At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Event Recaps

Feb 26 Nampa, ID Stand With Israel

Israeli hospital treats Syrians suffering from emotional trauma

Israeli hospital treats Syrians suffering from emotional trauma

Given the enormous death toll of the ongoing war in Syria, it is easy to overlook—or fail to attribute importance to—the psychological well-being of those who have endured. But the severe trauma faced by so many Syrians has left an entire generation with intangible scars. It is an issue that, somewhat counter-intuitively, Syria's arch-enemy,...


1973 Yom Kippur War


Event Recaps

Feb 25 Nampa, ID Stand With Israel

Event Recaps

Feb 25 Chambersburg, PA Stand With Israel

Event Recaps

Feb 17 Sacramento, CA Daughters For Zion Luncheon

Event Recaps

Feb 24 Nampa, ID Pastor’s Luncheon

Event Recaps

Feb 24 Southbridge, MA Bilingual Pastor’s Meeting

Netanyahu: U.S. Embassy move will have long-term ramifications
US-Israel Relationship

Netanyahu: U.S. Embassy move will have long-term ramifications

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lauded US President Donald Trump as a “great friend” at Sunday’s cabinet meeting and said Washington’s decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem will have significant, long-term ramifications.

“This is a great moment for the citizens of Israel and this is a historic moment for the State of Israel,” Netanyahu said...

Israeli Society

Israeli Wheelchairs of Hope donated in South Africa

Fifty colorful, lightweight child-sized wheelchairs from Israeli nonprofit organization Wheelchairs of Hope are being distributed to needy disabled five- to nine-year-olds in South Africa through the South African chapter of WIZO (Women’s International Zionist Organization) and the Israeli Embassy in South Africa.

The inexpensive, low-maintenance...

US ‘to move embassy to Jerusalem on May 14’ — day of Independence Declaration
US-Israel Relationship

US ‘to move embassy to Jerusalem on May 14’ — day of Independence Declaration

The US is planning to officially move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem on May 14, 2018 — the 70th anniversary of Israel’s declaration of independence, as well as Washington’s recognition of the Jewish state — Channel 10 and Hadashot news reported Friday.

According to Hadashot the embassy will officially announce the plans later in the day. The...

Eighth-Century Clay Seal With ‘Signature of Prophet Isaiah’ Found in Jerusalem

Eighth-Century Clay Seal With ‘Signature of Prophet Isaiah’ Found in Jerusalem

A historic archaeological discovery near Jerusalem’s Temple Mount may be proof of the life of the biblical prophet Isaiah, according to an article in the Biblical Archaeology Review.  A broken 8th-century BCE clay seal impression, or bulla, appears to be inscribed with the words “Belonging to Isaiah,” as well as a partial word containing letters...

IDF, US troops get ready for drill to simulate massive missile attack on Israel
US-Israel Relationship

IDF, US troops get ready for drill to simulate massive missile attack on Israel

The Israeli military on Thursday began its final preparations for a major air defense exercise with the United States, which is set to kick off at the beginning of next month, the army said.

While the Juniper Cobra exercise, which was first held in 2001, is scheduled every two years, it comes at a time of growing tension between Israel and Iran...

Two terror attacks, two widows, a shared pain
Israeli Society

Two terror attacks, two widows, a shared pain

Miriam Ben Gal, 27, who lost her husband Itamar in a terror attack in Ariel, and Yael Shevah, 32, who lost her husband Raziel about a month ago in a terror attack in the Havat Gilad outpost, feel like brides too. The brides of mourning, remembering their wedding day together.

“When was the last time my parents held me from each side and led me,...

IDF Reveals It Thwarted Attempted Islamic State Bombing Of Australian Flight
Israel Defense Force (IDF)

IDF reveals it thwarted attempted Islamic State bombing of Australian flight

The Israeli army on Wednesday revealed that the Military Intelligence Unit 8200 foiled an Islamic State attempt to bomb a flight from Australia last August.

“The unit provided exclusive intelligence that led to the prevention of an air attack by the Islamic State in 2017 in Australia,” a senior IDF officer said.

“The foiling of the attack saved...

Israeli Society

Israel EMS team awarded for lifesaving aid in Panama

United Hatzalah received an award from the Panama Homefront Command on February 5, 2018, honoring the lifesaving aid the Israeli voluntary first-response organization has helped provide to the small Central American country in recent years.

President and Founder of United Hatzalah Eli Beer accepted the award, presented by José Donderis, chief of...

Haley to Abbas: US wants a peace deal but will not ‘chase after you’
US-Israel Relationship

Haley to Abbas: US wants a peace deal but will not ‘chase after you’

WASHINGTON — US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Tuesday said Washington would not “chase” the Palestinians to the negotiating table with Israel, following Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s speech to the UN Security Council.

Speaking in front of US President Donald Trump’s top two Middle East peace negotiators — Jared...

Event Recaps

Feb 12 Memphis, TN CUFI on Campus

Event Recaps

Feb 12 Las Vegas, NV Spanish Pastor’s Luncheon

One drug could treat Alzheimer’s, MS, Crohn’s and more
Israeli Technology

One drug could treat Alzheimer’s, MS, Crohn’s and more

Could one drug effectively treat incurable inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis as well as neurodegenerative maladies such as Alzheimer’s disease?

Yes, says Prof. David Naor, speaking with ISRAEL21c at the Lautenberg Center for General and Tumor Immunology in Hebrew...