At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Netanyahu to Russian official: Israel will do anything it takes to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Russia’s National Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev on Monday that Israel will do anything to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Patrushev met Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Monday as part of the security summit between US, Russia and Israel.
“I’m certain that Russia understands what it means...


Minor earthquake shakes Dead Sea

A minor earthquake shook the Dead Sea region Wednesday morning, with the temblor measuring around 3.8 on the Richter scale, Israel’s Geophysical Institute said in a statement.

There were no reports of damage or casualties.

Minor quakes have rattled parts of Israel over the past year, as concerns grow about the country’s level of preparedness for...

Israel Defense Force (IDF)

Netanyahu: Israel used cyber intel. to thwart around 50 ISIS terror attacks

Israel has used its cyber intelligence capabilities to thwart around 50 ISIS terror attacks worldwide, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the Cyber Week Tel Aviv University Conference on Wednesday.

While Israel previously disclosed that it had provided the intelligence to thwart an ISIS plot to bomb a flight from Sydney to Abu...


Hezbollah operating in Venezuela, Maduro’s ex-security chief says

The feared former head of Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro’s intelligence police has charged that the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah operates in the Latin American country with the protection of the government.

Gen. Manuel Ricardo Cristopher Figuera, who fled his homeland for Colombia and then the US after the failed April 30 uprising in the...

Israel Defense Force (IDF)

More fires on Gaza border ahead of expected unrest during Bahrain summit

Israel's Gaza border region saw continued fires on Monday, most of them suspected to have started following launches of incendiary balloons.
 Just a day away from the US-led Bahrain economic summit, the Palestinian Authority's ruling party Fatah made calls for mass demonstration to protest the event which which will focus on economic incentives...

Israel Defense Force (IDF)

Israel shuts off fuel supplies to Gaza after spate of arson attacks

Israel announced Tuesday morning that it would cut supplies of fuel to the Gaza Strip after a rash of cross-border arson attacks.

At least 13 brush fires were sparked in southern Israel on Monday by balloon-borne incendiary devices launched from the coastal Palestinian territory, the local fire service said.

“In the wake of the uptick of...


At Jerusalem summit, Bolton says Iran has ‘open door’ for negotiations

(June 25, 2019 / JNS) As a historic tripartite summit between top Israeli, American and Russian security officials got underway in Jerusalem on Tuesday, U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton assured Iran that U.S. President Donald Trump is ready to enter negotiations.

Despite a spike in tensions between the United States and Iran in recent...

Israeli Technology

Israelis shaping future of agriculture attract international attention

From fruit-picking drones to pollination intelligence, Israeli agricultural innovation has continued breaking down barriers ever since Netafim first pioneered drip irrigation over five decades ago at Kibbutz Hatzerim.
Initially born out of necessity in the resource-scare state's early days, cutting-edge Israeli agricultural innovation has forged...


Arming synagogues? Jewish leaders grapple with balancing safety and accessibility

(June 21, 2019 / JNS) In the aftermath of two synagogue shootings exactly six months apart, in addition to arson incidents at Chabad Houses in Massachusetts and an attempted arson attempt at a Chicago synagogue last month, the issue of security, specifically armed personnel, has been in the spotlight. Some have called for supporting the idea,...

Israeli Technology

Israel to build sewage pipeline to reroute waste from Gaza

Since the collapse of the Gazan sewage treatment plant, Palestinians in the vicinity have been dumping their waste into the Hanoun River. In response to the waste flowing into Israeli territory, Israel is planning to build a new sewage pipeline to divert waste from Gaza, according to Israeli media

The solution was approved by Regional Committee...


Jewish graves vandalized in South Africa

(June 24, 2019 / Israel Hayom) The Jewish community in Strand, South Africa, filed a police complaint recently after four gravestones in the local Jewish cemetery were vandalized. Last week, two other Jewish cemeteries in the same district of Western Cape were also the target of vandalism. Police fear it may be the work of a neo-Nazi cell.


Palestinian Authority

Testimonies of Palestinians tortured by the PA to be shown at The Hague

(June 24, 2019 / Israel Hayom) The testimonies of Palestinians who suffered torture at the hands of the Palestinian Authority because they collaborated or were suspected of collaborating with Israel are due to be presented to the International Criminal Court at The Hague today.

Two years ago, Jerusalem District Court Judge Moshe Drori ruled...

Israel Defense Force (IDF)

IDF said to increase alert amid Iran tensions

The IDF has stepped up its alert status amid concerns that Iran could try and harm Israel as tensions between Tehran and Washington spiral, Channel 12 reported Sunday.

According to the report, which did not cite any sources, the defense establishment has completed a series of steps in recent days to ensure that it can respond to any developments,...


Hezbollah is now giving orders to Syria’s army – and using it to spy on Israel

Earlier this month, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based watchdog group, reported that Israeli fighter jets struck Hezbollah positions on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. There was no Israeli comment on the claim.

The report said one of the targets was a post on Tel al-Harra, a mountain that is considered a strategic point...

US-Israel Relationship

Patriots owner Kraft pledges $20 million to battle anti-Semitism, BDS

AP — The owner of the New England Patriots, Robert Kraft, accepted Israel’s prestigious Genesis Prize at a lavish ceremony on Thursday, where he pledged $20 million to establish a foundation dedicated to combating anti-Semitism and the Palestinian-led boycott movement against Israel.

In his keynote address, Kraft told the audience of Israeli and...

US-Israel Relationship

NFL quarterback Deshaun Watson says he’s wowed by Israel

Houston Texans star quarterback Deshaun Watson toured Jerusalem Thursday and said that while he’d had no expectations before his first trip to Israel, after only a few days the visit already had a major impact on him.

“It’s definitely a life-changing experience for you to really feel the energy of Israel and especially Jerusalem,” Watson said...

Israeli Society

Israel approves $40.4 million to help Ethiopian students in higher education

The Council for Higher Education in Israel has approved a $40.4-million plan to encourage academic excellence and leadership among Ethiopian-Israeli students.

The multi-year plan to help the students is part of Israel’s 2015 Government Policy for Advancing the Integration of Israel Citizens of Ethiopian Descent into Israeli Society. It includes...


After drone downed, Trump says ‘Iran made a big mistake’; PM backs him

WASHINGTON — US President Donald Trump said Thursday that Tehran had made a “very big mistake” in shooting down a US spy drone near the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

“They made a very big mistake,” Trump told reporters at the White House following the strike in the strait. “This country will not stand for it, that I can tell you.”

Asked by a...

Israeli Society

49% of Israelis fear anti-Semitism while traveling abroad

Half of Israelis surveyed say they worry about encountering anti-Semitism while vacationing abroad, this according to a new survey commissioned by the European Conference of Rabbis, which represents hundreds of Jewish communities across the continent.

The Sapio Research and Strategy firm carried out the poll of 502 Israelis about their concerns...


2 Chicago-area men convicted of providing support to ISIS

Two Chicago-area men were found guilty on Thursday of supporting Islamic State in a federal case in which one of them was accused of saying he hoped to see the jihadist group's flag over the White House, local media reported.
Edward Schimenti and Joseph Jones, both 37, were convicted for providing material support and resources to terrorists in a...