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In The News

Colin Kahl’s nomination will be a disaster for Israel and the region


For many years, American and Israeli leaders were rightly proud of repeating the mantra that excellent relations between the two nations was a bipartisan issue in Washington. Obviously, for a variety of reasons, that truism has faltered in recent years even while remaining broadly accurate.

However, the nomination of Colin…

In The News

US air defense chief praises Iron Dome and close partnership with Israel


In a recent conversation with Foundation for Defense of Democracies Brad Bowman the director of US Air and Missile Defense Brig. Gen. Brian Gibson praised the Iron Dome system. He said that the system should be ready by the end of the year. The US currently has two batteries of Iron Dome which was developed by Israel’s Rafael…

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Palestinians Funneled Hundreds of Millions to Terrorists, State Dept Report Reveals


The Biden administration privately confirmed to Congress last week that the Palestinian Authority has continued to use international aid money to reward terrorists but said the finding won’t impact its plans to restart funding.

In a non-public State Department report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the administration said…

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Turkish Nazi sympathizer has park in Istanbul named after him


The Istanbul metropolitan municipality’s naming of a park after a writer who showed great sympathy for the Nazi movement’s lethal antisemitism, has largely been ignored in the media outside of the Republic of Turkey.

In November, the Istanbul city government named a park after Hüseyin Nihal Atsız (1905–1975) who is considered by…

In The News

Israel, Bahrain enter their first medical cooperation initiative


Israel and Bahrain will be entering their first medical cooperation initiative, Sheba Medical Center and Salmaniya Medical Complex announced on Monday. 

After a formal meeting was held Monday between Prof. Yitshak Kreiss, Director-General of Sheba Medical Center, and Dr. Ahmed Al Ansari, Director of Salmaniya Medical Complex, the…

In The News

US, Belgium, France, Japan Hold Middle East Naval Drills Amid Iran Tensions


The US, Belgium, France, and Japan are set to hold joint naval maneuvers in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman, the US military said in a statement on Sunday.

In a press release, the US Fifth Fleet announced that the drill, dubbed Group Arabian Sea Warfare Exercise 21, will include the Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group, as…

In The News

IDF arrests two Palestinians armed with knives who crossed Gaza border fence

On northern front, Israeli military apprehends 3 suspects who crossed from Lebanon into Israel

Israeli troops on Sunday arrested two Palestinians who crossed the security fence separating the Gaza Strip from Israel, an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman said in a statement.
The individuals were armed with knives. Security…

In The News

Czech prime minister opens embassy office in Jerusalem


The Czech Republic opened the Jerusalem office of its embassy Thursday at a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi.

“We keep our promise,” said Babis, standing in the shadow of the historic YMCA building in the Talbieh neighborhood of Jerusalem. “The…

In The News

Incendiary kites, balloons found in Israel near Gaza border


Incendiary kites and balloons were found in southern Israel near the border of the Gaza Strip over the weekend, Ynet reporter Matan Tzuri reported on Sunday morning.

The incendiary devices are some of the first to be reported in months after a relatively long break in balloon launches from the Strip.

Read More: Jerusalem…

In The News

Iraq’s last Jewish doctor, known for offering medical services for free, dies at 61


Iraq’s last Jewish doctor and one of Baghdad’s last Iraqi Jews died at the age of 61, according to reports on Tuesday.

Dr. Thafer Eliyahu, an orthopedist at Al-Wasiti Hospital in Baghdad, was nicknamed “the doctor of the poor” because he treated patients who could not afford health care for free, Israel’s public…

In The News

Veterans in Congress Speak Out Against Biden Defense Pick Colin Kahl


Military veterans serving on the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees are urging their colleagues in the Senate to oppose President Joe Biden’s Pentagon nominee Colin Kahl, telling the Washington Free Beacon that Kahl is a pro-Iran “ideologue” and that “the only policy shop he’s qualified to run is in Tehran.”


In The News

Iran, Russia and Turkey signal growing alliance


Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was all smiles during a trip to Turkey on Friday. He said it was productive and smiled alongside his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu. He said it was a “wonderful” trip where he spoke with his “brother Cavusoglu.” The trip signals the growing alliance that Turkey and Iran have in the region.  …

In The News

Israeli and UAE companies sign deal to bring innovation to region


In the footsteps of the Abraham Accords, a recently signed partnership between two Israeli and Emirati entities aims to bring greentech innovation to the Gulf region and to Israel.

The deal between Gulf-Israel Green Ventures (GIGV) and the UAE’s United Stars Group aims to expand people-to-people, business and economic cooperation…

In The News

Israel announces almost 4.5 million fully vaccinated as positive test rate drops below 2%


Israel’s coronavirus outbreak continued to rapidly diminish Friday amid the widespread vaccination campaign which has seen almost 4.5 million people receive two doses of the inoculation while the rate of positive test results fell below two percent.

According to Health Ministry data, 5,150,505 people have received at least the…

In The News

Israel’s ahead-of-the-world vaccine rollout offers hope for countries lagging behind


JERUSALEM — Israel’s fastest-in-the world vaccine campaign, which reached half its citizens as of Sunday, is offering other countries the first real-life look at how mass inoculation can bend the trajectory of the coronavirus pandemic.

A rush of Israeli medical research — some emerging too fast for academic journals to keep up —…

In The News

Celebrating 3 years since the Taylor Force Act


For decades, the Palestinian Authority has offered a “Pay for Slay” pension fund program for anyone killed or captured by the IDF for terrorism that results in the murder of Israeli citizens. The life-long salary is paid to the terrorist if he or she goes to prison, or to their surviving family if the terrorist is killed. This…

In The News

Pro-Israel group launches six-figure ad buy urging Manchin to vote no on Colin Kahl


The nation’s largest pro-Israel advocacy group is launching a six-figure TV and digital ad campaign against Pentagon nominee Colin Kahl in West Virginia, calling on Democratic senator Joe Manchin to oppose the nomination due to Kahl’s positions on Israel and Iran.

Christians United for Israel said its TV ads will hit West Virginia…

In The News

Israeli, Austrian presidents attend Holocaust remembrance ceremony in Vienna


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen participated in a Holocaust-remembrance ceremony in Vienna on Wednesday.

The ceremony, held at the city’s monument to Holocaust victims in Judenplatz, was attended by local residents, Holocaust survivors and members of the Vienna Jewish community. The…