At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Israeli Border Police Officer Wounded in Terror Attack Near Jerusalem

An Israeli Border Police officer sustained moderate wounds on Wednesday morning in a multi-stage terrorist attack at a checkpoint near Jerusalem.

According to police, the attacker, a Palestinian, rammed his van into the officer at a checkpoint near the town of Ma’aleh Adumim, then got out and attacked him with a pair of scissors. The terrorist...


Israeli Official Slams Pro-Palestinian Social Media Users for Comparing Jews to Viruses with #COVID48 Hashtag

An Israeli Foreign Ministry official condemned on Monday pro-Palestinian social media users for vilifying the Jewish state amid the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic.

“On the eve of #YomHaShoah, as #Israel commemorates the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust, there’s a campaign going on in Palestinian social media using the...

Israeli Society

Israeli Police Publicly Salute Holocaust Survivors Confined to Their Homes Due to Coronavirus Pandemic

The Israel Police held a special commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day on Tuesday by saluting outside the homes of elderly survivors.

Because of their advancing age, almost all Holocaust survivors in Israel are currently confined to their homes due to the coronavirus pandemic. Public ceremonies where survivors usually appear have also been...

Palestinian Authority

Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Palestinian Authority’s Indoctrination of Children with Anti-Israel Hatred Moves Online

Despite the coronavirus pandemic shutting down schools operated by the Palestinian Authority, a new report showed that educational materials containing incitement, hatred and violence are now being used extensively online.

The materials were revealed by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Textbooks (IMPACT-se), and...

US-Israel Relationship

Israeli Airline Brings Precious COVID Cargo to Detroit

It was around 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 12, when the wheels of an El Al jet touched down at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The plane, void of passengers, flew to Detroit from China on what could be considered a humanitarian aid mission.

Inside the Israeli jet were 3.5 million surgical and KN95 protective masks, face shields and pulse oximeters...

Tel Aviv University Professor Granted US Patent for Coronavirus Vaccine Design

A professor at Tel Aviv University (TAU) has been granted a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for his innovative vaccine design for the novel coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, TAU announced on Sunday.

Prof. Jonathan Gershoni of the School of Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology at TAU’s George S. Wise...

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Data Shows 189,500 Survivors Live in Israel

On the eve of Israel’s annual Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Finance Ministry’s Holocaust Survivors Rights Authority stated there were 189,500 survivors currently living in Israel.

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, there were to be no public ceremonies to mark the occasion, and the main official memorial was filmed in advance at the...


Over Half of US Jews Have Witnessed Anti-Semitism During Last 5 Years, ADL Survey Reveals

More than half of America’s Jews have personally experienced or witnessed an incident motivated by antisemitism during the last five years, a new survey released on Tuesday by the Anti-Defamation League revealed.

According to the ADL survey, 54 percent of American Jews had encountered some form of antisemitism since 2015. Most of these...


Danish Bible Society’s Translation Omits Dozens of References to Israel

The Danish Bible Society has omitted dozens of references to Israel from translations of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

Defending the deletions, the society said they prevent confusion with the modern-day country.

 The omissions occurred in a project titled “Bible 2020” that was published earlier this year under the society’s...


Anti-Israel Activists Disrupt Holocaust Remembrance Day Memorial in Berlin

Anti-Israel activists disrupted a Zoom meeting by the Israeli Embassy in Berlin commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day by posting pictures of Hitler and shouting antisemitic slogans, according to Israel's Ambassador to Germany, Jeremy Issacharoff.

The event, which hosted Holocaust survivor Zvi Herschel, was suspended and reconvened shortly...


Iran Threatens ‘Decisive’ Action to US ‘Miscalculation’ in Persian Gulf

Iran’s Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (NEDSA) said in a statement published on its affiliated Sepah News website on Sunday that its response to U.S. “error in calculation” in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman would be “decisive.”

“We advise the Americans to follow international regulations and maritime protocols in the Persian Gulf...


Windows of Connecticut Synagogue Shot with BB Gun

The windows of a New Haven, Connecticut synagogue were shot full of holes by a BB gun, local police said.

New Haven Police said in a statement issued on Saturday that it was continuing to investigate the vandalism at the synagogue in the Westville neighborhood. The damage to three windows near the front of the synagogue was first reported on...


‘At This Time, Our Mission is to Protect Holocaust Survivors’

Amid Israel’s battle against the coronavirus epidemic, the Israel Defense Forces has a special mission to protect Holocaust survivors, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi said on Monday.

In the introduction of a message to all IDF personnel ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day, which begins on Monday evening, Kochavi wrote:

“When the soldiers...

In The News

German City of Dortmund to Get First Jewish School Since 1942

On the eve of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Jewish community of Dortmund, Germany was informed that the city council had approved the request to open a Jewish Day School.

The last Jewish institution in Dortmund was forced closed by the Nazis in 1942, according to Rabbi Baruch Babaev, a community rabbi there.

 “The fact that the...


Israel Accuses Hezbollah of Trying to Breach Northern Border

Israel on Saturday accused the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah of attempting to violate Israeli sovereignty and said it would complain to the UN Security Council, a day after the army reported damage to the border fence.

“After Hezbollah’s attempts to violate Israeli sovereignty on our Lebanese border, I instructed the Foreign Ministry to file a...


Hamas Threatens Violence if Israel Doesn’t Meet Demands for Advanced Coronavirus Equipment

As fears rise of a major coronavirus outbreak in Gaza, a senior Hamas official threatened violence against Israel if the terrorist group does not receive the equipment it wants to tackle the pandemic, Israel’s Channel 13 reported on Sunday.

“We are keeping the option of using ‘other tools’ if we fail to make Israel comply with our demands to...


Germany Marks Liberation of Bergen-Belsen Nazi Camp as Memorial Event Canceled

Germany held a minute’s silence on Wednesday to mark 75 years since the Bergen-Belsen Nazi concentration camp was liberated, after planned commemorations were cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Stephan Weil, Lower Saxony state premier, called on residents to observe the silence to remember the liberation on April 15, 1945, urging them...


Iran Regime will Develop Nuclear Submarines Says Navy Commander

BERLIN -The head of navy for the Islamic Republic of Iran announced on Thursday that Tehran will build nuclear submarines.

“It’s a king of neglecting if the Islamic Republic does not think about using nuclear propulsion in submarines … this domestic capability exists in the Defense Ministry regarding the production of submarines bigger than Fateh...

Medical Advancement

US Patient Receives Israeli Coronavirus Treatment with 100 Percent Survival Rate

An American patient diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been given a treatment by Israeli-based Pluristem that, so far, has a 100 percent survival rate.

The development, which occurred under the Israel’s compassionate-use program, comes days after the company released preliminary data showing that six critically ill coronavirus patients...


Anne Frank Memorial Desecrated Days Before Holocaust Memorial Day

On the eve of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Day on Monday, a tree planted to honor the memory of Anne Frank in Coeur d'Alene Idaho was desecrated and in the German town of Immenstadt im Allgäu a slur against “yahudis”was spray-painted, the World Zionist Organization (WZO) reported on Thursday in a press release.

WZO Vice Chairman Yaakov Hagoel said...