At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Facebook Introduces Holocaust Fact Check Box To Combat Growing Online Denial

Users will see a box labeled 'Learning About the Holocaust' when they search for related terms

Internet users who search for information about the Holocaust on Facebook will now be prompted to visit a website on the attempted annihilation curated by the World Jewish Congress and UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific...

In The News

Israel Reopens Mission To Morocco After 20 Years


The Israeli Liaison Office in Morocco reopened on Tuesday when former ambassador to Egypt David Govrin arrived in Rabat. It had been closed for 20 years.

The Israeli Consulate in Dubai also opened, two days after the Israeli Embassy in the United Arab Emirates opened in Abu Dhabi, the capital.

“The arrival of the heads of...


U.S. B-52 Bomber Flies Over Persian Gulf, In Show Of Force Against Iran


Al-Udeid Air Base, QATAR—The Pentagon sent a B-52 bomber across the Persian Gulf region on Tuesday, the sixth such sortie since last fall, in a show of deterrence to Iran.

The B-52H Stratofortress, a long range heavy bomber, flew from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on Tuesday and was expected to make a continuous flight...

US-Israel Relationship

Israel Allows U.S. To Deploy Iron Dome Missile Defense In The Gulf


The United States is expected to soon begin deploying Iron Dome missile interceptor batteries, one of the jewels of Israel's arms manufacturing industry, in its bases in the Gulf States, according to security officials.

This comes against the backdrop of the Abraham Accords between Israel and two Gulf States, the United Arab...


Iran Executes Second Wrestler 5 Months After Killing Wrestler Afkari


The Iranian regime's lethal assaults on decorated Iranian athletes continued unabated, with the execution of a second champion wrestler on Monday.

The Jerusalem Post reported two weeks ago that the execution of wrestler Mehdi Ali Hosseini was imminent. He is from Andimeshk in the province of Khuzestan, and was arrested in 2015 and...

In The News

Ceremony Honors Japanese Diplomat Who Saved Thousands From Holocaust


Chiune Sugihara, known affectionately as the "Japanese Schindler," was honored at a digital ceremony on Monday ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The reception, sponsored by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) and B'nai B'rith International, focused on the efforts of Sugihara, who defied his own government’s...

Netanyahu Working To Arrange Visit By King of Morocco


The Prime Minister's Office and the National Security Council have been working with officials from the Dar al-Makhzen Palace in order to arrange a visit of Moroccan King Mohammed VI to Israel once the coronavirus lockdown is lifted, Yediot Aharonot reported. 

The king however, is reportedly conditioning his visit to Israel on...

In The News

Lone IDF Soldier Thwarts Stabbing Attack


A lone IDF soldier from London thwarted a stabbing attack against soldiers guarding the Gitit Avishar junction near the West Bank settlement of Ariel on Tuesday, killing the Palestinian perpetrator.

Private Lian Harush from the Home Front Command's Search and Rescue Unit currently on routine security activity in the West Bank,...

In The News

Intelligence Minister Leads First Official Israeli Delegation To Sudan


Intelligence Minister Eli Cohen was the first Israeli minister to ever visit Sudan, which he did on Monday.

Cohen and Sudanese Defense Minister Yassin Ibrahim Yassin signed a memorandum of understanding on “diplomatic, security and economic matters,” Cohen's spokesman said. The Israeli minister also met with Sudanese transitional...

In The News

Israel Officially Opens Embassy In UAE With Envoy


Israel officially opened its embassy to the United Arab Emirates in the United Arab Emirates Sunday, as Ambassador Eitan Na’eh arrived in Abu Dhabi.

The development came on the same day that the UAE approved the opening of its embassy in Tel Aviv.

“The embassy will work to advance Israel’s interests and will be at the disposal...


ISIS Terror Returns To Target Women In Syria


Two women have been abducted and murdered in eastern Syria. These appear to be the latest murders carried out by ISIS against the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces and their civilian authorities. According to Kurdistan24, which based its report on the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the women were found murdered in the...

In The News

Israeli Cabinet Ratifies Upgrading Ties With Morocco


The cabinet approved Israel’s normalization agreement with Morocco in a unanimous vote on Sunday.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the agreement “a historic moment after four peace agreements with four Muslim and Arab states in four months” and praised King Mohammed VI.

Netanyahu also congratulated US President Joe...

In The News

UAE Approves Establishment Of Embassy In Tel Aviv

Move follows Jerusalem and Abu Dhabi's historic normalization deal signed on September 15 last year

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ratified Sunday the establishment of an embassy in Tel Aviv, the government announced on its Twitter account.
“The Council of Ministers approves the restructuring of the Board of Directors of the...

Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority Is Still Paying Terrorists | Opinion


With a new U.S. administration taking power, things might be rapidly changing for the Palestinian Authority, the entity that rules over the West Bank. In November, then-senator Kamala Harris promised that the Biden presidency would "restore economic and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people" and "reopen the U.S. consulate...

In The News

Sudan Working To Cancel Israel Boycott Law – Report


Sudan is expected to discuss cancelling the law that forbids establishing relations with Israel, according to a claim made on Saturday by a source in the country's Justice Ministry. The report was first published by "Makan" Kan News' Arabic news source. 

The boycott law in Sudan has been in effect since 1958, and outlaws business...

In The News

World’s Largest Holocaust Memorial Planned For Ukraine’s Babyn Yar Ravine


Reversing plans to build one central museum at the site of the Holocaust’s largest open-air massacre, the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC) announced plans on January 21 to construct 12 buildings across 370-acres of the filled-in Kyiv ravine where over 100,000 people were slaughtered during World War II.

On September 29...


Islamic State Claims Baghdad Twin Bombing At Market That Killed 32, Wounded 110


The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a twin suicide bombing that killed 32 people and wounded 110 at a crowded market in central Baghdad on Thursday.

It was the deadliest attack on the city in three years, when another suicide bomber targeted the same area.

The first attacker drew a crowd at the bustling market in...


Israel Strikes Pro-Iran Militia In Syria: Report


Israeli airstrikes targeted a site near the city of Hama in northwestern Syria in the predawn hours of Friday morning, Syrian media reported.

These were the first Israeli strikes against targets in Syria reported since US President Joe Biden entered office earlier this week and the fifth such alleged attack in the past month.

In The News

IDF Downs Drone Crossing Into Israel From Lebanon

UAV was monitored throughout entire incident, army says

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) downed a drone crossing into the Israeli airspace from Lebanon, the army said on Friday.
The unmanned aerial vehicle had been monitored throughout the entire incident.
"The IDF will continue to operate in order to prevent any attempt to...

In The News

UAE Fund To Invest $100 Million In Clean Energy In Israel


Masdar fund and EDF Renewables Israel have signed a strategic cooperation investment agreement

Abu Dhabi-based Masdar and Israel's EDF Renewables have signed a strategic cooperation agreement, which will see the renewable energy arm of the UAE investment fund Mubadala invest hundreds of millions of dollars in developing renewable...