At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Voices of the Future: Changing Leaders into Visionaries

Talking to Alex, it is immediately evident he is not an average 20-year-old college student. For one thing, he is already a Senior at the University of Minnesota. For another, his intellectual depth and spiritual maturity marks him as someone far older and wiser than his age would suggest and makes it clear why he was selected as part of the...

Christian Persecution Issues

Supporting Israel: Being Salt and Light in the World

Hovsep Chaparian's parents are originally from the Middle East and several of his extended family members still live in Syria and Lebanon.  Many of his family members hate Israel.  But Hovsep's parents raised him with a love for Israel because of their Christian faith.

This love began with Hovsep's great-grandfather, a prominent Lebanese...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Issues

Beating BDS: Liberty University

Liberty University is the largest Christian university in the world, and it is legendary among pro-Israel campus activists for its consistent strong support for Israel. But just because Liberty’s student body has historically stood behind Israel doesn’t guarantee it always will. As young Christians are increasingly drawn to implement their faith...

San Francisco Bus 2
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Issues

Fighting BDS on the Streets of San Francisco

There is a movement growing like wildfire here in the United States and around the world to paint Israel as a racist, oppressive state that intentionally deprives Palestinians and other minority groups of their rights. Israel’s enemies have an agenda to delegitimize Israel’s right to exist, and thereby accomplish through deception and political...


We Remember: Israeli Couple Shot While Driving With Their Children

- Rabbi Eitam Henkin and his wife, Naama, left a legacy of love.
It has been almost a year since Israel began experiencing a surge in terrorism and violent popular uprisings. On Rosh Hashanah last year (September 13, 2015), the first victim in this wave of violence was murdered as he returned home from his family’s celebration of the Jewish New...

Archeology Issues

Roman Home of Jesus’s Disciples Discovered in Israel

Archeologists digging in modern-day Israel believe they have found the settlement where three of Jesus’s apostles made their homes.

The remains of a settlement discovered by the sea of Galilee in the Bethsaida Valley Nature Reserve is thought to be the site of the lost Roman city of Julias, Haaretzreported.

The researchers believe the discovery...

US-Israel Relationship

PA minister defends payments deemed incentives to murder by US senators

Monthly payments to families of those imprisoned for attacking Israelis contribute to stability in Palestinian society rather than encourage terrorism, the senior Palestinian official in charge of disbursing them told The Jerusalem Post Sunday.

“This assistance has never encouraged terrorism, the opposite is true,” said Issa Qaraqe, head of the...


Half Year After Being Seriously Wounded in Jerusalem Truck-Ramming Attack, IDF Soldier Achieves Dream of Becoming Combat Fitness Officer

Jerusalem, IDF soldier Dana Ofir recently completed a training course to become a combat fitness instructor, the Hebrew news site Walla reported on Thursday.

Four people were killed and more than a dozen were wounded in the Jan. 8 incident in which an Arab terrorist from East Jerusalem drove into a crowd of soldiers at the Armon Hanatziv...

Israeli Technology

Israeli scientist develops early diagnostic test for Parkinson’s

The exciting news coming out of Israel, that a scientist has developed a groundbreaking test to categorically detect Parkinson’s disease, is giving the medical and science worlds hope for the future.

Suaad Abd-Elhadi, a PhD student at the Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine, has...

ISIS Issues

ISIS Strikes in Great Britain: What It Means

ISIS Issues

At-The-Scene Analysis of Recent London Terror Attacks

Israeli Technology

New Israeli system capable of identifying explosive devices from afar

This new Israeli innovation will be able to protect soldiers against explosive charges as they cross hostile areas in times of battle or operations.

The system is mainly designed to be used by patrol forces undertaking routine security measures near the borders such as route openings and suspicious object inspections. In addition, the system...

Incitement Issues

How Terrorist Tactics Used Against Britain Were First Used in Israel

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Issues

Top UK Jewish Leader on Fight Against Anti-Semtism in Britain

Issues US-Israel Relationship

Why The British Government Must Support Israel + Confront Radical Islam

US-Israel Relationship

Taylor Force act passes Senate hurdle, on path to become law

WASHINGTON – A Senate bill that would force the Palestinian Authority to end its program of compensating convicted murderers and terrorists in Israel passed through a critical committee markup and vote on Thursday.

The Taylor Force Act – originally drafted exclusively by Republicans – earned support from Democratic senators and several Israel...


Record numbers of Jews visit the Temple Mount Tisha Be’av morning

With the Jewish people commemorating the destruction of the ancient Temples in Jerusalem on the fast of Tisha Be’av on Tuesday, more than 1,200 Jewish visitors went to the Temple Mount on Tuesday morning, activist groups said.

According to the Yeraeh organization, which promotes Jewish visitation and prayer rights at the Temple Mount and which...

US-Israel Relationship

PA payments to prisoners, ‘martyr’ families now equal half its foreign aid

The Palestinian Authority’s 2017 budget for payments to inmates in Israeli prisons and so-called “families of martyrs” is equal in sum to about half of the foreign aid Ramallah expects to receive this year, a recently published Israeli report shows.

According to the PA Finance Ministry’s 2017 budget, published on its website earlier in July,...


PA said to offer $20 million in subsidies to East Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority has reportedly earmarked some $20 million to support East Jerusalem Palestinians in the wake of mass protests over Israeli security measures around the Temple Mount compound.

According to Channel 2, the 500 “guards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque” will each receive a $1,000 stipend from the PA.

Some $15 million will go toward...

Incitement Issues

Salomon brit: ‘We want to be remembered as a happy family’

The baby’s small cries briefly filled the crowded room. Guests stood shoulder-to-shoulder to celebrate the circumcision of the boy whose entry into the world was followed by the murder of three members of his family.

“I never imagined that I would celebrate the birth of my oldest son, who I had so longed for, with half the nation,” said Shmuel...