
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.


Iran’s Khamenei: ‘West Bank Must be Armed, Just as Gaza’

The West Bank must arm itself just like Gaza did, Iran’s supreme leader said Tuesday, claiming that the Palestinian hardships can only be resolved through power.
On his Twitter account, Ali Khamenei warned against compromises and alleged that the US Middle East peace plan, dubbed by President Donald Trump “Deal of the Century,” alleging it was…


Iran to Mark Annual Anti-Israel Al Quds Rally with Vehicles, Online

Iran is slated to mark next week’s annual antisemitic Quds Day rally, calling for the obliteration of  Israel. by permitting people to drive in vehicles and  participate in an online event rather than march through the streets, so as to avoid the spread of coronavirus.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced the vehicle protest on…


Holy Jewish Site of Esther and Mordechai Set Ablaze in Iran – Reports

BERLIN – National Director of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Jonathan Greenblatt announced Friday on Twitter that the tomb of Esther and Mordechai in Iran was torched.

“Disturbing reports from Iran that the tomb of Esther & Mordechai, a holy Jewish site, was set afire overnight. We hope that the authorities bring the perpetrators of this…


U.S. Accuses Iran of Defying UN Nuclear Deal Resolution

The United States accused Tehran on Wednesday of defying the UN resolution endorsing the 2015 Iran nuclear deal with a satellite launch last month and also argued it is continuing to violate a UN arms embargo.

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations made the allegations at an informal meeting of experts from the Security Council committee that…


An Iran Arms Embargo by Other Means

As the United States and countries around the world struggle with getting the COVID-19 pandemic under control, decision points on other issues affecting American national interests continue to approach unabated. Despite the pandemic, the Trump administration and Congress will need to deal with near term national security challenges such as the…


Iran Building Advanced Weapons Site in East Syria – Report

An underground advanced weapons facility is being built at Imam Ali military base in Al-Bukamal, Syria’s border area with Iraq, recent satellite imagery captured by ImageSat International (ISI) shows.

Satellite images from the area captured May 12 by ISI show bulldozers at the entrance of a 15-foot-wide structure on the northwestern edge of the…


19 Iranians Killed, 15 Injured After Navy Vessel Hit by Friendly Fire

Some 19 Iranians have been killed and 15 others injured after an Iranian Navy vessel was reportedly hit by friendly fire during a naval exercise in the waters off of the Jask Port in the Gulf of Oman on Sunday.

The IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency reported that 19 soldiers were killed and 15 others wounded in an “accident” involving the Konarak…


Israeli Firm Uncovers Iran-Linked Attempt to Hack US Virus Drugmaker Gilead

An Israeli cybersecurity firm last week uncovered an attempt by Iran-linked hackers to breach US drug company Gilead Sciences, which is racing to roll out a treatment for COVID-19.

It was unclear whether the hacking attempt was successful, according to the Reuters news agency, which first reported the incident on Friday.

The web domains and…


Danon Calls on International Leaders to ‘Speak Out’ Against Iranian Aggression

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon was steadfast on Wednesday about the Jewish state’s support for renewing the U.N. arms embargo on Iran.

“Our position is very clear: We support the call of the U.S. to renew the embargo and not to allow Iran to be able to spread more terror in the region,” Danon said during a virtual briefing…


Iran Regime Pledges Annual ‘Quds Day’ Urging Israel’s Destruction Will Go Ahead, Despite Coronavirus

The Iranian regime’s annual day of rallies and demonstrations calling for the destruction of the State of Israel will go ahead this year despite the coronavirus pandemic.

According to Press TV — the Iranian regime’s English-language propaganda arm — “pro-Palestinian groups in London and elsewhere across Britain plan to replace street rallies with…


Report: Iran behind recent cyberattack on Israel’s water supply

Iran is the suspected culprit behind last month’s cyberattack on several facilities operated by Israel’s Water Authority, Fox News reported Thursday, citing a source among US officials.
According to the channel, Iranian hackers routed the attack through servers located in the United States.
It cited a senior official with the Energy Department as…


Iran’s President Warns US of ‘Crushing Response’ if Arms Embargo is Extended

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani threatened the United States in a speech on Wednesday if it decides to extend a U.N. arms embargo that is set to expire in October.

Rouhani also criticized America for withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in 2018, according to a Reuters report.

“If America wants to return to the deal, it…


Iranian Airline Designated for Terror Links Spread Coronavirus Throughout Middle East, New Report Reveals

An Iranian airline closely tied to the Tehran regime’s feared Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) played a major role in the spread of the Covid-19 virus across the Middle East, a special investigation by the BBC revealed on Tuesday.

Mahan Air continued to fly from its hubs in Iran to destinations across the region and further afield even…


Overwhelming Majority of US House of Representatives Urges Renewal of UN Arms Embargo on Iran

An overwhelming bipartisan majority of the US House of Representatives on Monday called for the extension of the United Nations arms embargo against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Foreign Affairs Committee Republican Leader Michael McCaul and Chairman Eliot L. Engel as well as Representative Stephanie…


US ‘Hopeful’ UN Will Extend Iran Arms Embargo

The United States is “hopeful” the UN Security Council will extend an arms embargo on Iran before it expires in October, a top US State Department envoy said on Thursday, despite a key Russian official signaling that Moscow opposed such a move.

Brian Hook, the US special representative for Iran, said the United States had drafted a Security…


Top Iran Official Threatens to Destroy Israeli Cities Amid Simmering Row with US

Tehran will “raze Israeli cities to the ground” if Jerusalem or Washington dares to take any preemptive military action against the Islamic Republic, a top Iranian official told Al Jazeera during an interview late last month.
“If the Zionist entity takes even the slightest initiative, you may rest assured that we will raze the Israeli cities to…


Report: Majority of US House Wants Trump, Allies to Extend UN Arms Embargo on Iran

As many as 90 percent of members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed a letter calling on the Trump administration to work with U.S. allies in extending the U.N. arms embargo on Iran, reported Reuters on Thursday, citing congressional sources.

According to the outlet, which saw the letter, at least 382 members signed it, addressed to…


Don’t Make COVID-19 an Excuse for Iran’s Bad Behavior

In recent weeks, former Obama Administration officials have been busy echoing Iranian calls for sanctions relief. They should be forcefully rejected by all those concerned with anything but enriching powerful regime leaders, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Iran’s terror proxies. Sanctions relief will not help the Iranian people. The…