
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.

Army says some rockets, mortars fired from Gaza were made in Iran

Some of the dozens of mortars and rockets fired into Israel by Gaza-based terrorists on Tuesday were made in Iran and smuggled into the Strip, the army said.

In a statement, the army said that during the day more than 70 mortars and rockets were fired, with many intercepted. “Among the munitions fired at Israel were also rockets manufactured in…

Evidence points to Iranian work on long-range missiles at secret base — report

Weapons researchers have identified activity at a remote secret facility in the Iranian desert that points to the covert development of long-range missiles that could potentially be used to attack the United States, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

Satellite images appear to show, among other things, activity around a tunnel leading…

‘Operation House of Cards,’ the IAF mission to cripple Iran’s presence in Syria

During two pre-dawn hours, Israeli F-15 and F-16 fighter jets evaded “dozens of missiles” and dropped “many dozens” of bombs on over 50 Iranian targets throughout Syria as the Israel air force carried out an extensive campaign, dubbed “Operation House of Cards,” to try and destroy Iran’s military presence in the country.

The mission — the largest…

White House condemns Iran’s ‘highly dangerous’ missile barrage into Israel

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday condemned Iran’s firing some 20 rockets into Israel from Syria hours earlier, a move the White House warned could have far-reaching consequences for the entire region.

“The United States condemns the Iranian regime’s provocative rocket attacks from Syria against Israeli citizens, and we strongly…

After Iranian barrage, Israel launches massive counterattack in Syria

Some 20 rockets were fired at Israeli military bases by Iranian forces from southern Syria just after midnight on Thursday, sparking the largest ever direct clash between Jerusalem and Tehran, with Israeli jets targeting numerous Iranian-controlled sites across Syria.

The Israeli army said the initial missile barrage was carried out by members of…

Netanyahu tells Putin: Iran wants to carry out another Holocaust

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that Iran is seeking to commit another Holocaust by exterminating six million more Jews amid spiraling tensions between Jerusalem and Tehran.

Ahead of talks Wednesday in Moscow, Netanyahu urged that the Middle Eastern regional crisis be resolved in “a responsible…

President Trump Scraps Iran Deal

Today, President Trump announced his decision to scrap the 2016 Iran Deal due to Iran’s proven lies and violations of the deal’s terms. This was the right decision, and we believe it will lead to a much stronger, more effective deal in the future as Iran is forced to reckon with the consequences of their lies.
This announcement comes after…

Giuliani indicates Trump will nix Iran nuclear deal

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump’s new attorney indicated Saturday that the US president plans to exit the Iran nuclear deal.

Speaking before the Iran Freedom Convention for Democracy and Human Rights, Rudy Giuliani bellowed at the crowd: “What do you think is going to happen to that agreement?” Then he held up a piece of paper and pretended to rip it…


Kerry said to meet with Iran’s Zarif in bid to salvage nuclear deal

Former US secretary of state John Kerry recently met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to discuss possible ways of salvaging the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, the Boston Globe reported on Friday, citing a source briefed on the meeting.

Kerry, one of the chief architects of the 2015 accord, is said to be intent on…

Tehran terrified, ex-Pentagon official says

The Iranian regime is “quaking in its boots,” after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed secret nuclear-program documents appropriated by the Mossad, an ex-Pentagon Iran expert told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

Harold Rhode spent 28 years at the Pentagon and studied in Iran before the 1979 revolution there. The fluent Farsi speaker, who…

Israeli satellite firm reports ‘unusual’ activity at Fordo site

An Israeli satellite imaging company on Thursday released images showing what it described as “unusual” movement around the Iranian Fordo nuclear facility, a one-time uranium enrichment plant buried deep underground that was converted to a research center as part of the 2015 nuclear deal.

The photographs, which show large numbers of vehicles at…

At UN Mideast debate, Israel shows new evidence of Iran sticking to its militant ways

As decision time comes closer for President Donald Trump to stay in or withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, more evidence of Iranian intransigence in the region was given to members of the U.N. Security Council by Israel earlier today.
At a debate on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestine Question, Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon…

‘Iran lied’: Netanyahu drops a Mossad bombshell on the Iranian nuclear deal

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday dropped a Mossad intelligence bombshell on Iran, and on the Obama administration-led international community that negotiated the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran. He showcased a vast archive of Iran’s own documentation demonstrating that Tehran worked to develop a nuclear weapons arsenal, lied to the…

After Netanyahu’s speech, Trump says ‘I’ve been 100 percent right’ on Iran

WASHINGTON — Shortly after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech detailing covert Iranian efforts to build a nuclear program, and with less than two weeks before his deadline to exit the nuclear accord with Tehran, US President Donald Trump on Monday said the deal was “unacceptable” in its present form.

Responding to Netanyahu’s broadcast in…

Netanyahu says Iran ‘lied big time’ about nuclear program

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran of lying about its nuclear program in a highly billed speech Monday, revealing information he said showed the Islamic Republic continued to pursue nuclear weapons even after signing the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

Speaking in English at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu displayed…

PM presents ‘conclusive proof’ Iran lied ‘big time’ about nuclear program

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed Monday evening what he said was “conclusive proof” of a secret project underway in Iran for the development of a nuclear weapon—evidence that he said proved that Tehran had lied “big time” to the international community.

“Tonight I will show you something that the world has never seen,” Netanyahu began…

Netanyahu says Iran ‘brazenly lying’ after signing nuclear deal, moved documents to a secret location

Israeli prime minister claims Iran had been hiding all of the elements of a secret nuclear weapons program.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed new “dramatic” intelligence Monday which he claimed shows Iran is “brazenly lying” about its nuclear weapons program and shows the country is not complying with the vaunted nuclear deal it…

Briefing By Prime Minister Netanyahu on Iranian Nuclear Program