At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Israeli Society

Safe in Jerusalem, Iranian blogger thanks Israel for ‘saving’ her

Hours after she arrived at Ben Gurion Airport on Thursday, Neda Amin, an Iranian-born journalist and dissident who feared being deported to her native country, thanked the Israeli government for granting her refuge, adding that she has Jewish roots and would love to live in Israel.

During a press conference at The Times of Israel’s Jerusalem...

US-Israel Relationship

Israel and US Reportedly Stepping Up Cooperation on Missile Defense

Israel and the United States are stepping up their close cooperation on developing missile defense systems, Defense News reported on Wednesday.

According to the report, the US is helping to build three Israeli defense systems that intercept airborne threats before they reach their targets: The Arrow-3 for long-range missiles, David’s Sling for...


2,000-year-old stone workshop discovered near where Jesus turned water into wine

There are few worse prospects for the hostess of a Jewish wedding than running out of drinks. Empathizing with such a predicament as a guest at a wedding in Cana some 2,000 years ago, Jesus’s mother Mary asked her special son to step up and “do something.”

Although he initially demurs, Jesus eventually orders servants to bring six special stone...

Danny Danon

Israeli Envoy: We Won’t Let UN Agencies Become Branches of Hamas

Israel will not permit United Nations agencies to “become branches of the Hamas terrorist organization,” the Jewish state’s envoy to the global body vowed on Wednesday, following the news that a UN employee in the Gaza Strip had been detained and questioned by the Shin Bet over suspected involvement in “security offenses.”

“While UN workers...

Israeli Technology

Immunotherapy Initiative Launched in Israel to Combat Cancer

The Cancer Research Institute, the world’s largest nonprofits dedicated to cancer research, is partnering with the Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), the largest charitable organization dedicated to cancer research in the Jewish state, to launch a new initiative to fund and promote research in immunotherapy cancer treatment.

The initiative,...

Archeology Issues

Sites vie to be seen as Christianity’s ‘lost’ city of Bethsaida

In the New Testament, Bethsaida is a place of miracles. Here, Jesus cured a blind man, turned a few loaves and fishes into food for 5,000, and walked on water. But mysteriously, its location was lost. Now, dueling archaeological excavations place it in the same vicinity on the northern bank of the Sea of Galilee, but at slightly different...


Israeli jets hit Hamas targets in Gaza following rocket strike

Israeli jets struck two Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip overnight Tuesday, injuring at least three people, hours after a rocket fired from the Palestinian enclave hit an open area in southern Israel.

The Israeli military said in a statement that in response to the projectile attack in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council earlier Tuesday, “IAF...

Archeology Issues

“Final Thoughts” From Jordan River Site Where John Baptized Jesus

Archeology Issues

A John the Baptist Link to the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Archeology Issues

A Look at Ancient Qumran and Why the Dead Sea Scrolls Were Written

Archeology Issues

The Truth About The Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls


One Woman’s Incredible Journey From Hardship in Africa to Passionate Pro-Israel Advocate


Modern Christian Zionist Movement Born in Great Britain: Can It Return?

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Issues

The Disturbing Plight of France’s Jews

US-Israel Relationship

Lt. Col Allen West On Threats Gathering Against America and Israel

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Issues

Former UK Parliamentarian Calls Out Jeremy Corbyn on Anti-Israel Views


God wants to use you to be part of Israel’s story

At Christians United for Israel, we believe everyone has an important role to play in Israel’s story. Everyone has a sphere of influence they can use to defend Israel with the truth. Your voice has more power than you know.

Pam and Larry Perry are an ordinary couple whom God has used to make a huge difference in their church, their community, and...


From Jail to Jerusalem

All the best stories have a twist you couldn’t see coming. For Pastor Joey Steelman, CUFI’s Northern California Director, the first twist came when he found Jesus through a gym. Until then, his life was predictably headed in one clear direction – down. An angry and hurting young man, he was in and out...


Beating BDS: Liberty University

Liberty University is the largest Christian university in the world, and it is legendary among pro-Israel campus activists for its consistent strong support for Israel. But just because Liberty’s student body has historically stood behind Israel doesn’t guarantee it always will. As young Christians are increasingly drawn to implement their faith...

Hamas Issues

At Hamas summer camp, kids ‘liberate’ Temple Mount, ‘kill’ Israeli troops

Children at a Hamas summer camp staged a reenactment of the recent tensions at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with kids dressed up as Hamas fighters pretending to storm the compound and “liberate” the holy site.

Footage of last month’s graduation ceremony, which was translated Tuesday by the Middle East Media Research Institute, shows a group...