In The News

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In The News

Over 160 rockets fired from Gaza into Israel as IDF strikes back


The IDF warned Hamas that all options, including a ground operation, were on the table after over 160 rockets were fired towards Jerusalem and southern Israel as thousands of Israelis were parading through downtown to celebrate Jerusalem Day. 

Following the rocket fire, the Israel Air Force carried out several strikes in Gaza,…

In The News

IDF strikes terrorist targets in Gaza after rocket attacks on Israel

IDF neutralizes 3 Hamas operatives, says it is ready for days of fighting

The IDF attacked terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip on Monday in retaliation for the rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli military said it had neutralized at least three Hamas operatives in the strikes that followed the rocket salvos earlier in…

In The News

Israel: Hamas fires 3 rockets from Gaza toward Israel, Iron Dome intercepts 2

Israel announces closure of Erez Crossing until further notice amid continued attacks

Terrorists fired three rockets toward southern Israel early Monday morning with the Iron Dome missile defense system successfully intercepting two of the projectiles, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said.
In addition, the Coordinator of…

In The News

IDF launches retaliatory strike on Gaza after Palestinian rocket fired

The IDF said it carried out a retaliatory strike against a Hamas target after a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed in Israeli territory.
No injuries or damage to property has been reported in the incident.
In response to the exchange of fire, the IDF tweeted: “Terror has consequences.”

The incident began in the pre-dawn…

In The News

Netanyahu: Israel will not allow extremists to disrupt calm in Jerusalem

Following days of violent clashes in Jerusalem between security forces and Palestinian rioters, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that those disturbing the peace in the holy city will face severe consequences. 
“We will not allow extremists to disrupt the peace and order that exists in Jerusalem,” Netanyahu…

In The News

IDF launches largest military exercise in country’s history

The IDF launched the largest military exercise in Israel’s history Sunday, which is expected to run throughout the month of May.
Participating units will train for combat and emergency scenarios on Israel’s most hostile fronts, while Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi has decided to conduct the training as originally planned,…

In The News

Incendiary balloons cause numerous fires throughout southern Israel


Incendiary balloons launched from Gaza caused numerous fires throughout southern Israel on Friday and Saturday amid rising tensions surrounding West Bank settlements.

Five fires were detected at the Kisufim forest and three others were detected at the Beeri and Besor forests on Friday.

Teams of volunteers and professionals from…

In The News

Palestinian terrorists were en route to carry out ‘major’ attack in Israel

Israeli security forces killed 2 of the attackers, critically wounding the third

The Palestinian terrorists gunned down by Israeli security forces on Friday were set out to perpetrate a “major” terrorist attack within Israel, security officials said.
The firefight broke outside a Border Police base near the West Bank-Israel…

In The News

Drone packed with explosives attacks US base in Iraq


A drone packed with explosives hit an Iraqi base housing US troops early Saturday causing damage but no casualties, the US military said.
The attack on the Ain Al-Asad airbase was the fourth in Iraq in less than a week.
“Each attack… undermines the authority of Iraqi institutions, the rule of law, and Iraqi national…

In The News

Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah join to incite terror against Israel – analysis


Iran is using tensions over Jerusalem as an excuse to lead other extremist groups in the region to push for terror attacks against Israel.

It is important to understand the timeline here. The tensions in Jerusalem go back to late April, when Ramadan began, Israeli police restricted access to Damascus Gate and a series of TikTok…

In The News

‘Major attack’ in central Israel foiled as 3 gunmen shot near military base


Three Palestinians who opened fire at Border Police soldiers near a military base in the northern West Bank on Friday initially planned to commit a “major attack” against civilians in central Israel, army and police officials said on Friday.

The three attackers, all in their early 20s, were traveling on a bus with illegal…

In The News

Incendiary balloons launched from Gaza set off 6 fires in southern Israel

At least six fires were lit in southern Israel on Thursday after balloons carryingincendiary were launched from the Gaza Strip, according to an Israeli Fire and Rescue Services statement.
Two of the fires started in Be’eri Forest and four others in Kissufim Forest, two nature reserves located on the border of Israel and Gaza.

In The News

US says ready to act on denying Iran nuclear weapons if Vienna talks fail

State Dept describes Vienna talks as ‘serious and constructive,’ says nuclear accord is ‘a deal that worked’

If the Vienna talks on the US rejoining the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran yield no results, Washington is read “to do whatever needed to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,” a senior State Department official told…

In The News

Iran: Khamenei brands Israel a ‘terrorist camp’ in Quds Day speech

Iran’s supreme leader declares that fighting Israel is a ‘collective responsibility’

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei branded Israel a “terrorist camp” in his speech on the Quds Day.
In his speech, as cited by Iran’s state media, Khamenei proclaimed that the Jewish state “usurped Palestine” to convert the area into a…

In The News

Jerusalem Day


Jerusalem, the city of peace, has been the most treasured city of the Jewish people for centuries. However, until 1967, Jews had been barred from entering the city and visiting their holiest sites. When Israel miraculously won the Six Day War, Jerusalem was captured and reunited under Israel’s sovereignty. Since then, people of all…

In The News

Biden administration ‘dead set’ on re-entering Iran deal, despite high price


In recent days, conflicting reports have emerged over the ongoing negotiations in Vienna to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, leading to questions over to what extent the United States will undo Trump-era sanctions against Tehran.

Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, as well as an expert on…

In The News

Israel: Critically injured student dies from wounds in wake of terror attack

19-year-old Yehuda Guetta died after succumbing to his injuries sustained in a drive-by terror attack Sunday

A student critically injured in a drive-by terror attack carried out earlier this week in the West Bank has died of his wounds.
A spokesperson at Rabin Medical Center said Wednesday evening that 19-year-old Yehuda Guetta…

In The News

Israeli strike hits key Hezbollah posts: Syrian reports


Reported strike follows attack on previous night that allegedly left 1 dead, 6 wounded

Israel carried out an airstrike on Hezbollah posts early Thursday in Syria’s Quneitra, near the Israeli Golan Heights, according to Syrian media agencies.

The Israeli air force allegedly struck targets with helicopters. Syrian state TV SANA…