In The News

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In The News

Groups urge GOP to reject school-board candidate in Idaho for ‘anti-Jewish bigotry’

Pro-Israel Jewish and Christian organizations are drawing national attention to a school-board candidate in Idaho engaging in “blatant anti-Jewish bigotry” and encouraging violence; and as a result, have been urging the local and state Republican Party to repudiate him.

David Reilly, who is seeking a seat on the school board in Post Falls…

CCTV footage shows suspect in slaying of British MP Amess hours before stabbing

Security camera footage emerged Monday showing the man suspected of killing a British lawmaker strolling down a London street hours before he struck down the MP in a frenzied stabbing attack.

British authorities have not released the name of the suspect in the Friday killing of 69-year-old Conservative lawmaker David Amess, but British media…

IDF temporarily closes off areas near Gaza border amid warnings of attack

The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday closed off a number of areas near the Gaza border for several hours amid threats of attack by terror groups in the enclave.

The five sites affected by the move are all in direct line of sight from the Strip, making them vulnerable to anti-tank guided missile attacks and sniper fire.

“The entrance to the…

In The News

Israel said to approve $1.5 billion budget for potential strike on Iran

Israel has approved a budget of some 5 billion shekels ($1.5 billion) to be used to prepare the military for a potential strike against Iran’s nuclear program, Channel 12 reported Monday.

The NIS 5 billion budget is made up of NIS 3 billion from the previous budget and an additional NIS 2 billion from the next budget slated to be approved by…

First underground data center in Israel built to ‘withstand missiles and car bombs’

American computer technology corporation Oracle unveiled in Jerusalem on Oct. 13 the first underground data center in Israel, which is designed to provide cloud services under exceptional conditions.

The underground center is geared to provide the highest levels of physical security, according to Oracle, which is also planning a second…

New York police arrest woman who set fire outside Brooklyn yeshivah

The New York Police Department announced the arrest of a 39-year-old African-American woman who started a fire on Oct. 14 outside a Jewish school in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Police say that Sharee Jones of Brooklyn is the woman seen on video pouring gasoline outside of the Yeshiva of Flatbush and then setting it ablaze. The fire was put out quickly, and…

In The News

UNC in Hot Water Again: Congressman Demands University End ‘Repeated Antisemitic Activity’

Unless the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill takes steps to correct “repeated anti-Semitic activity” in the classroom, it may be in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI CRA), according to a letter by Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.). Budd’s action follows a spate of congressional letters to universities over the past two…

Israel marks 26th anniversary of Rabin’s murder with host of ceremonies

Rabin was murdered in 1995 by radical right-wing activist Yigal Amir in an event that rocked Israel.

A state memorial service was held 1pm at President’s Residence in Jerusalem, attended by a number of high-profile officials including President Isaac Herzog and Defense Minister Benny Gantz.

At 3pm a memorial service was held on Mount…

Colin Powell dies from Covid complications

Colin Powell, an accomplished and esteemed four-star general who became the first African American secretary of State, died Monday as a result of complications from Covid-19, according to his family. He was 84.
Powell was fully vaccinated against Covid-19, his family said in a statement posted to Facebook. With his death, the former soldier and…

IDF official: Israel expects Hezbollah to fire 2,000 rockets a day in wartime

Israel does not want war with Hezbollah, but is prepared to face about 2,000 rockets a day from the terror group if conflict breaks out, a senior Israeli military official told AFP.

During the 11-day May conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian terror groups fired around 4,400 projectiles towards the Jewish state. The…

In The News

Report: 89 percent of Netflix ‘Palestinian Stories’ directed by BDS backers

Nearly 90 percent of the Palestinian films in a collection launched last week by Netflix are directed by BDS supporters, Israeli NGO Im Tirtzu reported on Monday.

The collection, titled “Palestinian Stories,” is made of up 32 films, most of which had been uploaded to the streaming service by Monday.

Of the 28 movies by and about Palestinians…

Clashes erupt between Border Police, Palestinians at Damascus Gate

Clashes have erupted between Border Police officers and Palestinians at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem on Monday.

Palestinian media reported Israeli forces fired tear gas and stun grenades at Palestinians who were rioting and throwing rocks and bottles towards officers.

Israel Police said three Palestinians were arrested for their involvement in…

Israel to Kick Off Largest-Ever International Air Drill With Forces From Seven Nations

The largest and most advanced multi-national air combat exercise yet to be hosted by the Israeli Air Force will take off on Sunday.

Taking part in the Blue Flag 2021 exercise are seven air forces, from Germany, Italy, Britain, France, India, Greece and the United States.

“We are living in a very complicated region, and the threats to the…

Are Saudi Arabia and Iran on the road to reconciliation?

Saudi Arabia and Iran reportedly are on the path to reconciliation after years of tense relations.

Iraq has been hosting a series of meetings between officials on both sides aimed at easing tensions after a five-year rift, and expectations are high that a public announcement of a normalization agreement could come soon.

A fourth round of…

Antisemitism is reaching ‘younger audiences’ via social media, new study shows

Antisemitism is being repackaged and disseminated to a younger generation of social media users through platforms like Instagram and TikTok, according to an analysis published on Wednesday.

Antisemitic tropes are “rife across every social media platform,” but companies are failing to act, UK group Hope Not Hate, Germany’s Amadeu Antonio…

The U.S. Has No Plan B on Iranian Nukes. Israel Does.

It appears that President Joe Biden’s administration is finally taking “no” for an answer from Iran. Since the summer, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has signaled that his patience is not infinite when it comes to his offer to re-enter the 2015 nuclear deal. This week, Blinken went a bit further, saying, “We will look at every option to deal…

In The News

‘The Jewish people are being used as a pawn right now,’ Kentucky Jewish leader says

Two Kentucky Jewish leaders who spoke with Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) office this week said the senator’s aides told them it was up to the Jewish community to lobby against Afghanistan aid if they wanted supplemental Iron Dome funding to move forward quickly.

Paul is the sole senator blocking efforts to quickly pass the House bill providing $1…

5 killed in Beirut clashes as tensions over blast probe soar

Armed clashes erupted Thursday in Beirut during a protest organized by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah and its allies against the lead judge probing last year’s blast in the city’s port. At least five people were killed and dozens were wounded in some of the most serious fighting in years, authorities said.
The hours-long exchange of fire…