IAEA Expresses Concern Over Iranian Denial of Access to Suspected Nuclear Sites
The International Atomic Energy Agency on Friday called on Iran to immediately provide access to several locations it believes may be related to the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.
In a report issued to IAEA member states on Friday, the agency detailed suspected activities and materials including ”the possible presence … of natural uranium in the form of a metal disc” at a site that “underwent extensive sanitization and levelling in 2003 and 2004,” according to Reuters.
It also noted “the possible use and storage of nuclear material at another location specified by the agency where outdoor, conventional explosive testing may have taken place in 2003, including in relation to testing of shielding in preparation for the use of neutron detectors.”
The nuclear watchdog issued a report in March castigating Iran for not answering questions about past nuclear activity at three sites and denying access to two of them, said the report.