
The US and Israel share the same values. Both our nations put a premium on life, liberty, and individual freedom. As such, Israel is among our closest allies in the world and the sole outpost of democracy in the Middle East. Yet both our nations are also engaged in the same fight against common enemies. The US and Israel should continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the fight against those radical Islamic terrorists that seek the destruction of the West.


Balloon-borne device found near community in Gaza border region

A suspicious package attached to balloons was found Monday morning near a community close to the border with the Gaza Strip, the Eshkol Regional Council said.

“A bunch of balloons attached to a package was found in an open area outside an Eshkol community,” the council said in a statement.

Police sappers were alerted to deal with the device….


Fires break out in Gaza vicinity, acts of terror suspected

Six fires broke out in Israel’s South on Tuesday, KAN reported, as incendiary balloons were believed to be the cause.

No injuries were reported as a result of the fires, but damage was caused and fire fighters were working on extinguishing them.

Israel has restricted the fishing zone off of the Gaza coast from 10 nautical miles to 6 “until…


Rocket attacks make May Israel’s deadliest month in two years

(JTA) — Rockets attacks from Gaza made May Israel’s deadliest month in almost two years, tripling the number of terrorists attacks over April’s tally.

The increase to 449 incidents in May over April’s 126 incidents owes to the launching of hundreds of rockets last month from Gaza into Israel, the Israel Security Agency said in its monthly report…


Report: Gaza terrorist groups replenish rocket arsenal

Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been able to replenish their rocket supplies to levels reached just before the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

The last cease-fire between the Gaza Strip-based terrorist groups and Israel was reached in May.

According to the report, rocket stockpiles in Gaza are now back up to…


Two hurt, one seriously, in stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City

At least two people were injured, one of them seriously, in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday morning, officials said.

“Around 6:20 a.m., the assailant entered through the Damascus Gate. He stabbed a man inside and began running from the scene. Along the way, he saw and stabbed him as well,” police said.

The suspected…



laming Gaza balloons ignited fires throughout the South on Thursday, threatening to break the fragile informal truce between Israel and Hamas in advance of anticipated border riots on Friday.
Under the terms of the truce believed to be in play between the IDF and Hamas, the weekly Gaza border riots must remain peaceful.

The organizers of the…


Hackers interrupt Eurovision broadcast with fake IDF missile warning

(May 15, 2019 / JNS)Hackers interrupted the Eurovision Song Contest broadcast on the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation (Kan) website Tuesday, streaming a fake Israel Defense Forces video message warning all viewers near the contest venue to immediately seek shelter.

The two-minute video was only played in Israel, and appeared as an IDF…


Islamic Jihad admits baby, pregnant woman killed by their own rockets

The Islamic Jihad, one of the terror organizations responsible for the recent wave of attacks against Israel, admitted that the baby that was killed in Gaza during the latest escalation died as a result of a misfired rocket, TPS reported on Monday.

“A leak from the heroes of the Sarayat al-Quds (Jerusalem Brigades) on the circumstances of the…


3,150 civilians killed in hostile acts since Israel’s founding

Since Israel declared its independence 3,150 civilians have been killed in acts of war, according to a statement from Israel’s National Insurance organization (Bituach Leumi).

The number includes the four Israelis killed in rocket attacks over the past weekend, in a flare-up of violence between Israel and the terror groups Hamas and Islamic…


Rocket Impacts in Ashkelon


Islamic Jihad denies firing rocket after Israel limits Gaza fishing zone

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group on Tuesday denied firing a rocket toward Israel on Monday night that prompted the military to scale back a recently expanded fishing zone in the Gaza Strip.

“The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, has not announced that it shot a rocket toward the occupation,” PIJ…


Man charged for posting plans on Facebook to kill Jews in mass shooting

(JTA) — A Washington state man was charged with two felonies for posting plans on Facebook to commit a mass shooting against Jewish targets and selfies of Nazi salutes.

Dakota Reed, 20, was arrested in December, weeks after the Anti-Defamation League tipped off the FBI about social media posts threatening to kill Jews praying in a synagogue or…


Iranian lawmakers wear IRGC uniforms, chant ‘Death to America’

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian lawmakers convened an open session of parliament Tuesday with chants of “Death to America,” following the White House’s decision to designate Iran’s elite paramilitary Revolutionary Guards a foreign terrorist organization.

Iranian media said many of the lawmakers wore the uniform of the guard in a show of support for the…


Tense calm returns to Israel’s south after night of strikes, rockets at Ashkelon

A tense calm descended upon southern Israel and the Gaza Strip on Wednesday morning after another night of rockets and airstrikes, with schools and train service resuming in all Israeli communities and towns.

All municipalities and regional councils said education institutions would open — including those that had announced closures the night…


Child shot in terror attack is recovering but may need an operation

The seven-year-old child shot in a West Bank terror attack on Monday is in stable condition, but may need an operation on his finger, according to a community member from Beit-El.

The Spokesperson of Beit El regional council Dudi Avitan told The Jerusalem Post in a phone interview that the child was shot when he was at home getting ready to go to…


Netanyahu cuts short Washington trip, mobilizes military after Gaza rocket attack wounds 7

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut short his trip to Washington, D.C. and was set to return to the Jewish state later Monday after a Gaza rocket attack struck a home in central Israel, wounding seven people.
Netanyahu, who was in the U.S. capital to meet President Trump and give a since-scuttled speech to the American Israel Public…


7 injured, including 2 infants, in Gaza rocket attack on central Israel

A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip struck a residential building in central Israel early Monday morning, injuring seven people, including two infants, and leveling the structure, officials said.

The attack triggered air raid sirens at approximately 5:20 a.m. throughout the Sharon and Emek Hefer regions north of Tel Aviv, the army said.



Ariel terrorist killed by IDF forces after fire exchange

The IDF has killed the Palestinian terrorist who carried out the shooting spree near the West Bank city of Ariel on Sunday, killing two Israelis and severely injuring one.

Late Tuesday night, the IDF closed in on Omar Abu Lila, 19, in the Palestinian village of Abwain, near Ramallah.

Abu Lila shot at IDF soldiers during his attempted arrest….