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Rediscovered: Leonard Cohen lyrics of fighting with ‘brothers’ in Yom Kippur War

When the Yom Kippur War broke out in the fall of 1973, legendary Canadian singer Leonard Cohen was moved to come to Israel to try and help the Jewish state, which was facing the most serious threat to its short existence.
Convinced by Israeli artists to join them and come down to the Sinai desert where the battle was raging against the invading…

In The News

Worse than the worst-case scenario: The dreadful hours before the Yom Kippur War

The London streets they walked through after midnight were empty. It was Yom Kippur eve but the sacredness of the hour was not uppermost in the minds of the small group of Israelis. One of them, Zvi Zamir, had just met with his most important source in the Arab world and was formulating a memo in his head to be transmitted by telephone. Zamir was…

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President Herzog hosts Israeli Tokyo Paralympics athletes

As the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games wrapped up earlier this month, Israeli President Isaac Herzog and First Lady Michal Herzog hosted an event to celebrate the Israeli delegation on Tuesday.

The Jewish state brought home nine Paralympic medals, with a team compromised of 33 athletes who competed in 11 sports.

Read More: The Jerusalem Post

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IDF appoints first female commander of air defense battalion

Israeli Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin on Tuesday announced the appointment of Lt. Col. Revital Barzani as the first female commander of an air defense battalion.

Barzani will command the 66th David’s Sling battalion.

Read More: Israel Hayom

In The News

BDS resolution withdrawn at Burlington city council meeting after community rallies against it

After more than two hours of public comments, the Burlington City Council meeting in Vermont ended on Monday night with a vote to withdraw a resolution that would have made it the first city in the United States to support the BDS movement and efforts to boycott Israel.

“Last night’s vote was an incredible win for those opposed to BDS,” said…

In The News

Here’s how Yom Kippur is the holiest ‘meeting’ of the year

Yom Kippur is literally “The Day of Atonement,” but what does “atonement” mean? When was the last time you used “atonement” in a text or casual conversation? The words sound so musty and archaic, like it is a relic of a forgotten epoch.

Kippur, or Kapara, literally means, “cleaning” or “cleansing.” Just as the custom is to wear white, and…

In The News

Israel’s media reports ‘major’ attack recently thwarted by authorities

Israel’s security forces allegedly thwarted a ‘major’ attack this week as hostilities between Israelis and Palestinians escalate, Channel 12 and Channel 13 reported on Monday.
Israel’s media announced that the Shin Bet security services and the country’s police foiled a number of attacks, but did not provide further details.
Authorities are on…

In The News

UN ambassadors gather in New York to mark Abraham Accords’ one-year anniversary

The United Nations ambassadors of Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco on Monday marked one year since the signing of the Abraham Accords, at a ceremony in New York City.

The historic agreement, by which Israel normalized relations with the UAE and Bahrain, was signed at the White House on Sept. 15, 2020. Later, Sudan and…

In The News

Israelis take to the streets on Yom Kippur

At Yom Kippur, Israel grinds to a halt. For 25 hours, schools, restaurants and businesses shut down, roads empty out as driving is prohibited, and there are no buses, no trains and no planes.

Known as the Day of Atonement, it’s the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, when religious Israelis across the country fast and pray, asking for…

In The News

Iran will have enough uranium for nuclear weapon in one month – report

Iran is on track to obtaining enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb within one month, according to a report published on Monday by the Institute for Science and International Security, a US-based think tank.

The institute estimated, in a worst-case scenario, that in as little as a month Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for…

2 moderately hurt in terror stabbing in Jerusalem; attacker shot

A suspected terrorist stabbed two people outside the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem on Monday before being shot by a police officer.
The Magen David Adom ambulance service said paramedics treated two men who were moderately wounded, then took them to Shaare Zedek Medical Center. The hospital said the two were in stable condition and had…

In The News

Israeli security forces said to arrest brother, cousin of fugitive Palestinian

Israeli security forces arrested the brother and cousin of fugitive terrorist Iham Kamamji early on Monday morning, Palestinian media reported.
According to the reports, Kamamji’s brother Emad, a Jenin resident, was detained, as well as his cousin Qaysar, who hails from the nearby town of Kufr Dan.
In addition to the arrests, security forces…

Israel hits Hamas targets in Gaza in response to rocket fire

Israeli fighter jets struck Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday after terrorists in Gaza fired a rocket into Israeli territory.

Fighter jets and attack helicopters struck a Hamas compound housing a number of underground rocket production workshops, a weapons storage site, a tunnel and a Hamas training facility, reported the Israel…

IDF: Palestinian man attempts to stab soldiers at Gush Etzion junction

A Palestinian man attempted to carry out a stabbing attack on IDF soldiers at a hitchhiking station at the Gush Etzion junction in the West Bank on Monday morning, but was shot before he could inflict harm, according to the military.
Initial reports indicated that no Israelis were harmed in the attack, and the terrorist was shot in the hand and…

In 9/11 Anniversary Message, Al-Qaeda Chief Warns ‘Jerusalem Will Not Be Judaized’

In a video marking 20 years since the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri attacked Arab countries for “collaborating” with the United States, calling them “Zionist Arabs.” Al-Zawahiri also vowed that “Jerusalem will not be Judaized.”
The video was posted to the website of a US NGO, SITE Intelligence Group….

In The News

Lapid in Moscow: If the world doesn’t stop a nuclear Iran, Israel will act

During a visit to Moscow on Thursday, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid told his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, that Iran must be stopped from obtaining nuclear weapons.
“Iran’s march towards a nuclear weapon is not only an Israeli problem, it’s a problem for the entire world,” Lapid said during a press conference following a sit-down meeting with…

More than 100 headstones smashed at Jewish cemetery in Argentina

More than 100 headstones were smashed at a Jewish cemetery in Argentina that had seen similar damage in 2009.
The vandalism at the Tablada Cemetery in the Buenos Aires area was discovered on Sunday, the Jewish news site Visavis reported.
The headstones were between the cemetery’s older section and the new one, which also contains the remains of…

Tensions ‘ready to explode’: Palestinian jailbreak sparks fears of escalation

The escape of six Palestinian security prisoners has stirred Palestinian sentiment across the West Bank and Gaza. The situation is not yet spinning out of control, but still serves as a sharp reminder of the powerful meaning the prisoner issue has for Palestinians.
On Wednesday night, several hundred Palestinians demonstrating in solidarity with…