At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Biden Admin Won’t Commit to Legally Mandated Congressional Review of New Iran Deal

Biden poised to skirt Congress and break law to ink deal, GOP warns

The Biden administration will not commit to submitting a new Iran nuclear deal to Congress for approval, as is required by U.S. law.

With the United States poised to ink a new deal with Tehran that will unwind virtually all economic sanctions on Iran and provide the hardline...

In The News

Israeli Defense Ministry thwarts attempt to smuggle 10,000 bullets into Gaza

Israel’s Ministry of Defense thwarted an attempt to smuggle more than 10,000 bullets, as well as a handgun, to Gazan terror factions in recent days, it said in a statement.

According to a statement, the ammunition was hidden in an innocuous shipment of home goods designed for the Gaza Strip. It was intercepted by security inspectors working for...

In The News

UK Jews record 2,255 antisemitic incidents in 2021 — the highest tally in Europe

British Jews and authorities recorded 2,255 antisemitic incidents in the United Kingdom in 2021 — the highest total in recent years anywhere in Europe.

It is also the highest total ever reported in a single calendar year by the Community Security Trust, British Jewry’s antisemitism watchdog.

The CST report published Wednesday found an...

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Palestinian terror groups say ‘no’ to Abbas loyalists’ appointments

Three Palestinian groups – Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) have announced that they do not recognize the appointment of loyalists of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to senior positions in the PLO.

“No recognition of, and no legitimacy to, the appointments...

In The News

NGOs call on US aid group to stop funding use of Palestinian child soldiers

The Coalition to Save Palestinian Child Soldiers called on CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) America to stop providing funds to Palestinian NGOs like “Defense for Children International Palestine” (DCI-P) due to its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which has been documented as using child soldiers.

The coalition is...

In The News

State Department approves a possible $70 million military sale to Jordan

WASHINGTON – The State Department approved a possible foreign military sale to Jordan on Tuesday. According to the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM), the $70 million deal will include guided multiple launch rocket systems, alternate warheads, unitary rocket pods and related equipment.

“The Defense Security Cooperation...

In The News

Who will be Islamic State’s new leader? Experts, analysts weigh in

The next leader of Islamic State is likely to be from a close circle of battle-hardened Iraqi jihadists who emerged in the aftermath of the 2003 US invasion, two Iraqi security officials and three independent analysts said.

The group of potential successors to Abu Ibrahim al-Quraishi, who blew himself up during a US operation to capture him in...

In The News

Abbas’s embattled Fatah seeks to score points with Palestinians

The killing of three Fatah gunmen by the IDF in Nablus on Tuesday came as the ruling faction and its head, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, have been facing sharp and widespread criticism for “hijacking” major institutions and excluding other groups from decision-making.

The IDF said the three were involved in a series of shooting...

In The News

As Abbas packs PLO with loyalists, succession struggle looms in Palestinian politics

During a two-day meeting earlier this week, Palestine Liberation Organization chairman Mahmoud Abbas was scheduled to give a televised speech to a body that Palestinians once saw as the champion of their national movement.

For about forty minutes, officials called the roll of the PLO’s Central Committee and gave speeches. But when the time came...

In The News

Iran unveils new missile said to put Israel, US regional bases within range

Iran unveiled a new missile on Wednesday with a reported range that would allow it to reach both US bases in the region as well as targets inside its archfoe Israel.

State TV reported that the missile uses solid fuel and has a range of 1,450 kilometers (900 miles).

It is called the Khaibar-buster, a reference to a Jewish castle overrun by...

In The News

Syrian air defense missiles again a threat to Israel

Syrian air defense fired a missile that caused sirens inside Israel in the first hours of Wednesday morning. The sirens sounded in Umm el-Fahm and the IDF said “following the report regarding the sirens that sounded a short while ago, an anti-aircraft missile was launched from Syrian territory and exploded over Israeli air space. No interception...

In The News

Deborah Lipstadt appears to secure bipartisan support at long-delayed confirmation hearing for antisemitism monitor

Deborah Lipstadt, President Joe Biden’s nominee to be antisemitism monitor, brought two Jewish guests to her Senate confirmation hearing: one whose rabbi was held hostage by an Islamist, another who hid markers of her Jewishness to protect herself from American Nazis.

With Anna Salton Eisen, a congregant at Congregation Beth Israel in...

In The News

GOP senators vow to thwart any Iran deal if Congress can’t review it

A group of 33 Republican senators warned US President Joe Biden on Monday that they would work to thwart implementation of any new Iran nuclear agreement if his government did not allow Congress to review and vote on its terms.

Led by Senator Ted Cruz, a long-time opponent of the 2015 nuclear deal, the senators told Biden in a letter dated...

In The News

Antisemitic hate crimes in NYC up by nearly 300% in January comparison – report

Antisemitic hate crimes in New York City almost quadrupled in January 2022 compared to the same month last year, US media outlets reported, citing NYPD crime statistics.

Throughout the month of January, 15 different antisemitic incidents were reported. This is a stark contrast with January 2021, which only saw four incidents reported.

But as...

In The News

Israeli forces kill three terrorists in Nablus clash

Israeli security forces on Tuesday killed three members of a terror cell operating out of Nablus,  according to the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet).

The cell was responsible for several recent shooting attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians, the Shin Bet said in a statement.

“Three armed terrorists in a vehicle were killed in a...

In The News

Erdoğan: Turkey, Israel to discuss energy cooperation, transporting gas to Europe

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said a discussion over energy cooperation with Israel would take place in March and that on the table for discussion is a plan to work together to transport natural gas to Europe.

“We can use Israeli natural gas in our country, and beyond using it, we can also engage in a joint effort on its passage to...

In The News

Israel launches $70 million to help propel more Arabs into tech industry

Israel launched a $70 million plan to promote the Arab sector in the high-tech industry.

“We see a change in Arab employment in high-tech in the past years, but it’s not enough,” Karina Rubinstein, director of business development for the Startup Division of the Israel Innovation Authority, told i24News.

“ have to compete with other workers,...

In The News

Israel gets new earthquake warning system, sends alert within seconds of 1st tremor

Earthquake experts at the Geological Survey of Israel on Monday unveiled cutting-edge technology capable of sensing the first sign of an earthquake and having the Home Front Command send out an alert within ten seconds.

Called TRUAA, and based on a system developed at Berkley University in California, which went live in 2019, the new NIS 45...

In The News

‘How to torture a Jew’: Parent outraged after Bible class antisemitism

A parent of a Jewish student expressed outrage after a Bible class teacher at a public school near Chattanooga, Tennessee pushed Christian ideology and advised students on "how to torture a Jew."

Juniper Russo, in a post that was reposted on her wife's page after Facebook deleted the original post for "hate speech," wrote that she had been...

In The News

Iran ‘society set to explode’ while Biden unfreezes $29 billion for regime

A hacktivist organization has revealed a highly sensitive Iran Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps document that asserts Iranian “society is in a state of explosion” because of the crippling sanctions imposed on the nation due to its illicit nuclear program.

The US government news organization Radio Farda obtained the document from Edalat-e Ali...