At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Israel Defense Force (IDF) Issues

Trigger fingers: The IDF officers responsible for intercepting missiles

Lt. Dima Kisilov’s first phone call, meanwhile, was to his father. “I asked him if he heard what had happened in Eilat because I was afraid he might be worried,” he says, “but it turns out I had woken him up. So I told him, he was excited for a bit, and then he went back to sleep.”

Before 2nd Lt. Chen Shaked could call his mother, however, she...

Israeli Technology

Extracting water from air, Israeli firm looks to quench global thirst

Water-Gen Ltd., an Israeli company whose technology captures humidity in order to make drinking water out of air, is not likely to experience the cash-flow squeeze that afflicts many fast-growing companies.
\That’s because Russian-Israeli entrepreneur and billionaire Michael Mirilashvili, who is also the vice president of the World Jewish...

US-Israel Relationship

Allies knew of Holocaust in 1942, 2 years before previously assumed, UN documents prove

Recently released documents show that the Allied forces were aware of the scale of the Holocaust some two years earlier than previously assumed. They did little to stop the deaths or rescue the victims.

The unsealed United Nations files show that the US, UK and Russia knew as early as December 1942 that two million Jews had been massacred and...

US-Israel Relationship

Defense Secretary James Mattis to Visit Israel During Week-Long Middle East Trip Meant to ‘Reaffirm Key US Military Alliances

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis will stop in Israel this coming Friday during a week-long trip to the Middle East.

During his visit — Mattis’ first to the Jewish state since taking over at the Pentagon in January — the retired Marine general will hold meetings with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and...

US-Israel Relationship

When Moses almost parted the Red Sea on the Great Seal of the United States

If Ben Franklin had his way, the Great Seal of the United States might have featured Moses instead of a bald eagle.

Moses was one of several Hebrew prophets admired by the Puritans who created the early American colonies, and the revolutionaries who led those colonies to independence. This reverence is part of a provocative new book by Yale...

Christian Persecution

Christians mark Easter at Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

Thousands of Christians marked Jesus’s resurrection on Easter Sunday at the Jerusalem site where they believe the miracle occurred, with some prostrating themselves over his tomb and leaving in tears.

Visitors and worshippers filed through the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built on the site where tradition says Jesus was crucified, buried and...

Christian Persecution Issues

Pray for Christians Terrorized by Boko Haram in Nigeria

Not stand by while the Christians of the Middle East are being attacked.
Pray the protection of Psalm 91 over my brothers and sisters facing dangerous circumstances around the world.
The growth of the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram has been devastating for the Christians living in Nigeria. Christians are a minority group in northern Nigeria,...

Issues Jerusalem

The City of David and the Maccabees

Issues Jerusalem

A Look Inside the Remains of Israel’s Largest Roman-Era Villa

Issues Jerusalem

The Greeks’ Acra Stronghold Against the Maccabees

Issues Jerusalem

The City of David During the First Temple Period

US-Israel Relationship

Palestinian men convicted of killing American tourist in Israel charged in US

Two Palestinian men convicted in Israel of murdering a U.S. citizen who was hiking near an Israeli archaeological site could face prosecution in the United States if they're ever released from an Israeli prison.

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia said in a statement Thursday that Ayad Fatafta and Kifah Ghanimat each face a...

Christian Persecution

Churches in southern Egypt will not celebrate Easter

CAIRO — Egyptian churches, in the southern city of Minya, said on Tuesday that they will not hold Easter celebrations next Saturday in mourning for 45 Coptic Christians killed this week in twin bombings of churches in two cities during Palm Sunday ceremonies.

The Minya Coptic Orthodox Diocese said that celebrations will only be limited to the...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)

Young ANC leader defies Israel-apartheid comparisons, sees his political future doomed

Comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa is all the rage again. A United Nations agency recently published (and the United Nations secretary general rejected) a report accusing the Jewish state of having “established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole.” Campuses around the world are currently marking Israel...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Issues

Presbyterian Pastor Defies Denomination, Stands With Israel

Israeli Technology

Part 2: A Light Unto the Nations: Israel’s Largest Food Bank Fulfills Biblical Mandate

Israeli Technology

Part 1: Israel’s Largest Food Bank Sets Biblical Example, Blesses the Poor


Four Good Reasons Why Every American Should Support Israel


Think God is Done With Israel? Think Again

US-Israel Relationship

Trump, Pence boost hopes to move Israel embassy to Jerusalem

President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have boosted speculation for big cuts to U.S. contributions to the United Nations and moving the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem by meeting with a prominent group that promotes both causes.

Late last Friday, leaders from Christians United for Israel, including Pastor John C. Hagee and Gary...