In The News

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In The News

Hezbollah deploys air defense systems north of Damascus, Syria

Hezbollah is reportedly deploying air defense systems in Syria, where it would be able to defend against Israeli airstrikes there as well as Lebanon.

According to the ALMA Research Center, the group is deploying the systems to the Qalmoun Mountains region northwest of Damascus which borders Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, home to Hezbollah’s logistical…

In The News

Jewish man punched, given black eye in Brooklyn for wearing IDF shirt

Two Jewish men, one of whom was wearing an IDF sweatshirt, were attacked in Brooklyn on Sunday, the New York Post reported.

Blake Zavadsky and Ilan Kaganovich were in a shoe shop in the city when two attackers accosted them.

“They asked us what we were doing in their neighborhood,” Zavadsky told the Post.

Zavadsky was the one wearing…

In The News

Lawmakers urge Biden administration to impose sanctions on Hamas, Hezbollah for use of human shields

A bipartisan group of 20 members of Congress is calling for the Biden administration to apply provisions of a law passed unanimously in 2019 to punish organizations that engage in the use of human shields, such as the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations.

Reps. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) and Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) co-authored a letter to U.S….

In The News

Israeli civilian injured by gunfire from Gaza; IDF shells Hamas posts in response

An Israeli civilian was injured from gunfire Wednesday near the border with Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces said, drawing retaliatory strikes in the Strip.

Several Hebrew media outlets reported that the Israeli was injured by sniper fire originating in Gaza.

The man was taken to Barzilai hospital in Ashkelon with light injuries to his leg,…

In The News

Alleged Israeli airstrike hits Latakia Port for second time in a month

An alleged Israeli airstrike targeted the commercial port in Latakia in northwestern Syria for the second time in a month early Tuesday morning, according to Syrian state news agency SANA.

This is the second alleged Israeli airstrike on the Latakia Port this month and the third alleged Israeli airstrike on Syria, in general, this month.


In The News

Lebanon’s Aoun expresses outrage as Hezbollah continues to block cabinet

Lebanese President Michel Aoun expressed outrage in a speech on Monday that the country’s cabinet has not met for over two months due to demands by Hezbollah for Judge Tarek Bitar to be removed from the Beirut Port blast case before they agree to a cabinet meeting.

After being halted for a month, Bitar resumed his investigation into the Beirut…

In The News

Al-Aqsa Waqf guard arrested for attacking police officer

A guard working for the Waqf on the Temple Mount was arrested in the past week after he attacked an Israeli police officer at the site, according to an indictment issued against the guard on Tuesday.

On December 21, the guard, Louay Abu Al-Saad, disrupted Israel Police officers who were arresting a Waqf employee on the Temple Mount. Al-Sa’ad…

In The News

Israel Fortifies ‘Northern Shield’ Along Lebanese Border to Protect Civilians Against Rocket Attacks

Israel announced on Monday that it expanded a program to install rocket-proof protection in the homes of another three communities located along the country’s northern border with Lebanon.

Under the Israeli Defense Ministry’s plan, dubbed “Northern Shield,” private homes in the communities of Metula, Shlomi and Shetula will be fortified to…

In The News

Antisemitic flyers in Beverly Hills blame Jews for Covid

Jewish residents in the Californian city of Beverly Hills were subject to hate crimes when they found throughout the city anti-Semitic pamphlets linking their community to the Covid pandemic.
“Earlier this week, and then a few weeks ago on the first night of Hanukkah, hundreds of anti-Semitic leaflets were distributed around neighborhoods in…

Why Iran’s threat to attack Israel’s Dimona matters

Iran has published and distributed a video of rockets and drones being used to attack Dimona in the Negev Desert. It says the attack took place during the recent 17th Great Prophet drill with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the IRGC Air Force.

Tehran says it “simulated a missile and drone attack on the Dimona nuclear center using 16…

Iran’s oil exports are focus of Vienna nuclear talks

Iran’s main focus in nuclear talks that resume in Austria on Monday will be the lifting of all US sanctions in a verifiable process that guarantees Tehran’s unhindered ability to export its oil, the foreign minister said.

Negotiations with world powers to salvage Iran’s 2015 nuclear accord, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action…

Gaza terror groups launch military exercise amid growing West Bank tensions

The so-called “military” wings of several Palestinian factions on Sunday said they have launched a large-scale, joint maneuver in the Gaza Strip.

The announcement came amid growing tensions in the West Bank and calls by Hamas and other Gaza-based factions for stepping up attacks against Israel.

It also came in wake of unconfirmed reports…

Antisemitic slurs hurled at US Rep. Josh Gottheimer during NJ event

Democratic US Rep. Josh Gottheimer (New Jersey, 5th District) said hecklers shouted “Jew” and other antisemitic slurs at him as he and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo descended to Bergen County, New Jersey to promote the Biden administration’s “Build Back Better” infrastructure bill last September, Gottheimer said in a speech at Rutgers…

‘BBC’ ranks third, after Iran and Hamas, on Wiesenthal Center ‘top 10’ anti-Semitism list

The BBC placed No. 3 on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s “Global Anti-Semitism Top 10” list for 2021, after Iran and Hamas, the Daily Mail reported on Sunday.

“People might assume we would put neo-Nazi groups on our list, but the BBC is there because when a globally recognized organization allows anti-Semitism to creep into its reporting, it makes…

Qatar to invest $60 million in Gaza gas pipeline

Qatar will invest some $60 million in a pipeline to bring Israeli natural gas into the Gaza Strip, the Gulf kingdom’s envoy to Gaza, Mohammad al-Emadi, announced on Sunday.

A major Hamas backer, Qatar has pledged some $360 million for Gaza’s reconstruction following the Islamist terrorist group’s conflict with Israel in May.

The energy-rich…

West Bank terror is a reminder of Gaza’s ‘deceptive calm’

After arresting four terror suspects on suspicion of carrying out the deadly attack near Homesh, in which Israeli civilian Yehuda Dimentman, 25, was murdered, Israel Defense Forces spokesman Ran Kochav said on Sunday that the attack was likely orchestrated from the Gaza Strip.

It has since transpired that the terror cell belonged to Palestinian…

The PA’s ‘Equal Opportunities for Terrorist Murderers’ policy

Israeli security forces arrested the terrorists suspected of murdering 25-year-old Yehuda Dimentman and injuring others in a shooting attack last Thursday.

The arrest of the terrorist murderers automatically invokes the full weight of the Palestinian Authority’s 2004 Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners and implementing regulations.

PA television broadcasts girl calling to ‘trample the necks of the Zionists’

As Palestinian Media Watch has exposed and is clear by the way Palestinian children speak on PA TV, the PA educates its youth to admire terrorist murderers. In addition, they see violence and terror as valid and see the murder of Israelis/Jews as a right because Jews, they claim, don’t have any history in the land and their presence “defiles” it….