At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Brutal murder of 19-year-old girl shocks Jerusalem

The young woman who was found dead in Ein Yael in Jerusalem on Thursday was 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher from Tekoa in Gush Etzion, Maariv reported on Friday, as the gag order on the investigation was lifted.

Ansbacher was a volunteer in the Yeelim youth center at Ein Yael, which is located in the Emek Refaim forest, she worked there as part of her...


Hezbollah leader calls on Lebanon to accept arms from Iran to confront Israel

The leader of Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah said Wednesday that he is willing to ask Iran to supply the Lebanese military with weapons and aerial defense systems to confront Israeli warplanes and called on Beirut to accept the offer.

“Will the Lebanese government dare to accept the Iranian proposals? Why should Lebanon remain afraid to...


IDF attacks Hamas position in Gaza after rocket lands in Israel

The IDF struck targets in the Gaza Strip in response to a rocket being launched at Israel an hour earlier on Wednesday night.

According to the IDF spokesperson, an IDF tank attacked a Hamas position in the southern Gaza Strip. Earlier tonight, rocket sirens went off in southern Israel after at least one rocket was launched at Israel from the...

US-Israel Relationship

United States purchases Israeli-made Iron Dome missile defense system

The United States has purchased Iron Dome systems from Israel for an immediate need of the United States Army, the Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday.

The decision was made as part of an agreement between the Israeli Ministry of Defense and the US Department of Defense to fill its short-term needs for an Indirect Fire Protection Capability....


Iran to move weapons site from Damascus airport due to Israeli attacks: report

Despite the nearing end of the Syrian Civil War, the country remains a battleground for competing international players seeking to maintain their power in the region.

Following the wave of recent Israeli attacks on Damascus international airport targeting Iranian weapons storage sites, Iran is considering moving its weapons supply center far away...

Israeli Society

January tourism to Israel jumps by 11% compared to last year

The number of tourists who entered Israel in January of this year represented an 11% increase in relation to January 2018, and a 35% increase from January 2017, according to the Tourism Ministry.

A record four million tourists visited Israel last year.

In December, London-based company Euromoniter International reported that "The rise in the...


Iran Presents Long-Range Cruise and Ballistic Missiles, Again Threatens to “Erase Israel”

As the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution approaches, Iran unveiled in a live broadcast its new long-range cruise missile, named the Hoveyzeh (after the city in the Khuzestan province that was almost completely destroyed during the Iran-Iraq War and is perceived as a symbol of heroism and sacrifice). The missile was shown off as part of a...

Israeli Society

First 83 of 1,000 Ethiopian immigrants arrive in Israel

The first 83 immigrants from Ethiopia, out of a total of some 1,000 approved last year for entry into Israel, arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport on Monday night after waiting in Gondar for an average of 15 years.

In October, the government approved for immigration 1,000 members of the Falash Mura community in Ethiopia who have children currently...


Iran claims it launched new cruise missile on anniversary of revolution: report

Iran on Saturday claimed it had successfully tested a new cruise missile with an 800-mile range during celebrations that marked the 40th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution that brought its theocratic regime into power.

Defense Minister Amir Hatami confirmed the missile’s success on state television, which broadcast footage of the launch...


Dozens of Hamas, PFLP members hold senior positions in pro-BDS NGOs

There are more than 100 links between the internationally-designated terrorist organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) with NGOs promoting the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, some of which receive funding from European states and philanthropic funds, a new report by the...

Palestinian Authority

U.S. funding for Palestinian security services ends

The US funding and training program for the PA’s security services ended Thursday at midnight, as diplomats and politicians scrambled to find a way to mitigate the impact on West Bank stability.

The 14-year-old US Security Coordinator (USSC) mission, and the $61 million the US provides annually, is perceived to be the cornerstone to an effective...

Event Recaps

Jan 25th Orlando, FL Spanish Pastor’s Luncheon

Event Recaps

Jan 22nd Rochester, NY Israel Advocacy Luncheon

Event Recaps

Jan 21st Lakeland, FL Dr. King’s Pro Israel/Peace Legacy Event

Event Recaps

Jan 20th Lakeland, FL Why Israel Event

Event Recaps

Jan 9th San Francisco, CA Spanish Why Israel Event

Event Recaps

Jan 8th North Bethesda, MD Breakfast and Luncheon Events

Event Recaps

Jan 6th Alexandria, VA Why Israel Event


Driver curses church members during walk to remember Holocaust

A driver yelled obscenities and anti-Semitic remarks as members of a church in California walked to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

About 100 members of the Church of Jesus Christ Temple Philadelphia in Salinas, California had gathered on Sunday after services in the church parking lot to get ready for an annual walk in memory of...


Netanyahu: Israel thwarts Iranian cyber attacks ‘daily’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran attempts cyber attacks on Israeli infrastructure “daily,” only to be thwarted by the Jewish state.

“Iran attacks Israel on a daily basis,” he said at the Cybertech conference in Tel Aviv on Tuesday. “We monitor these attacks, see the attacks and thwart the attacks. In the last 24 hours, Iran has said it...