At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

US-Israel Relationship

Senator Ted Cruz: ‘Israel’s Enemies are America’s Enemies’

The Jewish Institute of National Security for America (JINSA) held a phone conference with Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday to discuss further US-Israel cooperation in fighting the coronavirus pandemic in their respective countries together.

In order to strengthen the partnership between the United States and Israel, and to limit the...


New York Mayor de Blasio Blasted for Singling Out City’s Jews Over Alleged Violations of Coronavirus Restrictions

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is facing heavy criticism after he attacked his city’s Jewish community for allegedly violating coronavirus-related restrictions on public gatherings.

In a tweet issued on Tuesday night, de Blasio said, “My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have...

Stabbing Attack in Kfar Saba, 62-Year-Old in Stable Condition

A 62-year-old woman was stabbed in a suspected terrorist attack in Kfar Saba next to the G Mall on Tuesday, just minutes before the national ceremony at Mount Herzl in memory of those who have fallen to terrorist attacks.

The victim was treated by Magen David Adom medics and paramedics at the scene and transferred to the trauma center at the Meir...

In The News

Jewish Family in Texas Turns Hundreds of Kippahs Into Face Masks for Local Homeless Community

A Jewish family in Houston, Texas, is collecting kippahs, also known as yarmulkes, and converting them into face masks to help protect the homeless population in their hometown.

Teen brothers Matthew and Jeremy Jason volunteer every Friday in downtown Houston with the organization Food Not Bombs, a non-profit that feeds the hungry in over 1,000...


US Agency: Iran’s Regime ‘Propagates and Tolerates Antisemitism’

BERLIN – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) on Tuesday published its 2020 report on states who persecute religious minorities. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s antisemitic targeting its tiny Jewish population, Israel, Christians and Jews in the Diaspora, was cited in the report.

“Iranian officials and clerics...

Paris car-rammer says he was motivated by ‘plight’ of Palestinians

The man who committed a car-ramming attack near the French capital of Paris on Monday reportedly told police he was motivated by a pro-Palestinian ideology.

Two motorcycle policemen were seriously injured when they were deliberately struck by a speeding car in the northwestern Paris suburb of Colombes while they were enforcing a coronavirus...

In The News

For First Time, Israelis Recovered from Coronavirus Outnumber Those Still Sick

For the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus in the country earlier this year, the number of people in Israel who have recovered from the virus surpassed the number of those who are still sick, according to Health Ministry figures published Wednesday.

There have been a total of 15,782 confirmed carriers of COVID-19, the disease caused...

Israeli Society

Muted Independence Day Celebrations Salute Medical Staff Fighting Virus

Israel was gearing up to mark its 72nd Independence Day with a salute to medical staff Wednesday as most of the population remains at home under a curfew imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Official ceremonies went ahead, though in a subdued format, while the traditional outdoor barbecues, street parties and general public revelry...

Israeli Society

The Shepherd, the Pilot, the Long-Lost Grave: 5 Stories of Israel’s 1948 Fallen

Six months before his assassination, 47 years after the events took place, the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin remembered the day that Yaakov Stutsky fell in battle. At the time Rabin was the commander of the Harel Brigade, formed on April 16, 1948 with soldiers serving in the Palmach — the elite force of the Haganah underground.



A Year After Poway Shooting, Synagogue Remembers Victim Who ‘Helped all People’

JTA — One year after a shooter attacked the Chabad of Poway synagogue during services, killing a beloved member, the congregation’s rabbi stood alone in the sanctuary of the empty building to lead a memorial.

Rabbi Mendel Goldstein remembered Lori Gilbert-Kaye, the shooter’s victim, as kind and “beautiful” inside and out in the one-hour taped...


Rise of Coronavirus Correlates to Rise in Antisemitism, Especially in Heavily Jewish Areas of New York and New Jersey

As 2019 came to close, the New York metropolitan region recorded extremely high number antisemitic incidents. Lawmakers, community leaders, law enforcement and ordinary citizens expressed the importance of tolerance and respect for all people.

It seemed to work for a short time, anyhow. Then the COVID-19 outbreak began, and as fears of the novel...

US-Israel Relationship

Netanyahu: ‘A Century After San Remo, the Promise of Zionism is Being Realized’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video address on Sunday that “the promise of Zionism” would be realized in just a few months, when Israel extends its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and parts of Judea and Samaria under the aegis of the U.S. “Peace to Prosperity” plan.

In a video message to the European Coalition for Israel—an...

Israeli Society

Jerusalem Nursing Students Help Curb Spread of COVID-19 at Senior Residences

In partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Health, Home Front Command and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), more than 30 nursing students from the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) have begun working in nursing homes across Israel with the aim of curbing the spread of coronavirus.

The students, who are enrolled in a JCT program—ranked...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)

US Appeals Court Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Texas Anti-BDS Law

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Monday dismissed a lawsuit challenging Texas’s anti-BDS law, ruling that the lawsuit is moot because the legislation was modified.

The anti-BDS law was narrowed in May 2019 as Gov. Greg Abbott signed an updated version of the 2017 law, exempting individuals and smaller companies, specifically...

Israel Comes to Halt in Memory of Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism

Israelis stood in silence — many on the balconies of their homes due to coronavirus restrictions — on Monday night as a one-minute siren sounded nationwide to mark the start of the annual Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism.

A total of 23,816 soldiers have died defending Israel, while 3,153 civilians have lost their lives in...

Woman, 62, Stabbed in Suspected Terror Attack in Central Israel

A Palestinian teenager stabbed an Israeli woman in the central Israeli town of Kfar Saba on Tuesday afternoon in what police called a terror attack before he was shot by a security guard.

The woman, 62, was in moderate-to-serious condition and received treatment on the scene before being taken to Kfar Saba’s Meir Medical Center, the Magen David...

Israeli Society

Survey: Israeli Arabs, Haredim Feel More Connected to Israel Than Ever

Israelis, including Israeli Arabs, feel more connected to Israel and its challenges than ever before, a survey by the Guttman Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research at the Israel Democracy Institute found.

The survey found that 90% of Israelis (92.5% among Jewish Israelis and 77% among Arab Israelis) said they feel that they are a part of...

Palestinian Authority and Fatah Honor Munich Massacre Terrorists in Anniversary Posts

The Palestinian Authority (PA), and the PLO's largest party, Fatah, on Thursday marked the anniversary of the "deaths as martyrs" of three terrorists who participated in the planning, kidnapping and murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, according to a report released by the watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch.

In a...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)

Jewish Organizations Praise Tufts University’s President for Condemning Award for Students for Justice in Palestine

The Tufts University Hillel and major Jewish groups praised the university’s president and other top administration officials for condemning the decision to give an award to the campus branch of Students for Justice in Palestine due to its participation in a campaign many view as antisemitic.

The Tufts SJP won the Collaboration Award for its work...

Israeli Developers of Corona Vaccine to Initiate Human Clinical Trials in Summer

An Israeli company working on a COVID-19 vaccine will begin human trials this summer, a senior company official said on Wednesday.

MigVax, an affiliate of the Migal Galilee Research Institute, will conduct safety and efficacy assessment in rodents starting next month.

Phase 1 of clinical trials in humans will start during the summer and last six...