At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Issues

Former UK Parliamentarian Calls Out Jeremy Corbyn on Anti-Israel Views


God wants to use you to be part of Israel’s story

At Christians United for Israel, we believe everyone has an important role to play in Israel’s story. Everyone has a sphere of influence they can use to defend Israel with the truth. Your voice has more power than you know.

Pam and Larry Perry are an ordinary couple whom God has used to make a huge difference in their church, their community, and...


From Jail to Jerusalem

All the best stories have a twist you couldn’t see coming. For Pastor Joey Steelman, CUFI’s Northern California Director, the first twist came when he found Jesus through a gym. Until then, his life was predictably headed in one clear direction – down. An angry and hurting young man, he was in and out...


Beating BDS: Liberty University

Liberty University is the largest Christian university in the world, and it is legendary among pro-Israel campus activists for its consistent strong support for Israel. But just because Liberty’s student body has historically stood behind Israel doesn’t guarantee it always will. As young Christians are increasingly drawn to implement their faith...

Hamas Issues

At Hamas summer camp, kids ‘liberate’ Temple Mount, ‘kill’ Israeli troops

Children at a Hamas summer camp staged a reenactment of the recent tensions at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with kids dressed up as Hamas fighters pretending to storm the compound and “liberate” the holy site.

Footage of last month’s graduation ceremony, which was translated Tuesday by the Middle East Media Research Institute, shows a group...

Israeli Society Issues

Record numbers of Jews visit the Temple Mount Tisha Be’av morning

With the Jewish people commemorating the destruction of the ancient Temples in Jerusalem on the fast of Tisha Be’av on Tuesday, more than 1,200 Jewish visitors went to the Temple Mount on Tuesday morning, activist groups said.

According to the Yeraeh organization, which promotes Jewish visitation and prayer rights at the Temple Mount and which...

Incitement Issues

PA payments to prisoners, ‘martyr’ families now equal half its foreign aid

The Palestinian Authority’s 2017 budget for payments to inmates in Israeli prisons and so-called “families of martyrs” is equal in sum to about half of the foreign aid Ramallah expects to receive this year, a recently published Israeli report shows.

According to the PA Finance Ministry’s 2017 budget, published on its website earlier in July,...

Talking Points

President Trump’s Middle East Trip

President Donald Trump recently left the Middle East after a brief visit to Saudi Arabia and Israel. While the president did not do and say everything we would have asked, we were very pleased with this visit.

He began with an important speech in Saudi Arabia. The President did not apologize for American behavior or focus on old grievances....

Talking Points

Boycott, Divest from and Sanction (BDS)

The effort to Boycott, Divest from and Sanction (BDS) Israel, is an anti-Semitic movement whose end goal is the destruction of the Jewish State. BDS activists have repeatedly acknowledged that “The real aim of BDS is to bring down the state of Israel.”

Despite the immense hatred for the Jewish state displayed by proponents of BDS, CUFI is...


Headlines – Wednesday, August 23, 2017

In-Depth Issues:

Iran Extends Reach with Fight for Land Link to Mediterranean - Bassem Mroue and Qassim Abdul-Zahra (AP-Washington Post)
Thousands of Iranian-backed fighters in Syria's central desert region are advancing east, bringing Tehran closer to its goal of securing a corridor from its border, through Iraq and all the way to the...

Talking Points

Update on the Dangerous Iran Deal

President Obama's dangerous Iran deal is the preeminent foreign policy challenge of our day. Congress is now almost half way through the 60 day review period for deciding whether or not to support this disastrous agreement that will put $150 billion in the hands of the world's leading sponsor of terror and will birth a Middle East nuclear arms...

Issues US-Israel Relationship

Pro-Israel Christians Have Unique Opportunity Under Trump Administration

Issues Jerusalem

UNESCO denies Israel’s Claim to Temple Mount

Iran Issues

In Warning to Security Council, American UN Envoy Nikki Haley Highlights Ballistic Missile Danger, Growing Iranian Support for Terror

Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, wrote on Wednesday to both the Security Council and the global intergovernmental organization’s secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, with a stark warning about Iran’s growing support for terrorist organizations, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon.

“As long as we allow the Iranian regime to violate this...

Iran Issues

Money Talks: The $400 Million Ransom Paid to Terrorists

An unmarked Iranian cargo plane in Switzerland is secretly loaded with pallets stacked with $400 million in foreign cash. Four American hostages are kept huddled in the Tehran airport under armed guard for nearly 24 hours, on their way home but not allowed to leave just yet. Finally, Iran lets the hostages board their plane, and as soon as the...


God wants to use you to be part of Israel’s story

At Christians United for Israel, we believe everyone has an important role to play in Israel’s story. Everyone has a sphere of influence they can use to defend Israel with the truth. Your voice has more power than you know.

Pam and Larry Perry are an ordinary couple whom God has used to make a huge difference in their church, their community, and...


From Jail to Jerusalem

All the best stories have a twist you couldn’t see coming. For Pastor Joey Steelman, CUFI’s Northern California Director, the first twist came when he found Jesus through a gym. Until then, his life was predictably headed in one clear direction – down. An angry and hurting young man, he was in and out...


Faith and Obedience: A Calling to Support Israel

Some people are called to be leaders for their generation. Emilio Navarrete is one of those people. His resume is already impressive, and he hasn’t even graduated from college yet. As a Junior at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona, he’s not only the Vice President of his CUFI on Campus chapter. He’s also the president of his school’s...


Girl on Fire: Fearless Passion for God and Israel

Siraya Chambers might be young, but her bold faith far exceeds her age. Connected to CUFI by her Bible teacher as a high school senior. Siraya fell in love with CUFI when she attended Summit in 2015. She came back from Summit on fire and founded a CUFI on Campus chapter at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

If one word could describe Siraya...


Supporting Israel is Not About Politics

For CUFI on Campus Bonhoeffer Fellow Chris Vasquez supporting Israel isn’t about politics. It’s about loving what God loves and standing up for what’s right.

On his way to Israel for the first time with the other Bonhoeffer Fellows, Chris met a woman named Sarah in the New York airport who had survived the Holocaust as a child. Sarah’s parents...