Israeli Society

Israeli Society

Israel ranked world’s 8th most powerful country; no longer in Top 10 ‘movers’

An international survey published Monday ranked Israel as the eighth most powerful nation in the world for the third consecutive year, narrowly ahead of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The annual survey by US News & World Report was based on the answers of more than 21,000 people from four regions.

Israel was ranked 29th…

Israeli Society

Israel brings tourists to Entebbe for first time since legendary hostage rescue

For the first time since 1976’s hostage crisis and subsequent Israeli commando raid, an Israeli plane carrying tourists landed Thursday at Uganda’s Entebbe Airport.

Some 250 Israeli nationals came to the African country for a three-day visit, the East Africa Business Week website reported.

They flew in on a Boeing 777, operated by El Al’s…

Israeli Society

The Israeli dogs that can detect cancer

Somewhere in Southern Israel, a first-of-its-kind venture trains dogs to locate early signs of cancer.

The name of the laboratory is “Dog Prognose”. It allows anyone to send a saliva sample (in a small plastic container), and receive an immediate answer as to whether he has cancer. The cost of the test is NIS 399. Uri Bakeman, professional dog…

Israeli Society

January tourism to Israel jumps by 11% compared to last year

The number of tourists who entered Israel in January of this year represented an 11% increase in relation to January 2018, and a 35% increase from January 2017, according to the Tourism Ministry.

A record four million tourists visited Israel last year.

In December, London-based company Euromoniter International reported that “The rise in the…

Israeli Society

First 83 of 1,000 Ethiopian immigrants arrive in Israel

The first 83 immigrants from Ethiopia, out of a total of some 1,000 approved last year for entry into Israel, arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport on Monday night after waiting in Gondar for an average of 15 years.

In October, the government approved for immigration 1,000 members of the Falash Mura community in Ethiopia who have children currently…

Israeli Society

130-strong Israeli rescue team arrives in Brazil as dam collapse toll hits 58

An Israeli Defense Force search-and-rescue team landed in Brazil late Sunday evening to join forces with local rescue crews who are searching for hundreds of people missing in the wake of a catastrophic dam collapse.

The Civil Defense office in Minais Gerais state on Sunday raised the confirmed death toll to 58, with up to 300 people still…

Israeli Society

UK and Israel sign ‘in principle’ post-Brexit trade deal

Britain and Israel agreed on an “in principle” post-Brexit trade deal at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday afternoon.

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox made the announcement following discussions with Israel’s Minister of the Economy Eli Cohen.

Dr Fox said: “I’m delighted that as Britain prepares to leave the…

Israeli Society

Meet the Israeli-Arab women shattering Israeli hi-tech’s glass ceiling

Every day, employees in Israel’s hi-tech industry deal with multi-billion dollar acquisitions, life-changing innovation and award-winning technological triumphs.

But only if you’re a Jewish man under the age of 55.

“The problem is not a matter of knowledge but rather opportunity,” Sireen Ibraheem Nijeem, a fulfillment and demand specialist at…

Israeli Society

Rona Ramon, widow of astronaut killed in Columbia shuttle disaster, dies at 54

Rona Ramon, the widow of Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon, died Monday at the age of 54, after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

Ramon, a practitioner of holistic medicine, has been a public figure since her husband became Israel’s first person in space, when he blasted off aboard the Columbia in 2003, and then perished when the shuttle broke up…

Israeli Society

New ‘Jerusalem’ neighborhood of Guatemala rises from ashes

Thousands of Guatemalans lost their homes to the Volcán de Fuego (“Volcano of Fire”) in early June. One hundred new houses for refugees are now being built thanks to a charitable initiative spearheaded by the Central American country’s rabbi in his capacity as head of the Guatemalan branch of Israeli search-and-rescue and victim identification…

Israeli Society

‘When I look at him, I don’t see a child from Gaza—I see a child’

“Two days ago, in a windowless corridor in the center of Israel, a five-month-old baby from Gaza was wheeled away from his crying grandmother, while two Israeli women held her,” Dr. Moran wrote.

“He was taken into heart surgery, for the second time in his short life, where Israeli doctors fixed his congenital heart defect and gave him a chance…

Israeli Society

Israel’s Save a Child’s Heart group wins UN Population Award

An Israeli organization that provides life-saving heart treatment to children in developing countries has won a prestigious United Nations award for outstanding contributions to the world’s population.

Save a Child’s Heart was selected to receive the 2018 UN Population Award, the medical charity said in a press statement Monday.

SACH said it was…

Israeli Society

‘The ground is so hot it burns through their shoes’

The ground was still smoking from the hot fury of two volcanic eruptions early last week when an Israeli medical team arrived in Guatemala on Thursday night.

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic Tal Rabin told ISRAEL21c that the toxic gases released by the Fuego volcano made breathing difficult even through a mask. But much worse was the grim sight…

Israeli Society

Children of Sderot counter kite terror with kite festival

Hundreds of helium balloons and kites bearing flammable materials have been launched from Gaza since March 30, killing wildlife and incinerating thousands of acres of forests and agricultural fields in Israeli border communities.

In a therapeutic response to the kite terrorists operating just 33 kilometers from their city, officials in Sderot…

Israeli Society

Message of Terror Victim’s Mother Goes Viral on Anniversary of Murder

A message written by Rina Ariel, the mother of murdered Israeli teenager Hallel Yaffa Ariel, went viral on social media in Israel on Thursday, the two-year anniversary of Hallel’s death at the hands of an Arab terrorist.

“On this morning exactly 2 years ago, our Hallel was murdered. Murdered at the hands of an evil one,” the post began.


Israeli Society

How Israel’s tech scene is helping wounded combat veterans

JTA — When Elad Horovitz and IDF vetran was shot in the head during Israel’s 2014 war in Gaza, his first concern was survival, not how to maintain peripheral vision while driving.

Horovitz, then 20, was shot through his left ear and right eye. Somehow he survived, losing half of his hearing and sight, and underwent two years of rehabilitation…

Israeli Society

IMF Report Confirms Strong Economic Growth for Israel – Israel’s strong economic growth and solid job market came in for praise in the International Monetary Fund’s annual report on the nation’s economy.

The 2017 report predicted continued economic growth and a rise in inflation for 2018-2019, although the expected rate of the inflation rise was uncertain. The report stressed that…

Israeli Society

Discovery of Bar Kochba-Era Coin Declared at Lag B’Omer


As Jews across Israel and around the world celebrated Lag B’Omer, a holiday commemorating the life of anti-Roman Torah sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Israeli authorities announced that they had found a symbol of the revolt by Shimon bar Kochba against the Romans in the form of a small bronze coin.

The single round coin was discovered…