collaborating with Israel are due to be presented to the International Criminal Court at The Hague today.

Two years ago, Jerusalem District Court Judge Moshe Drori ruled…

Palestinian Authority

Israel’s strategic affairs minister: time for PA leader Abbas to go

(June 17, 2019 / JNS) Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan on Sunday urged the international community to take immediate action to oust Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, saying this was the only way to ensure the diplomatic process with the Palestinians moves forward.

Speaking at The Jerusalem Post Conference in New York,…

Palestinian Authority

Palestinian sheikh says ‘army of Islam’ will set out from Jerusalem to conquer to world

(June 12, 2019 / MEMRI) A Palestinian sheikh said during an address at the Al-Aqsa mosque uploaded to the internet in June that Jerusalem is the “heartland” where the banners of the caliphate will flutter, where military convoys and brigades will assemble, and where policies will be designed to herald the “dawn of justice” and the birth of the…

Palestinian Authority

The Priorities of Palestinian Leaders

Let us consider some of those “other priorities….” Last week, Palestinian sources revealed that the ministers of the Palestinian Authority government have given themselves a $2,000 raise in their monthly salary… at a time when the Palestinian leadership is claiming that it is suffering from a financial crisis.
Hardly a day passes without…

Palestinian Authority

Palestinian Islamic Jihad: We can launch more than 1,000 rockets at Israel a day for months

Islamic Jihad warned on Thursday that it has the capability to launch more than 1,000 rockets a day into Israel for months”.
Speaking to Hezbollah affiliated TV channel Al-Manar on Thursday, Islamic Jihad leader Ziad al-Nakhal said “we operated with little military capability (in the latest round of fighting in Gaza). I do not exaggerate when I…

Palestinian Authority

PA, Fatah ‘Nakba Day’ statements reiterate opposition to Trump’s ‘deal of the century’

(May 19, 2019 / MEMRI) As is the case every year on “Nakba Day,” this May 15 the Palestinian “right of return” dominated the discourse of both the Palestinian Authority and Fatah. However, this year the discourse was doubly important, coming against the backdrop of the official announcement, expected in the next few weeks, of the Trump…

Palestinian Authority

Palestinians reject US economic peace summit in Bahrain, say they won’t attend

The Palestinian leadership on Monday pushed back against a plan for an economic conference next month in support of Washington’s Middle East peace plan, saying it was not consulted and no party was entitled to negotiate on its behalf.

The White House announced Sunday it would co-host the June 25-26 conference with Bahrain focusing on economic…

Palestinian Authority

Greenblatt: PA could finance its hospitals if it stopped paying terrorists

US Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt has tweeted that the Palestinian Authority would be able to better finance medical care for its people if it stopped funding terrorists.

“The PA incurred bills @ the hospital & assumed someone else would pay. We want those patients to receive the best care -the PA could easily pay its own bills to the…