At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Court Rules PA Must Pay 500 Million to Families of Israeli Terror Victims

The Jerusalem District Court ruled on Friday that the Palestinian Authority must pay NIS 500 million ($142 million) to the families of those killed in Palestinian terrorist attacks, mostly during the Second Intifada (2000-2005).

Judge Moshe Drori ruled last July that the P.A. was liable for damages of up to NIS 1 billion ($284 million), since...

Israel Thwarts Major Coordinated Cyber-Attack on Its Water Infrastructure Command and Control

Israel thwarted a major cyber-attack on its water infrastructure over the weekend.

In a statement, Israel’s National Cyber Directorate announced, “Reports have been received by the National Cyber Directorate about attempted attacks on command and control systems of wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations, and sewage.”

The Directorate...

OurCrowd to Back Israeli COVID-19 Vaccine Company in $12 Million Round

Jerusalem-based equity crowdfunding company OurCrowd will lead a $12 million investment round for newly formed Covid-19 vaccine company MigVax, the company announced in a statement on Wednesday.

MigVax intends to use the funds to accelerate the development of a coronavirus vaccine and bring it to the market.

“We are humbled by the opportunity to...

Palestinian Authority

PA TV to Palestinians: ‘Al-Aqsa is More Precious Than Your Children’

Palestinian Authority TV aired a clip that reinforces the P.A.’s message that Islamic holy places and the struggle for “Palestine” are worth the sacrifice of their children.

According to a new report by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) published on Wednesday, for decades, Palestinian leadership has promoted to its people the ideal of dying as...


Nearly Two-Thirds of American Jews Feel Less Safe Now Than A Decade Ago

Nearly two-thirds of American Jews believe that they are less safe today than a decade ago, according to a new survey by the Anti-Defamation League on Jewish encounters with anti-Semitism in the United States.

The survey found that 54 percent of American Jews have either experienced or witnessed an incident they deem was motivated by...


Iran Imposes Flogging on Christian Convert for Peaceful Protest

BERLIN - The Islamic Republic of Iran imposed a sentence of lashes and prison on Mary (Fatemeh) Mohammadi, one of Iran’s most famous converts to Christianity, because she allegedly “disturbed the public order.”

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, an independent  federal government commission, slammed Iran’s regime on...

Israeli Technology

Israeli Start-Up to Combat Spread of Coronavirus Using Touchless Tech

Sonarax, a Haifa-based start-up which specializes in ultrasonic communication technology, announced this week that it will be offering its touchless technology to help with in-office physical distancing in light of the novel COVID-19.

The company's technology allows for different mobile devices to communicate with one another on ultrasonic sound...

Israeli UN Envoy Scolds Palestinian Counterpart: Your Hate For Jewish State Overrides Care For Your Own People

Israel’s envoy to the UN excoriated his Palestinian counterpart at a Security Council discussion of Israeli efforts to aid the Palestinian Authority during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, declaring: “You have made it clear that you prefer to hate Israel more than help the Palestinian people.”

Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon sprang to his...


Major Anti-Semitic Incidents Rise Some 18 Percent in 2019, According to a New Report

The number of major anti-Semitic incidents worldwide rose by 18 percent in 2019 over the previous year, according to a newly released report from Tel Aviv University, the Kantor Center for the Study of European Jewry and the European Jewish Congress.

According to the report, 456 acts of “major violent cases” of anti-Semitism were reported...


Nazi-Inspired Graffiti Found in German Town on Holocaust Remembrance Day

Antisemitic graffiti featuring swastikas and Nazi references has been found scrawled on two buildings in Heidelberg, southwest Germany.

On one building, which appeared to be a small rural outhouse, the words "Jew," "Zion" and "Death" were spray painted in red, along with two swastikas. On another, a breeze block shed or barn, the inscription...

Israeli Society

Israeli NGO Steps Up to Help Americans in Time of Need During Coronavirus Pandemic

Twenty-two-year-old Amir Kashfi arrives early in the morning around 6:30 a.m. outside a Los Angeles school to set up boxes of canned goods, pasta, rice and other non-perishables to dispense. A number of recipients line up by car or by foot by 8 a.m.

The need for this food pantry has spiked during the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

“There’s a huge...


Three Men From Hamas Terror Cell Arrested for Plot to Bomb Major Jerusalem Sports Stadium

Israel’s Shin Bet domestic security agency has arrested three terrorists who were planning a bomb attack at Jerusalem’s main sports stadium, the Israeli news site Walla reported on Wednesday.

The three suspects were identified as West Bank residents Ahmad Sajdaya, 27, whose hand was amputated several years ago while building an explosive device;...


Pompeo: Iran Military Satellite Launch May Violate UN Resolution

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that Iran’s launch of a military satellite may have defied U.N. Security Council resolution 2231 and that Tehran should be held “accountable.” UNSC Resolution 2231 endorsed the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear program.

“Every nation has an obligation to go to the...

Three Men From Hamas Terror Cell Arrested for Plot to Bomb Major Jerusalem Sports Stadium

Israel’s Shin Bet domestic security agency has arrested three terrorists who were planning a bomb attack at Jerusalem’s main sports stadium, the Israeli news site Walla reported on Wednesday.

The three suspects were identified as West Bank residents Ahmad Sajdaya, 27, whose hand was amputated several years ago while building an explosive device;...


Nazi-Inspired Graffiti Found in German Town on Holocaust Memorial Day

Antisemitic graffiti featuring swastikas and Nazi references has been found scrawled on two buildings in Heidelberg, southwest Germany.

On one building, which appeared to be a small rural outhouse, the words "Jew," "Zion" and "Death" were spray painted in red, along with two swastikas. On another, a breeze block shed or barn, the inscription...


Major Anti-Semitic Incidents Rise Some 18 Percent in 2019, According to New Report

The number of major anti-Semitic incidents worldwide rose by 18 percent in 2019 over the previous year, according to a newly released report from Tel Aviv University, the Kantor Center for the Study of European Jewry and the European Jewish Congress.

According to the report, 456 acts of “major violent cases” of anti-Semitism were reported...

Israeli Technology

Israeli Innovators Want to Help Africans Breathe Through COVID-19

With fears of ventilator shortages still growing, 300 businesses and nonprofit groups around the world are gearing up to produce breathing support machines using an Israeli DIY design they downloaded from the internet.

Its inventors, who are drawn from the tech, military and medical sectors, say they think their blueprint for a ventilator that...


Pompeo: Iran Military Satellite Launch May Violate UN Resolution

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that Iran’s launch of a military satellite may have defied U.N. Security Council resolution 2231 and that Tehran should be held “accountable.” UNSC Resolution 2231 endorsed the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear program.

“Every nation has an obligation to go to the...

In The News

MSNBC Graphic During COVID-19 News Shows ‘Palestine’ in List of Countries

A background graphic on MSNBC last week showed “Palestine” in a rolling list of countries depicting numbers associated with the coronavirus pandemic, despite it not being an independent nation.

The graphic was displayed during “The 11th Hour With Brian Williams” on April 16 while internal medicine physician Lipi Roy was analyzing the number of...

More Than 40,000 Christians Worldwide Stand for Siren on Yom Hashoah

As the memorial siren sounded across Israel on Tuesday morning to mark Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem hosted more than 40,000 Christians worldwide in a live online ceremony that had viewers stand for the siren to honor the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.

Due to current health...