
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.


Iran Regime Public Relations Campaign Claims Terror Proxies Are Helping Fight Against Coronavirus

As the Iranian regime staggers under the coronavirus pandemic that has wreaked havoc in the country, its propaganda outlets are touting the efforts of the various terror entities under its control to halt the spread of the disease.

Iran’s semi-official state news agency Tasnim ran photographs over the weekend of members of the Islamic Republic’s…


Rouhani says US sanctions are not impeding fight against coronavirus

BERLIN—The Islamic Republic of Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, issued a series of jaw-dropping comments at an economic cabinet meeting on Thursday, stating that US sanctions have not stopped Tehran from combating the coronavirus crisis.

Rouhani’s remarks contradict the narrative that his foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, has delivered to…


The case against lifting sanctions on Iran’s clerical regime – analysis

Iran experts brought to the fore this week the role of the coronavirus crisis in Tehran’s strategy and the regime’s outright fabrications designed to hoodwink world powers into providing sanctions relief.Prominent Iranian author and dissident Amir Taheri tweeted that Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif claims that the “Islamic Republic has $100…


Iran, US heat up war of words on Iraq despite virus pandemic

Iran said Thursday it “only acts in self-defense” after US President Donald Trump warned it against attacks on US troops in Iraq, as a new war of words heated up despite the coronavirus pandemic.
Tensions between the rivals flared in Iraq where the United States deployed Patriot air defense missiles, prompting neighboring Iran to warn of…


The Coronavirus Is Absolutely No Excuse to Lift Sanctions on Iran

Iran’s clerical dictatorship cares more about its own survival than it cares about the welfare of the Iranian people. But you wouldn’t know it from the chorus of Americans and Europeans exploiting the coronavirus crisis in Iran to push the Trump administration to lift sanctions against Iran. This is fundamentally dishonest—the sanctions do not…


US troops in Iraq finally get Patriot air defense

Two and a half months after Iranian ballistic missiles slammed into a US base in central Iraq, lightly injuring more than 100 soldiers, the US finally brought Patriot batteries to Iraq. They will be set up at Ayn al-Assad base and in Erbil, according to reports. The US is withdrawing from a half-dozen bases and posts in Iraq as the coronavirus…


Pompeo Tweets Video of Iran’s Rouhani Saying Efforts to Lift Sanctions Due to Coronavirus Actually Intended to Enrich Regime

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted a video over the weekend showing Iranian President Hassan Rouhani saying that the purpose of Iran’s public relations campaign to end US sanctions due to the coronavirus pandemic is really about enriching the regime.

“Startling revelation by #Iran’s President @HassanRouhani that the regime’s concerted…


US Imposes Fresh Sanctions on Iranian Individuals, Companies for Alleged Terror Ties

The United States on Thursday blacklisted 20 Iran– and Iraq-based companies, officials and individuals, accusing them of supporting terrorist groups.
The US Treasury Department said in a statement that the individuals and entities supported Iran‘s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its elite foreign paramilitary and espionage arm, the…


Iran-backed Houthis offer to free Saudis in exchange for Hamas members

CAIRO, Egypt — The leader of Yemen’s Houthi rebels on Thursday declared his willingness to free several Saudi captives in exchange for the release of Hamas members recently detained in the kingdom, an unprecedented statement that signaled Iran’s regional reach.In a lengthy televised speech to mark the five-year anniversary of Yemen’s devastating…


American Robert Levinson, held by Iran, believed to be dead

Robert Levinson, an American illegally held by the Iranian regime, is believed to have died, his family wrote in a statement posted Wednesday afternoon. “We received information from US officials that has led both them and us to conclude that our wonderful husband and father died while in Iranian custody.” His death is not believed to be connected…


Iran refuses to release Christian prisoners amid coronavirus outbreak while EU sends millions in aid

Iran’s theocratic rulers have temporarily released some 85,000 prisoners, including political prisoners, in an effort to prevent the spread of the Middle East’s worst coronavirus outbreak, but have refused to free many Iranian Christians jailed for practicing their faith.
Article18, an organization that promotes religious freedom in Iran, told Fox…


Iran leader refuses US help, citing conspiracy theory that virus man-made

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran’s supreme leader Sunday refused US assistance to fight the new coronavirus, citing an unfounded conspiracy theory that the virus could be man-made by America.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s comments come as Iran faces crushing US sanctions blocking the country from selling its crude oil and accessing international…


Iranian Officials Stole More Than $1 Billion in Humanitarian Coronavirus Funds, Pompeo Says

Iranian regime officials stole more than $1 billion in humanitarian funds meant to be used to help the country’s people fight the spread of coronavirus, according to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

European countries intended for more than $1 billion cash for medical supplies to go to the Iranian people, who have been ravaged by the virus….

In The News Iran

Iran’s Quds Force vows to oppose Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century

Palestinian Islamic Jihad is seeking to play a major role against US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century.” At the same time, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force has issued a message calling for resistance against the plan and praising the Palestinians for “standing alone” against it.Iranian media reported on a speech by PIJ…


Iran, imagery suggest preparation for satellite launch despite US criticism, past failures

Fox News National Security and Foreign Policy expert Walid Phares weighs in.

Iran is apparently trying to launch a satellite into space despite a string of failures last year and U.S. concerns that the program is acting as a front for ballistic missile development.
Images taken from space Sunday appear to show an increase in activity at…


50 US troops suffered traumatic brain injuries in Iran strike, Pentagon now says

At least 50 US service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries resulting from Iran’s missile attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The number is an increase of 16 from Friday, when the Pentagon said that 34 troops had been hurt.

A little over a week after the Jan. 8 attack, the military said…


Iran’s Kahmeini vows ‘satanic’ US peace plan will not be realized

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday denounced as “satanic” a US plan for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and predicted that Muslim nations will undoubtedly prevent the proposal from being put into practice.

US President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited peace plan at the White House on Tuesday.

“To the dismay…


Motion for Iran to quit nuclear proliferation treaty enters parliament

A motion for Iran to quit the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was introduced in parliament on Tuesday, the assembly’s news site ICANA reported, in a move that appears to raise the stakes in Tehran’s confrontation with the West.

The report did not say when parliament might vote on the motion. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,…