At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Talking Points

Talking Points

Hurricane Harvey

In recent days, we’ve all been heartbroken by Hurricane Harvey’s tragic destruction. We weep for the 45 people who perished, and pray for the millions of people affected by this storm. Many have lost everything – their homes, businesses and houses of worship. In fact, CUFI’s Pearland City Director rescued the youth pastor of his...


As floodwaters recede, Israeli disaster aid is in Houston for the long haul

Niv Rabino arrived home to Haifa earlier this week after completing a stint as head of IsraAID‘s mission on the Greek island of Lesvos. For nine months, Rabino oversaw the humanitarian aid organization’s intensive work supporting the medical and psychosocial needs of Middle Eastern and African refugees stuck in camps waiting for permission to...

US-Israel Relationship

Israelis Help in Oklahoma Tornado Relief Efforts

IsraAID, an Israeli-based international non-governmental aid agency, is on the ground in Moore, Oklahoma helping the victims of the tornado clean up and rebuild their lives. IsraAID has provided relief and assistance after the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, amongst many other natural...

US-Israel Relationship

Israel Rescue Coalition to send special crisis unit to Houston

A team of Israeli mental health professionals will arrive in Houston on Thursday morning to help victims of Hurricane Harvey.

The response effort was organized by the Israel Rescue Coalition, which is comprised of hundreds of volunteer responders primarily specializing in search and rescue operations. The IRC has been involved in major disaster...

US-Israel Relationship

Report: US Delegation Discussed Moving Embassy to Jerusalem With Netanyahu

During Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting last week with a high-level US diplomatic delegation, the issue of a moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was reportedly addressed by both parties.

The US team, led by President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, included Trump’s international...


Israeli aid group rushes to help flooded Houston

A team of volunteers from an Israeli aid group were making their way to Texas on Tuesday, seeking to provide emergency assistance to relief efforts as a massive storm pummeled the city with severe flooding.

Seven members of the IsraAID non-governmental organization flew to Houston, where they will join three other members of the group who were...


In Meeting With Kushner, Abbas Defiantly Vows to Continue PA Terror Payments Policy, Palestinian Newspaper Report

A leading Palestinian newspaper published an account on Monday of a tense encounter between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner in Ramallah last week.

Al-Quds, a Jerusalem-based newspaper that is close to the PA, reported that Kushner had raised the issue of the...

Israeli Society

Israeli Actress Gal Gadot Says Her Holocaust Survivor Grandfather Helped Her Relate to the Values ‘Wonder Woman’ Stands For

Israeli actress Gal Gadot had an easy time relating to what Wonder Woman — the superhero she plays on the big screen — stands for because of what her late Holocaust survivor grandfather taught her, she told Rolling Stone magazine in its latest issue.

Gadot’s grandfather was 13 when Nazis invaded his native country of Czechoslovakia. His father...

Israeli Society

Israeli doctors return smiles to African children’s faces

It’s an operation that only takes one hour, but it allows hundreds of children to face the future with a smile.

That’s the contribution of two plastic surgeons from the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, who recently returned from Africa where they were on a mission to correct facial deformities in local children.

Doctors Omri Emodi, a craniofacial...


California Imam: ‘Annihilate’ Filthy Jews

Not everything needs commentary; sometimes words just speak for themselves. For example, hear what Imam Ammar Shahin told an audience at Islamic Center of Davis, located across the street from the University of California-Davis, in his sermon on Friday:

Oh Allah, liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews. Oh Allah, destroy those who...


In Charlottesville, signs of a hatred that shocked a nation

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia — He came all the way from Tennessee. He took time off from his job as a security guard, time away from his two children. He paid for a plane and a hotel room so he could be present for what he thought would be a profound moment that could shift the nation’s consciousness.

Benji Buckles, 24, wanted to be there for...


The Economist Honors Nazi Propaganda Filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl in Tweet

The Economist — perhaps the dean of Davos Man magazine fare — launched a curious tweet Tuesday honoring the birthday of Leni Riefenstahl. The infamous Nazi filmmaker directed the hagiographic Hitler flick Triumph of the Will, which you may have watched in college. The film and Riefenstahl’s later work played an integral role in cementing Hitler’s...


Riverside Imam Accused of Anti-Semitism After Saying Jews are “Unjust Tyrants”

A California imam in Riverside is drawing criticism for delivering a sermon in which he said Jews are “unjust tyrants” whom God should destroy, it was reported Monday.
Imam Mahmoud Harmoush’s comments came during a July 21 sermon delivered at the Islamic Center of Riverside, the Los Angeles Times reported. A video of the sermon was translated and...


US says doubts over Iran deal remain after meeting nuke watchdog

The United States still has doubts and concerns over the nuclear deal with Iran, the US ambassador to the United Nations said Wednesday, after a meeting with atomic officials intended to allay American anxieties about the landmark accord.

Nikki Haley also said the US is determined to ensure the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency has the...

Iran Syria

Netanyahu to Putin: Israel will act if needed against Iran in Syria

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday said he told Russian President Vladimir Putin that Israel was willing to act to prevent a continued Iranian military presence in Syria, during a three-hour meeting between the two leaders in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

“Most of the discussion dealt with Iran’s attempt to establish a foothold in...


Syrian Dictator Assad Secretly Hosted Argentine and Iranian Foreign Ministers in AMIA Bombing Coverup, Ex-Ambassador Testifies

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with then-Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman in Damascus in 2011. Timerman finalized the AMIA cover-up with his Iranian counterpart during the same trip. Photo: File.

News outlets in Argentina were abuzz on Wednesday with speculation that the country’s former president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, and...


Outside Jerusalem’s Old City, a once-in-a-lifetime find of ancient Greek inscription

An extremely rare ancient early Christian Greek inscription has been discovered about a kilometer north of Jerusalem’s Old City. The once-in-a-lifetime dream archaeological find was discovered by chance during infrastructure work for a phone cable.

The intact 1,500-year-old mosaic was uncovered in the flooring of what is thought to have been a...


Restates Belief That Israel ‘Finances, Arms, Trains’ ISIS Terrorists

A prominent Shia Muslim imam in California is sticking defiantly with his allegation that Israel finances and arms ISIS — the Sunni Muslim terrorist group that has carried out genocidal campaigns against religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, among them Christians and Yazidis.

In a June 23 sermon, the founder and director of the Islamic...


Iran warns it can make weapons-grade material in days if nuke deal scotched

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s atomic chief warned Tuesday the Islamic Republic needs only five days to ramp up its uranium enrichment to 20 percent, a level at which the material could be used for a nuclear weapon.

The comments by Ali Akbar Salehi to Iranian state television come as US President Donald Trump repeatedly has threatened to renegotiate...


Combating 21st century terror: What Europe can learn from Israel

Spain, Finland, Russia: in the space of a few days, Europe is reminded, yet again, that terrorism – like the virus it is – kills brutally, indiscriminately and, critically, transnationally.

On Thursday, August 17, a van rammed into crowds of people in Barcelona’s Las Ramblas boulevard – a hub of tourism and social life. Thirteen were killed...