At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Netanyahu tells Putin: Iran wants to carry out another Holocaust

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that Iran is seeking to commit another Holocaust by exterminating six million more Jews amid spiraling tensions between Jerusalem and Tehran.

Ahead of talks Wednesday in Moscow, Netanyahu urged that the Middle Eastern regional crisis be resolved in “a responsible...


IDF orders bomb shelters opened due to Iranian troop movement in Syria

The military instructed local governments on Tuesday to open bomb shelters to residents of the Golan Heights following the identification of “abnormal movements of Iranian forces in Syria.”

The army also said it raised preparedness of “troops for an attack” and deployed air defenses in the north of the country.

“The IDF’s instructions should...


President Trump Scraps Iran Deal

Today, President Trump announced his decision to scrap the 2016 Iran Deal due to Iran’s proven lies and violations of the deal’s terms. This was the right decision, and we believe it will lead to a much stronger, more effective deal in the future as Iran is forced to reckon with the consequences of their lies.
This announcement comes after...

Event Recaps

May 3 Chattanooga, TN Pastors Luncheon

Event Recaps

May 2 Dayton, TN Stand With Israel

Israeli Society

IMF Report Confirms Strong Economic Growth for Israel – Israel’s strong economic growth and solid job market came in for praise in the International Monetary Fund’s annual report on the nation’s economy.

The 2017 report predicted continued economic growth and a rise in inflation for 2018-2019, although the expected rate of the inflation rise was uncertain. The report stressed that...


Paraguay becomes third country to plan embassy move to Jerusalem

Paraguay is set to become the third country, after the US and Guatemala, to transfer its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israel said Monday.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon said Paraguay President Horacio Cartes will travel to Israel later this month to open the country’s new embassy in the capital.

Cartes’s trip was scheduled...

Event Recaps

May 1 Trim, GA Pastor’s Meeting

Event Recaps

May 6 Tom’s River, NJ Night To Honor Israel


U.S. Embassy road signs go up in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. Embassy road signs went up in Jerusalem on Monday ahead of next week’s opening of the mission in accordance with President Donald Trump’s recognition of the city as Israel’s capital.

Trump says he is making good on U.S. legislation and presidential pledges dating back decades. Other world powers have not done so,...

Israeli Technology

New, accurate Israeli method detects early breast cancer

Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheva announced the development of a new and accurate method of screening for early breast cancer, using inexpensive technology for breath and urine analysis. 

The team of Israeli researchers used two different “electronic nose” gas sensors for breath,...


Dead Sea Scrolls discovery: Tech reveals hidden script

Hidden script has been discovered in the Dead Sea scrolls. Using advanced imaging equipment researchers found letters invisible to the naked eye on the famous manuscripts.

Experts in Israel have harnessed sophisticated imaging technology to reveal hidden script in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The technology, which was originally developed for NASA,...


New US Embassy building in Jerusalem unveiled

While the new American Embassy in Jerusalem is expected to be inaugurated next week, the road to the diplomatic mission actually beginning operations is still a ways off.

The current move, then, is mostly symbolic, including a changing of a sign and the move of the ambassador and his secretary, and possibly a visit from US President Donald Trump,...


Giuliani indicates Trump will nix Iran nuclear deal

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump’s new attorney indicated Saturday that the US president plans to exit the Iran nuclear deal.

Speaking before the Iran Freedom Convention for Democracy and Human Rights, Rudy Giuliani bellowed at the crowd: “What do you think is going to happen to that agreement?” Then he held up a piece of paper and pretended to rip it...

Israeli Society

Discovery of Bar Kochba-Era Coin Declared at Lag B’Omer


As Jews across Israel and around the world celebrated Lag B’Omer, a holiday commemorating the life of anti-Roman Torah sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Israeli authorities announced that they had found a symbol of the revolt by Shimon bar Kochba against the Romans in the form of a small bronze coin.

The single round coin was discovered...

Taking Small Kids To Riots

In new videos, IDF accuses Gazans of faking injury, taking small kids to riots

The Israeli army on Saturday night published video clips from demonstrations by Gazans at the border which it said showed protesters faking injury in order to manipulate world opinion, and using young children at the forefront of border riots.

In one clip released by the IDF, Gazan youths are shown rushing a seemingly injured youth toward safety...


Kerry said to meet with Iran’s Zarif in bid to salvage nuclear deal

Former US secretary of state John Kerry recently met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to discuss possible ways of salvaging the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, the Boston Globe reported on Friday, citing a source briefed on the meeting.

Kerry, one of the chief architects of the 2015 accord, is said to be intent on...


Palestinian youths set Gaza’s own gas line on fire at weekly fence protests

Dozens of Palestinians broke into the Gaza side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and the Hamas-run Strip on Friday evening, setting fire to the gas pipeline that supplies fuel to the Strip, the army said.

The Gazans, who did not break through to the Israeli side of the border, trashed their own supply infrastructure, Israeli...

Nikki Haley
US-Israel Relationship

US asks UN Security Council to reject ‘vile’ Abbas Holocaust remarks

UNITED NATION — The United States on Friday asked the UN Security Council to reject the “unacceptable” and “deeply disturbing” remarks by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas about the Holocaust that included “vile anti-Semitic slurs.”

Abbas apologized over the remarks delivered in an address to the Palestinian National Council, but a US-drafted...

Event Recaps

May 2 Harlingen, TX Stand With Israel