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First Israeli Delegation Lands in Sudan Since Normalization

Sudan was the third Arab country this year to announce a deal with the Jewish state

Israel on Monday sent a delegation to Sudan, its first since last month’s announcement of normalization of relations between the two countries, a senior Israeli official said.
For days there have been rumors in Jerusalem that a delegation would…

COLUMN: Georgia Needs a Pro-Israel Senator


Over the next two months the Peach State will be the epicenter of the political world. Our mailboxes, inboxes and airwaves are going to be inundated with messages cooked up in Washington that will try to re-shape what Georgia voters believe about the candidates running for our two seats in the US Senate. For the Rev. Raphael Warnock,…

Cabinet Approves Visa-Free Travel From UAE


The cabinet voted in favor of a visa-free agreement with the United Arab Emirates on Sunday, a deal that would allow Israelis and Emiratis to travel between the countries without the need for a visa.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out that this was the first time Israel has ever signed such an agreement with an Arab…

Saudi Diplomat Says Nobody ‘Naive’ Enough To Go Back To Old Iran Deal

Saudi UN envoy calls for new deal that would include Riyadh and stretch beyond Iran’s nuclear program

Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, Saudi Arabia’s UN envoy, said Sunday that nobody can be “naïve” enough to re-enter the old Iranian nuclear deal.

In his interview with Fox News, the diplomat asserted that the world had already witnessed the deal’s…

Israel’s Netanyahu, Saudi Crown Prince Reportedly Hold First Known Meeting


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Saudi Arabia’s crown prince in the kingdom on Sunday, according to two Saudi government advisers, in their first known meeting and amid a U.S. push to normalize ties between the longtime foes. Saudi officials have denied the meeting took place.

Mr. Netanyahu made the secret trip on…

IDF Strikes Syrian Army Targets Near Border After Munitions Fired at Israel

Israeli attack helicopters on Friday night struck several military targets in southern Syria belonging to the Syrian military, in response to munitions fired at Israel earlier in the day, the Israel Defense Forces said.

Targets included “observation positions and intelligence-gathering tools inside Syrian posts,” the military said.

Syrian state…

Russia Taking Over Golan Heights in Syria to Israel’s North – Report

The Russians have been steadily gaining control over the Syrian Golan Heights region in recent weeks, establishing their own strong militia in the area, Hebrew-language outlet N12 reported Friday.

Dubbed “The Huran Army,” the biblical name of the region, the militia is headed by a local rebel commander, Ahmed al-Ouda, who fought against Syria’s…

In The News

First Arab Space Mission To Mars Launches From Japan

The Emirati probe “Al-Amal” (Hope) is the first Arab space mission to the planet Mars

The first Arab space mission to Mars, an unmanned probe dubbed Hope blasted off from Japan on Monday, in a bid to reveal more about the atmosphere of the Red Planet.
The Japanese rocket carrying the probe developed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) lifted off…

IDF Shoots Down Drone Near The Israel-Lebanon Border

An unusual incident occurred on the Israel-Lebanon border on Sunday evening, as the IDF shot down a Lebanese drone that entered Israel’s airspace, according to the IDF Spokesperson Unit.

According to the IDF Spokesperson Unit, IDF forces recognized a drone that was most likely operated from Lebanon and entered Israeli airspace. The drone was…

Cyber Attacks Again Hit Israel’s Water System, Shutting Agricultural Pumps

Two cyber attacks were carried out against Israeli water infrastructure in recent weeks, the Ynet news site reported late Thursday.

The Water Authority confirmed the report, but said no damage was done to Israel’s water system.

One attack targeted agricultural water pumps in the upper Galilee, while the other struck infrastructure in the center…

Pompeo Rolls Out A Selective Vision Of Human Rights

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday said property rights and religious liberty are “foremost” among human rights, and that the United States must take inspiration from the Declaration of Independence as it pursues a foreign policy that realistically promotes fundamental freedoms.
Pompeo spoke in Philadelphia as he unveiled the draft report…

IDF Thwarts Molotov Attack Near Nablus, Suspects Arrested

Two Molotov cocktails, one improvised explosive device seized during arrest in Nabuls area

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) thwarted a Molotov cocktail attack in the West Bank, the army announced on Wednesday.
The Israeli troops arrested four suspected terrorists in the vicinity of Nablus, a city in the West Bank.
The security forces seized two…

Biblical Site Of Ziklag Finally Identified?

The location of Ziklag, a settlement mentioned several times in Jewish scriptures, has long been debated. To date, up to 15 different archaeological sites have been suggested by archaeologists attempting to find the biblical town, such as Tel Halif near Kibbutz Lahav, Tel Shera in the western Negev, and Tel Sheva.

Ziklag is mentioned several…

Israeli-Made Drones To Assist In Norwegian Rescue Missions In The Arctic

Israeli-made drones will take part in rescue missions in glaciers and fjords in the Arctic Circle of northern Norway. After going through various flight tests last year, the drones were approved for participating in the rescue missions by NPAID, the world’s leading arctic rescue unit.

Produced by Atlas Dynamics, the drones are equipped with…

Israel Will Always Be A Jewish State

It is not surprising that at a time when nearly all the American values that have served our nation for generations are being rejected upon the flimsiest and most dangerous of theories, an Upper West Side pundit named Peter Beinart  would  throw Israel into that woke cauldron of mayhem and destruction. What is surprising is that anyone cares; that…

Canadian MP Running for Prime Minister Vows to Move Embassy to Jerusalem

Canadian lawmaker Erin O’Toole vowed Wednesday to move his country’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem if he were to become the next prime minister.
“Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, and the modern presence there just cements this. The Knesset , the Supreme Court and Foreign Ministry are all in west-Jerusalem,” O’Toole said in a…

Iran Inks Deal With Assad Regime to Boost Syria’s Air Defenses

The Tehran and Damascus regimes signed a military cooperation agreement on Wednesday as part of which Iran will boost Syria’s air defenses, according to media reports.

The head of Iran’s armed forces, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, was quoted by state TV as saying the deal was meant to “confront pressures by America.”

In recent years, Israel has…

Greek Parliament Ratifies Defense Agreement with Israel

The Greek Parliament on Tuesday ratified an agreement with Israel for the supply of defense equipment and services between the two countries, in a move widely seen as further strengthening ties between the two Eastern Mediterranean allies.“”

The parliament’s Standing Committee on National Defense and Foreign Affairs approved the agreement on July…