At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Trump targets anti-Semitism, boycotts against Israel on college campuses

President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday that would cut federal funding to colleges and universities that don't curb anti-Semitism against Jewish students.

Trump's new order is set to hit the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement head-on. It invoked Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to fight anti-Semitic rhetoric on...

US-Israel Relationship

At Hanukkah party, Trump signs controversial executive order on anti-Semitism

WASHINGTON — Flanked by evangelical Christian leaders, Jewish members of his administration, and even a few House Democrats, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday that would target alleged anti-Semitism — primarily in the form of Israel boycotts — on college campuses.

At the annual White House Hanukkah Party, Trump put...

United Nations (UN)

Danon invites ‘dozens’ of UN ambassadors to tour the City of David

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon brought "dozens" of UN ambassadors as guests with him to visit the City of David to demonstrate the Jewish's peoples ancient roots in Israel in front of the world leaders Wednesday afternoon.

Danon lead the group of diplomats through the city to tour the three-thousand-year-old archaeological...

Palestinian Authority

Egyptian official on Palestinian TV denies Jewish history in Israel

An Egyptian official has accused Israeli Jews of falsifying Jewish links to the land of Israel.

Speaking in an interview on PA TV, Egyptian Foreign Affairs Council member and former Foreign Minister’s aide Raja Ahmed Hassan claimed that Jews forged historical artifacts in a bid to construct a false narrative over Jewish ties to the land of...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)

Austrian parliament sets stage for overwhelming condemnation of BDS

The Austrian parliament is expected to unanimously pass a resolution against “Israel-related anti-Semitism” that calls on the government to condemn the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

On Wednesday, all five parties represented in Austria’s National Council — including the Greens and the far-right Freedom Party — agreed to...


U.S. Turns Up Pressure on Iran With Sanctions on Transportation Firms

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Wednesday that the United States plans to impose new sanctions on Iran’s largest shipping company and a major airline for what he said were their roles in transporting material for the country’s ballistic missile and nuclear programs.

“Today’s designations put the world on notice: Those who...


New rocket attack targets Iraq base housing US troops

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Two rockets were fired at a military base near Baghdad airport housing US troops, the 10th such attack since late October, the Iraqi army said on Thursday.

There were no casualties in the overnight attack, which follows one on the same base on Monday that wounded six members of Iraq’s elite US-trained counterterrorism force, two...


US envoy urges Germany: Don’t fund Iranian terrorism

ATHENS – The most high-level US ambassador in Europe, Richard Grenell, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that Germany’s government should join the United States and work to stop Iranian regime support for terrorism in response to a German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce event in Berlin.

“The economy is strained because the Iranian regime is...


Trump to sign executive order addressing anti-Semitism in US education, particularly on campus

(December 11, 2019 / JNS) U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Wednesday addressing anti-Semitism amid the rise in hatred towards Jews in education in the United States, announced the White House in a call with reporters on Tuesday evening.

The measure is particularly focused on activities on American college...


Congress Must Finally Act Against Anti-Semitism

Two years ago, we were at a point where most believed America had reached a peak in anti-Semitism and hostilities toward Jews. Students were regularly being harassed and even attacked at state universities and small private colleges alike. Being identified as Jewish or even pro-Israel became fraught with risk. Some were sad. Others disgusted. But...

Palestinian Authority

Palestinian teen suicide bomber honored with plaque at Bethlehem school

A Palestinian teenage suicide bomber has had a plaque in her honor placed at a school in Bethlehem.

17-year-old Ayyat al-Akras murdered two Israelis and injured 28 others when she blew herself up near a supermarket in Jerusalem on March 29, 2002. One of her victims was also a teenage girl and the other was a 55-year-old security guard who...


White House envoy: Trump commitment to combating anti-Semitism unprecedented

US President Donald Trump has made an unprecedented commitment to fighting Jew-hatred, White House Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism, Elan Carr, said.

"President Trump has made a priority unlike any previous administration," Carr told the audience of the Israeli-American Council (IAC) National Summit on Monday.

"When the...

US-Israel Relationship

Netanyahu tells Christian leaders: Stand with the truth about Israel

The friendship between Jerusalem and pro-Israel Christians is based on shared values, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a meeting with lawmakers from 25 countries on Monday.

“There are two kinds of friendships: friendships based on values and friendships based on interests. Sometimes they overlap,” Netanyahu told the delegation from the...

US-Israel Relationship

Mayor Moshe Lion gives green light to US embassy project

The Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Lion, has announced that the municipality has given the green light to the project of building a permanent headquarters for the US embassy in Israel's capital.

Lion and deputy mayor Fleur Hassan Nahoum discussed the project's details in a meeting with embassy personnel and US State Department representatives Addison...


US suspects Iran behind rocket attacks on Iraqi bases hosting US forces

US officials suspect that Iran is behind a series of rocket attacks on Iraqi bases hosting American forces, after four rockets struck an Iraqi military base near the Baghdad International Airport on Monday.

The US military believes that the attacks were carried out by Iranian-backed groups inside Iraq, according to a US official with direct...


Russian fighter jets hindered Israel from striking military base in Syria: report

Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes in Syria but generally refrains from commenting on them

Russian fighter jets hindered Israel's air force from conducting strikes on a military base in Syria, a Russian outlet reported Monday.

According to the report, Israeli planes seeking to attack the Syrian Air Force T-4 base located in the Homs...

US-Israel Relationship

Trump calls out anti-Semitism and BDS, touts Israeli Americans

(December 7, 2019 / JNS) U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday night called out anti-Semitism and the anti-Israel BDS movement, vowed to keep pressure on Iran and touted his pro-Israel record in front of an overwhelmingly friendly crowd of 4,000 Israelis living in America.

At the Israeli-American Council’s annual conference in Southeast...

US-Israel Relationship

U.S. blacklists Iraqi militia leaders over killing of anti-government protesters

The Trump administration on Friday blacklisted the leaders of three militias in Iraq that U.S. officials said opened fire on peaceful protesters and killed dozens of people.

The designations of the militia leaders who command groups the United States considers proxies of Iran are part of the administration’s campaign to increase sanctions...


Honduran president: I will not capitulate to anti-Israel threats

(December 9, 2019 / Israel Hayom) HOLLYWOOD — Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was one of the most senior political figures to attend the annual Israeli-American Council (IAC) summit in Florida over the weekend.

Hernández seemed to enjoy every moment of the three-day confab, proving once again that his country is an ally of the Jewish...


Israel strikes Hamas targets in Gaza after three rockets fired at Israel

(December 8, 2019 / JNS) Israeli aircraft struck military camps and a naval base belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip early Sunday, hours after three rockets were fired at Israel from the coastal enclave, according to an AP report.

Israel announced on Saturday evening that its Iron Dome air-defense system had intercepted all three rockets.
