At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Iran’s new missile corvette could reshape naval doctrine


Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGC-N) is building a new class of warships, as first reported in Naval News last week based on satellite imagery. The catamaran design appears relatively large, modern and capable compared to existing IRGC commercial-based designs.

The sectarian arm of the Iranian military’s move to...

In The News

US to offer Iran new nuclear deal, sanctions relief this week – report


The United States is trying to break the nuclear deadlock with Iran and is planning a new proposal that would include some sanctions relief for the Islamic Republic, according to a report in Politico.

Biden administration officials plan to put forth a new proposal to restart nuclear talks between Washington and Tehran as soon as...

In The News

Palestinian terrorists issue death threat on American as Biden admin seeks closer ties


After more than a week of silence in the face of questions, the State Department said it is concerned about the safety of a prominent pro-democracy Palestinian-American who recently received death threats from a terror organization affiliated with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas.

Fadi Elsalameen, a human-rights and...


Iran rejects US offer to open nuclear talks amid offer to lift sanctions


Iran has rejected a US offer – revealed in Politico on Tuesday – to launch negotiations over a new nuclear deal in exchange for the lifting of some American sanctions.

Iran said that it will not stop its 20% uranium enrichment before the US lifts all sanctions, Iranian state TV quoted an unnamed official as saying in reaction to...

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Oldest surviving ‘Righteous Among Nations,’ who saved Jewish boy, dies age 101


The oldest surviving person to bear the title of Righteous Among the Nations, Anna Kozminska, died last week at the age of 101, Poland’s Institute for Remembrance has said.

She was to be buried on Tuesday at the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw.

Kozminska was believed to be the be oldest living person recognized by...

In The News

Bahrain appoints first-ever ambassador to Israel


Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi approved Bahrain’s first-ever ambassador to Israel on Tuesday, ahead of the Gulf state opening its embassy in the coming weeks.

Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani appointed Khaled Yousif al-Jalahama to the position on Sunday. Jalahama is the Director of Operations at Bahrain’s...

In The News

Almost all remaining Jews in Yemen deported – Saudi media


The last three Jewish families in Yemen were deported by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, leaving only four elderly Jews in the country, after heavy pressure by the Houthis, the London-based Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsatreported over the weekend.

The families, totaling 13 people, told Asharq Al-Awsat that they were now searching...


U.S. senators push for Biden not to return to Iran nuclear pact

Forty-three U.S. senators, many of whom opposed the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, appealed to President Joe Biden on Thursday to work toward an international agreement that addresses issues beyond just Tehran’s nuclear program.
The letter was released as the Democrat Biden’s administration explores ways to restore the nuclear pact...

In The News

UAE’s ambassador to Israel extends warm Passover wishes to Jewish community

Mohammad Mahmoud Al Khajah posted his message in Hebrew and English

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ambassador to Israel tweeted a message for the Passover holiday on Sunday evening in which he called for celebrating freedom and new beginnings.
Mohammad Mahmoud Al Khaja, who is currently not in the country, posted his message in...

In The News

Iraq’s Jewish community dwindles to fewer than five

A turning point for Jewish history in Iraq came with the first pogroms in the mid-20th century

The death of Dhafer Eliyahu hit Iraq hard, not only because the doctor treated the neediest for free, but because with his passing, only four Jews now remain in the country.
At the Habibiya Jewish cemetery in the capital Baghdad, wedged...

In The News

Palestinian arrested after attempting to ram vehicle into IDF soldiers


A Palestinian driver tried to ram his vehicle into a group of Israel Defense Forces soldiers near the West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim on Sunday, the IDF said.

The vehicle instead hit several other Israeli vehicles and the suspect was arrested. There were no injuries reported in the incident, at the parking lot of the Ein...

In The News

‘Iron Sting’: Israel completes testing of ‘groundbreaking’ laser-guided mortar


A new laser-guided mortar completed trials and will bring greater firepower to smaller units while reducing collateral damage to noncombatants due to its high levels of accuracy, the Defense Ministry said in a statement Sunday.

The Iron Sting 120mm mortar was developed by the ministry along with the Israel Defense Forces and Elbit...

In The News

Iran and China formally sign 25-year cooperation pact

Iran and China signed a 25-year "strategic cooperation pact" Saturday in the latest expansion of Beijing's flagship trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative as the US rivals move closer together.
Negotiations for the deal, launched five years ago, sparked controversy in Iran last year and virtually no details of its contents have been...

In The News

China, Iran to sign 25-year cooperation accord

Accord expected to include Chinese investments in Iran’s energy and infrastructure sectors

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Iran on Friday for a visit reports said would see the signing of a 25-year cooperation agreement between the two countries, both of which are under US sanctions.
This comes one day after China...


Bipartisan group of more than 40 senators sound alarm on Iran’s nuclear program


A bipartisan group of more than 40 senators is sounding the alarm on Iran’s nuclear program, urging President Biden to use a mix of “diplomatic and economic tools.”

The letter to Biden — led by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) — comes as Biden seeks to...

In The News

Biden admin restores US humanitarian aid to Palestinians

US to transfer $15 million to 'the most vulnerable communities' through a charity

US President Joe Biden's administration will restore aid to the Palestinians that was cut by his predecessor Donald Trump, the US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said on Thursday.
"President Biden is restoring US assistance...

In The News

With new tech, Israel prepares for Hezbollah war


Defending the border from Hezbollah infiltration, destroying anti-tank missile infrastructures and maneuvering inside enemy territory are just some of the skills that were exercised in the 188th Armored Brigade drill that was completed on Thursday. 

The brigade’s drill was the culmination of a 17-week training session. The 53rd,...

In The News

Lawmakers Investigate State Department Over $1 Billion Ransom Payment to Iran


Republican foreign policy leaders in Congress are pressing Secretary of State Antony Blinken to fully disclose the contents of secret talks with South Korea that are believed to have paved the way for that country to hand Iran $1 billion as part of a ransom payment.

Reps. Bryan Steil (R., Wis.), Jim Banks (R., Ind.), and Greg...

In The News

Iran fired missile at Israeli ship in Arabian Sea – report


An Iranian missile was fired at an Israeli ship in the Persian Gulf, N12 reported Thursday.

The container ship is owned by an Israeli businessman and was making its way from Tanzania from India, N12 reported.

As the ship sailed between Indian and Oman, it was hit by a missile that damaged it, according to N12.

The incident...

In The News

The story of Passover

CUFI Coffee Break

Being Jewish means much more than belonging to a religious group. In fact, you can be religious or secular and still be Jewish. Essentially, the Jewish people are made up of a group of individuals who share a common identity. That identity is made up of key aspects, including:...