In The News

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In The News

UAE Fund To Invest $100 Million In Clean Energy In Israel


Masdar fund and EDF Renewables Israel have signed a strategic cooperation investment agreement

Abu Dhabi-based Masdar and Israel’s EDF Renewables have signed a strategic cooperation agreement, which will see the renewable energy arm of the UAE investment fund Mubadala invest hundreds of millions of dollars in developing renewable…

In The News

Israel, Morocco Sign Direct Flight Agreement


Israel had established liaison offices in Morocco in the 1990s during a short-lived diplomatic opening.

Israel and Morocco on Thursday signed an aviation agreement that will see direct flights launch between the two countries.
The development comes after Israel and Gulf states, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, signed…

In The News

Iraq: Twin Suicide Bombings Rock Central Baghdad, At Least 28 Reported Killed

Two suicide blasts reported in busy market area in vicinity of Baghdad’s al-Tayaran square

At least 28 people were killed and 73 wounded following a suicide bombing in central Baghdad on Thursday, Iraqi military reports.
According to some of the available reports, two suicide bombers activated their devices at the busy Shorjah…

In The News

The Arab Riots Of The 1920s-1930s

CUFI Coffee Break
Lesson 50
The first major Arab riots against the Jews of Palestine occurred in 1920, with violent attacks against Jews in Jerusalem and in the Galilee. The Arab revolts created a problem for the British. They had a responsibility, as part of the British Mandate, to steward the creation of a Jewish national home. At…

In The News

‘Christ Born Of Mary’: 1st Proof Of Early Christianity Found In Galilee Village


With the words, “Christ born of Mary,” archaeologists have discovered the first evidence of an early Christian settlement from 1,500 years ago in what is today the location of a small Arab village near Nazareth.

According to Israel Antiquities Authority researchers, a recently discovered Greek inscription dedicated to the…

In The News

Netanyahu Proposes International Vaccine Initiative For Future Pandemics


Israel and several other countries should start an international vaccine corporation to research and manufacture vaccines in future pandemics, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed in a meeting with leaders of six other countries on Monday.

“We will encounter more viruses,” Netanyahu warned. “We must unite forces and start to…

In The News

Morocco Jews ‘Already Packing’ For Direct Israel Flights

Morocco, home to North Africa’s biggest Jewish community and the ancestral homeland of some 700,000 Israelis, is also hoping for an influx of Israeli tourists when the COVID-19 pandemic eases.
“I’m very happy” that the five-hour route will be served by direct flights, said Mergui, a Moroccan Jew who lives in Casablanca. “It’s a true…

In The News

City of David Recognized As ‘Testament’ To US Judeo-Christian Heritage


The City of David was recognized as a “testament to America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and founding principles” by the US Embassy in Jerusalem and the US Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad at a special ceremony on Monday.

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Chairman of the Commission for the…

In The News

US Says Bahrain, UAE Are ‘Major Security Partners’ After Normalizing Israel Ties


The United States called Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates “major security partners” early Saturday, a previously unheard of designation for the two countries home to major American military operations.

A White House statement tied the designation to Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates normalizing ties to Israel, saying it…

In The News

Israel In ‘Final Stages’ Of COVID, Showing World An Exit Strategy, Says Top Official


Israel is in the “final stages” of the coronavirus pandemic, a senior health official said Friday after data showed the country was seeing clear results of its massive vaccination drive.

“We are in the final stages of the coronavirus. Israel, with the scale of its vaccine drive, is showing the world that there is an exit…

In The News

Massive Iran Missile Drill Is Message To US, Gulf and Israel


A massive Iranian missile drill showcasing long range missiles, drones and other weapons is taking place this weekend and serves as a message to Gulf countries, the US and Israel.

It comes a year after Iran launched ballistic missiles at US forces in Iraq and follows Tehran’s sending of missile technology to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon…

In The News

US, Moroccan NGO Sign Deal To Fight All Forms Of Antisemitism


The US State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism signed a groundbreaking agreement with the NGO Association Mimouna of Morocco on Friday to jointly combat antisemitism and efforts to strip Israel of its legitimacy.

Ellie Cohanim, the Deputy Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism for the State Department, told The…

UNRWA Admits Educational Materials Rife With Anti-Israel Racism And Incitement


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which serves Palestinian refugees, admitted on Thursday that its educational materials contain exhortations to violence, hate speech, and terrorism that violate UN regulations.

In a statement by UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini one day after the release of a report…

In The News

Israel: 162 Ethiopian Jews Immigrate to Israel


‘I am extremely excited to see these new arrivals in Israel,’ Minister for Aliyah and Integration says

On Thursday morning, Israel welcomed another 162 Ethiopian Jews, members of the Falash Mura community, who landed in the Jewish state to make their aliyah — immigration.

The newly-made Israelis made their way into the Jewish…

West Bank: Two Palestinian Terrorists Arrested Over Roadside Shooting

Arresting officers found many firearms and munitions in the suspects’ houses

Israeli security forces on Friday arrested two suspected Palestinian terrorists who last month opened fire on an Israel Defense Forces vehicle in the West Bank.
No one was hurt in the December 19 incident that saw the suspects flee after shooting at an…

Operation Pillar of Defense

Coffee Break
Lesson 49
On November 14, 2012, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense in response to a barrage of more than 150 rockets fired into Israel by terrorist organizations in Gaza in one day.

Israel’s main goal for the operation was to decrease the number of rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.

The operation began…

Israel, UAE Sign Visa-Free Travel Agreement


Israel and the United Arab Emirates will allow visa-free travel between the countries, after the UAE ratified an agreement on the matter on Wednesday.

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said “the ratification of the agreement is a central element of the full and quick implementation of the many agreements being worked on these days…

In The News

Israel, Slovakia To Ink Defense Deal Worth Over $182 Million

‘Israel’s defense industry is at the forefront of global technology,’ Gantz says, hailing agreement

Israel and Slovakia are set to sign a defense agreement worth some €150 million, or over $182 million, Israel’s Defense Ministry said Thursday.
In a press release, the ministry said that the Slovakian government has approved a…