At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)

Author of New Book Calls for Fresh Approach to Pro-Israel Advocacy Based on Highlighting Jewish State’s Morality

David Brog — the founding director of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) and executive director of the Maccabee Task Force — was recently interviewed by The Algemeiner about his latest book, Reclaiming Israel’s History: Roots, Rights, and the Struggle for Peace. 

A transcript of the conversation — in which Brog discusses the current state of...

Israeli Technology

Dad’s brain injury leads to daughter’s brain-rehab startup

After her father suffered a brain injury, Israeli neuroscientist Son Preminger noted deficiencies in the rehabilitation process and felt a calling to correct them.

Preminger invited a group of fellow neuroscientists, clinicians and engineers to join her in founding Intendu, a startup that has developed cloud-based software comprised of...

Event Recaps

Standing With Israel June 28 – Kyle, TX

Israeli Technology

Innovation center for special-needs kids opens in Jerusalem

Yosef cannot hold a fork or spoon. The little boy was dependent on others to feed him until an assistive device was fashioned for him at ALYN Hospital, a nonprofit pediatric and adolescent rehabilitation facility in Jerusalem.

While inventive solutions for ALYN patients like Yosef have been created in the onsite biomechanical lab for the past 25...

US-Israel Relationship

Trump admin unveils cyber pact with Israel

The Trump administration announced a new bilateral working group between the United States and Israel on cybersecurity.

Tom Bossert, White House homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, disclosed the new partnership to combat cyberattacks during remarks at an annual cybersecurity conference in Tel Aviv.

“These high-level meetings...


Jerusalem Attempting to Thwart Latest Anti-Israel Motion at UNESCO

The Israeli government is advancing an effort to thwart the latest anti-Israel initiative at the United Nations cultural body UNESCO.

The new motion would deny Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem and label Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs, a Jewish holy site, as an endangered world heritage site in the “State of Palestine.”

Arab states initiated the...

Archeology Issues

Jaffa: The Ancient Gateway to Jerusalem

Iran Issues

As Islamic State wanes, Iran and Hezbollah could turn on Israel

Recent developments in the war between the Syrian regime and rebel forces show that the relative comfort zone that Israel has long enjoyed along its northern border is narrowing. The recent pummeling of the notorious Islamic State group makes an escalation in hostilities between Israel and the forces of President Bashar Assad along with his...

US-Israel Relationship

Group of Top Ex-Israeli Security Officials Back US Legislation to Cut Funding of Palestinian Authority Over Terror Payments

A group of former top Israeli security officials are speaking out in favor of a proposed congressional bill that would cut off American funding of the Palestinian Authority if it continues to pay monetary rewards to terrorists and their families.

In a letter that was seen by The Algemeiner, Brig. Gen. (ret.) Yosef Kuperwasser wrote that a failure...

Event Recaps

Standing With Israel June 25 – Cranston, RI

Incitement Issues

Palestinians reportedly reinstall monument to Maalot terrorist

Palestinians in the West Bank city of Jenin have reportedly reinstalled a monument to a terrorist who masterminded a notorious 1974 massacre of Israeli school children, despite intense pressure from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel Radio reported Saturday that the monument went back up overnight as part of an agreement between...

Israeli Society

Robert Kraft-led trip to Israel has profound impact on Hall of Famers

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Pro Football Hall of Famer Jerome Bettis bleeds Pittsburgh Steelersblack and gold, but as he boarded an airplane Tuesday set to return from Israel to the United States, he reflected on spending a week with New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and laughed.

“I told my wife , he has a new fan,” Bettis said. “My phrase was ‘I’m...

Archeology Issues

In the Footsteps of the Apostle Peter in Jaffa

Archeology Issues

Peter, Cornelius, and How the Gospel Was First Shared with Gentiles


Robert Kraft-led trip to Israel has profound impact on Hall of Famers

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. -- Pro Football Hall of Famer Jerome Bettis bleeds Pittsburgh Steelers black and gold, but as he boarded an airplane Tuesday set to return from Israel to the United States, he reflected on spending a week with New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and laughed.

"I told my wife , he has a new fan," Bettis said. "My phrase was...

Iran Issues

Unveiling clock showing 8,411 days left for Israel, Iranians rage against Jewish state

TEHRAN — Iran held major anti-Israel rallies across the country Friday, with protesters chanting “Death to Israel” and condemning the occupation of Palestinian land.

Marchers in Tehran headed from various points of the city toward the Friday prayer ceremony at Tehran University. Similar demonstrations were held in other cities and towns in Iran,...

Event Recaps

Pastors & Ministry Leaders Dinner June 23 – Charlottesville, VA

Israeli Technology

Tel Aviv University develops major advance against drug-resistant bacteria

A breakthrough technology from Tel Aviv University makes it possible to manipulate pathogens by delivering DNA into drug-resistant bacteria.

The discovery is a blow to antimicrobial resistance, one of the biggest threats to global health that can affect anyone, at any age, in any country. Some 700,000 people in the world die each year, on...

Israeli Society Issues

Inaugurating new fields, Patriots’ Kraft puts Jerusalem football in end zone

The white paint for the 50-yard-line on the third football field was still fresh when Robert Kraft recited the Hebrew “Shehehiyanu” blessing for new things and cut the ribbon in Tuesday’s ceremony marking the opening of the new Kraft Family Sports Campus in Jerusalem.

“Okay, Robert, throw it out,” said Hall of Famer Aeneas Williams, running out...

Event Recaps

Standing With Israel June 22 – Charlottesville, VA