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IDF arrests 20 security suspects in overnight Judea and Samaria raids

Israeli security forces arrested 20 terror suspects overnight Tuesday in a series of raids in Judea and Samaria, according to the Israeli military.

One of the suspects was allegedly involved in the attack on Joseph’s Tomb near Nablus/Shechem on Sunday.

Israeli forces conducted “extensive counterterrorism activity in Judea and Samaria based on accurate intelligence, which saw arrests occur in the Palestinian towns of, Zeita, Yamun, Balata, al-Khader, Bayt Kahil and Azun Atme,” the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement.

In addition to the arrests, Israeli forces confiscated illegal weapons in Zeita, near the city of Tulkarem.

During the counter-terror operations the Israeli forces were attacked with explosive devices, an returned fire at the assailants, as well as at “armed suspects” in the area, according to the IDF. No Israeli casualties were reported.

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