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Watchdog: Dozens of UNRWA teachers condone violence, spread antisemitism online

Dozens of teachers and other workers employed by the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees have incited violence, shared photos praising Adolf Hitler, and spread antisemitic conspiracy theories on social media, according to a report compiled by a watchdog released early Monday.
The UN Watch report identified 22 UNRWA teachers in Gaza,...

Protestors in New York cry ‘Globalize the intifada’ at demonstration

Several hundred protesters took part in a pro-Palestinian rally on Saturday in Brooklyn, using inflammatory rhetoric and messaging against Israel. They lauded “intifada” uprisings and called for taking control of Israeli territory, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

During the protest, organized by an organization called “Within Our Lifetime –...

US, UK say Iran behind oil tanker attack; Iran denies involvement

The United States and the United Kingdom joined Israel on Sunday in blaming Iran for a fatal drone attack on an Israeli-managed oil tanker in the Arabian Sea on Thursday, AP reported.

The attack killed two crewmen, one British and one Romanian.

“We believe this attack was deliberate, targeted, and a clear violation of international law by...

Adidas chooses an American-Israeli Orthodox mom as the face of a new campaign

In 2016, Beatie Deutsch placed sixth in the Jerusalem half marathon. Watching Deutsch, an Israeli born in the United States, you would have never guessed that she had taken up running only four months earlier. The following year she ran the Tel Aviv Marathon while seven months pregnant with her fifth child.
Even while running, the Haredi Orthodox...

US House approves bill anchoring defense aid to Israel

The US House of Representatives approved a budget bill Tuesday night that anchors defense aid to Israel in law and promises to fund a series of programs aimed at promoting peace in the region.
The bill was the subject of a major dispute in Congress, but eventually most Democrat representatives voted in favor of it, while the Republicans voted...

US Plans Sanctions Campaign to Counter Iran’s ‘Advancing’ Drone, Guided Missile Threat

The US reportedly seeks to launch a sanctions campaign against Iran’s capabilities for precision strikes using drones and guided missiles, as Western security officials voice concerns that these weapons pose a more immediate threat to Middle East stability than Iran’s nuclear enrichment and other activities.
“Iran’s drones are becoming an...

Israeli judoka praises Saudi opponent’s bravery

Despite heavy pressure to boycott her scheduled match against Israel's Raz Hershko on Friday, judoka Tahani al-Qahtani of Saudi Arabia chose to face off against Hershko in the women's 78 kg. category of the Tokyo Olympics.

Hershko beat Al-Qahtani, but went on to be eliminated from the Tokyo Games. After the match, Hershko and Al-Qahtani shared...

IOC under pressure after Iranian gold medalist accused of being member of U.S.-designated terrorist group

The International Olympic Committee is facing outcry after it allowed an alleged member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to compete and win gold at the Tokyo Olympics.
Javad Foroughi secured the gold medal in the 10-meter air pistol on Saturday, the first and only medal so far for Iran in Tokyo. In the days since, international critics,...

Israeli bests Saudi in historic judo match at Olympics; medal count remains at 1

Defying expectations that she would forfeit the match, Saudi Arabia’s judoka Tahani Alqahtani faced off against Israel’s Raz Hershko in the Tokyo Olympics on Friday. Hershko won the fight, but lost a later round in the competition.
Historically, many athletes from Arab or Muslim nations have boycotted playing against Israelis in sporting matches....

2 crewmen slain in strike on Israeli-operated ship; Jerusalem said to blame Iran

Two crewmen, a British and Romanian national, died in an attack on an oil tanker operated by an Israeli-owned company off the coast of Oman on Thursday night, the company said.
“With profound sadness, we understand the incident onboard the M/T Mercer Street on 29 July, 2021 has resulted in the deaths of two crew members on board,” Zodiac Maritime...

Erdan to UN Security Council: ‘Extremist Narratives’ Will ‘Keep Region Stuck in the Past’

Israeli Ambassador to United Nations Gilad Erdan warned against “adopting the narratives of the extremists in the Middle East” during a UN Security Council session on Wednesday, saying that doing so would “keep the region stuck in the past.”
Erdan, who also serves as ambassador to the US, contrasted recent milestones in Israel’s warming ties with...

Israeli, PA health and environment ministers boost medical ties in rare meeting

Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz and Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg held a rare meeting with their Palestinian Authority counterparts on Wednesday, Israeli and Palestinian officials confirmed.
Such a high-level meeting of civilian officials has not happened for several years due to poor ties between Israel and the PA....

Government set to implement 5-year, NIS 500 million tech plan for Israeli Arabs

The government is reportedly set to implement a five-year plan worth over NIS 500 million ($154 million) to boost high-tech and science programs in Israel’s Arab community.
Information and Technology Minister Orit Farkash-Hacohen and Mansour Abbas, head of the Islamist Ra’am party, held a series of meetings on the proposed program in the past...

Israeli judoka Peter Paltchik moves on to quarter-final

Israeli judoka Peter Paltchik will move on to the quarter-final in the under 100 kg weight category on Thursday after defeating Mongolian judoka Otgonbaatar Lkhagvasuren in the round of 16.

Paltchik will face off against Japanese judoka Aaron Wolf.

Read More: Jerusalem Post

Gaza boy gets special present: Israeli woman’s kidney

Idit Harel Segal was turning 50, and she had chosen a gift: She was going to give one of her own kidneys to a stranger.

The kindergarten teacher from northern Israel, a proud Israeli, hoped her choice would set an example of generosity in a land of perpetual conflict. She was spurred by memories of her late grandfather, a Holocaust survivor,...

Meir Medical Center gives Indian patient the gift of being able to talk

Shambhavi “Sam” Jha, 20, thought that she would never be able to speak in a comprehensible way. Born with a cleft palate and tongue, it was hard for her to breathe, hear and talk.

"When I was young I had a huge amount of insecurity and fear that if something was said the person in front of me would not understand me, so I spoke very little and...

3 women receive kidneys in Israel-UAE organ exchange, 1st with Arab state

An Israeli woman has donated a kidney to a recipient on Abu Dhabi, in a first-of-its kind arrangement that will bring a kidney from the United Arab emirates to a different Israeli woman.
At 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday, doctors at Sheba Medical Center removed a kidney from Shani Markowitz, 39. The surgery went smoothly, and the organ was raced to Ben...

Tokyo 2020: Iranian refugee thanks Israel after winning silver

Iranian born judoka Saeid Mollaei has won a silver medal in the Tokyo 2020 judo tournament as a representative for the Mongolian team.

Mollaei was granted refugee status by Germany in 2019 after fleeing Iran for refusing to forfeit his match against Israeli judoka Sagi Muki.

Noting his close friendship with Muki, Israeli channel Sports 5...

Bipartisan US lawmakers urge EU to fully label Hezbollah a terror group

A bipartisan group of House lawmakers introduced a resolution on Monday to urge the European Union “to fully designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization.”

According to Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL), Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and Global Counterterrorism, the EU currently includes only Hezbollah’s...

New Olympic medalist Semberg gets hero’s welcome upon return to Israel

Israel’s only medalist so far in the Tokyo Olympics, taekwondo athlete Avishag Semberg, returned to Israel on Tuesday to a hero’s welcome at Ben Gurion Airport and in her hometown of Gedera, sending a message to girls and boys that “anything is possible.”
Semberg, 19, who had not been considered a medal favorite ahead of the contest, won the...