In The News

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In The News

Gantz warns ‘Lebanon will tremble’ if an attack comes from the north

Israel assesses that Hezbollah leader may have contracted COVID after cough-laden warning address

Israel’s Defense Minister and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz used a speech Wednesday evening to mark the 39th anniversary of the outbreak of the First Lebanon War in 1982, to respond forcefully to the Hezbollah leader’s warning…

In The News

UN opens Israeli war crimes probe following Gaza war, calls for embargo


The United Nations Human Rights Council voted 24-9 Thursday to launch an investigation against Israel for alleged war crimes, including during the recent war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and called for an arms embargo against the Jewish state.

An additional 14 countries out of the 47-member body abstained. None of the European…

In The News

Israel Ambassador Blisters Hamas: ‘You Will Not Win’


On Thursday, George Deek, the Israeli ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan, who is an Arab, released a video in which he blistered Hamas, noting that his family had spent more than 10 days in a bomb shelter while Hamas fired thousands of rockets into Israel, and concluding, “You will not win.”

Deek, a Christian,…

In The News

UNHRC poised to approve war crimes probe into Israel on Gaza, Jerusalem


The United Nations Human Rights Council is expected to establish a commission of inquiry into Israeli actions against Palestinians during the period leading up to and including the 11-day Gaza War that ended on May 21.

The fact-finding committee of judicial experts would investigate Israeli activity in Gaza and Jerusalem as well…

In The News

IDF Intel hails tactical win over Hamas, but can’t say how long calm will last


Israeli Military Intelligence can not yet assess how long the ceasefire between Jerusalem and the Hamas terror group will last following this month’s 11-day battle between the two sides in the Gaza Strip.

Though the Israel Defense Forces firmly believes that it dealt a serious blow to Hamas’s military capabilities and undermined…

In The News

Israel’s operation against Hamas was the world’s first AI war


Having relied heavily on machine learning, the Israeli military is calling Operation Guardian of the Walls the first Artificial Intelligence War. 

“For the first time, artificial intelligence was a key component and power multiplier in fighting the enemy,” a senior officer in the IDF intelligence corps said. “This is a…

In The News

US should not reopen the Jerusalem consulate to restore ties with the Palestinian Authority


Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Tuesday that the United States would reopen a consulate in Jerusalem to upgrade its contacts with the Palestinians. Respectfully, that is a huge mistake. A consulate to the Palestinians anywhere is inappropriate; in Jerusalem it also is illegal.

Two preliminary issues need to be…

In The News

IAEA head calls Iran nuclear program ‘very concerning’

Islamic Republic enriching uranium at purity levels that ‘only countries making bombs are reaching’

The head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog agency called Iran’s uranium enrichment program “very concerning” in an interview with the Financial Timespublished on Wednesday.
Iran was enriching uranium at purity levels that…

In The News

Nasrallah says Jerusalem abuses will spark regional war


The leader of Lebanese terror group Hezbollah said Tuesday any violations of Jerusalem and the sites holy to Muslims and Christians would lead to a regional war.

Speaking for the first time since the ceasefire ending the 11-day war between Hamas and Israel, Hassan Nasrallah said Gazan groups had proven that no one can sit idle…

In The News

Auschwitz Survivor, 97, Wishes Her Followers A Peaceful Sabbath, Then Gets Hit With Vicious Hate Online.


A 97-year-old woman who survived the Auschwitz death camp and the subsequent death marches, and now uses her TikTok account to educate people about the Holocaust, was viciously attacked online after simply wishing her followers a restful Sabbath.

Lily Ebert stated in the TikTok video, “Wishing you a lovely, peaceful weekend. ……

In The News

GOP senators introduce resolution condemning violence against Jews

Resolution denounces ‘poisonous anti-Israel rhetoric of elected officials’

US Senate Republicans on Tuesday introduced a resolution condemning a rise in antisemitic violence amid the recent hostilities between Israel and Gaza-based terrorist groups.
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley introduced the resolution with 13 other GOP members…

In The News

Blinken says US to provide $75 million in assistance to Palestinians


The Biden administration will ask the US Congress for $75 million development and economic assistance for Palestinians, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Tuesday, and added that Washington will be moving forward with the process to reopen the US Consulate in Jerusalem.
Speaking after his meeting with Palestinian…

In The News

Blast at Iran explosives plant injures 9


Nine people were injured in an explosion at the Sepahan Nargostar chemical and fireworks factory in the city of Shahin Shahr in Iran’s Isfahan Province on Saturday night, Iranian media reported Sunday. The cause of the blast was said to be under investigation. 

The factory is a producer of industrial and commercial explosive…

In The News

Hamas co-founder to UK TV: Israel has no right to exist


In a rare interview, Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar told Britain’s Sky News that Israel has no right to exist, and said the terror group’s strategy was to target Israeli population centers.

The interview, which came in the wake of the ceasefire that began on Friday, was conducted by Sky’s Middle East correspondent, Mark Stone,…

In The News

Demonstrators gather at pro-Israel rallies across the globe

Thousands turned out near the Israeli embassy in central London to show support for the Jewish state

Thousands of people took part in a pro-Israel rally in central London on Sunday close to the country’s embassy, a day after a huge pro-Palestinian demonstration in the UK capital.
Rallies in support of the Jewish state are…

In The News

Jewish driver assaulted on London street


Police in London arrested a man whom witnesses said broke into the car of an Orthodox Jewish man on Friday and began hitting the driver unprovoked.

Passersby detained the suspect until police arrived on the scene in Golders Green, a heavily Jewish part of the British capital, the Jewish News of London reported.

The incident…

In The News

New York Jewish man assaulted for wearing Star of David necklace – report


A 29-year-old Jewish man in New York City claims he was attacked in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood for wearing a Star of David necklace, The New York Post reported on Saturday.

Ike Tobias and his wife had been walking through the neighborhood after attending a rally in the city, which had focused on the conflict between Israel…

In The News

Israel’s secret weapon: We have nowhere else to go


There’s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years, about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

“I guess she…