
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.

Iran’s Rouhani calls Israel a ‘cancerous tumor’ established by West

TEHRAN — Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday called Israel a “cancerous tumor” established by Western countries to advance their interests in the Middle East.

Iran’s leaders frequently condemn Israel and predict its demise, but Rouhani, a relative moderate, rarely employs such rhetoric.

Addressing an annual Islamic Unity Conference on…


Countering Iran’s Global Terrorism

Thanks for that warm introduction and for hosting me here. It’s a real pleasure to participate in the Washington Institute’s Counterterrorism Lecture Series. A number of my predecessors from the CT Bureau have had the privilege of speaking at this lectern, and I’m honored to be here to keep the streak alive.

Today, I’m going to highlight the…

Reimposition of Sanctions on Iran

Earlier this year, President Trump made the valiant decision to withdrawfrom the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the Historically Bad Iran Deal.

Since the very first rumors of negotiations surfaced, CUFI consistently and unequivocally opposed the Iran deal, making clear that it would empower the Islamic Republic…

Iran sends Hezbollah GPS parts to turn rockets into precision missiles — report

Iran has delivered advanced GPS components to Hezbollah which will allow the terrorist group to make previously unguided rockets into precision guided-missiles, thus increasing the threat to Israel, Fox News reported Friday.

According to the media outlet, American and western intelligence services believe Iran has been increasing its shipments to…


Countering Iran means sanctioning terrorist militias

At the United Nations this week, President Trump took the leaders of Iran to task for, among other things, plundering the nation’s resources “to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond.” Iran has perfected the exportation of mayhem to its neighbor, Syria. As the President pointed out, “Every solution to the…

Iran nuclear chief says atomic program strong in AP interview

Iran’s nuclear chief told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he hopes the atomic deal between Tehran and world powers survives, but warns the program will be in a stronger position than ever if not.

In a veiled threat to Israel, Ali Akbar Salehi also told the AP in an interview in Tehran that the consequences will be “harsh” if there are any…


AP Interview: Iran nuclear chief says atomic program strong

Iran’s nuclear chief told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he hopes the atomic deal between Tehran and world powers survives but warns the program will be in a stronger position than ever if not.
The remarks by Ali Akbar Salehi, who also serves as a vice president to Iran’s elected leader Hassan Rouhani, come as Iran tries to salvage an accord…

When weighing Gaza actions, ministers reportedly looked to Iran threat in north

A leading consideration as top ministers deliberated Thursday how to respond to ongoing rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip was the need to focus on the northern border with Syria and the Iranian threat emanating from there, Channel 10 news reported Friday.

According to the TV report, ministers at the emergency security cabinet meeting were…

US Diplomat Tells UN Security Council: Iran and Hezbollah at ‘Root of Violence’ in Middle East

The Iranian regime — which “seeks political, military, and territorial advantage through the spread of violence and human misery” — is one of the main causes of conflict in the Middle East, a top American diplomat said on Monday at a UN Security Council session in New York.

“In warzone after warzone, and terrorist act after terrorist act, we find…

Monitor group: Hezbollah is pulling back from Israel-Syria border, Iran isn’t

A Syrian war monitor group said Thursday that Hezbollah units deployed in Syria were pulling back dozens of kilometers from the Israeli border in response to a request from Russia, but that Iran was refusing to do the same with its forces in the area.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, citing what it described as “reliable…

Iran Regime Rejects Talks With Trump Administration on Ballistic Missile Program

Iran has no plans to extend the range of its missiles since their 2,000-kilometer (1,240-mile) reach is enough to protect the country, the Revolutionary Guards commander said on Tuesday, amid mounting US pressure over Tehran’s missile program.

Iran‘s government again ruled out negotiations with US President Donald Trump over Tehran’s military…

If deal fails, Iran threatens enrichment of uranium beyond accord’s limitations

An Iranian atomic official threatened Wednesday that should a landmark nuclear deal with world powers fall apart, his country will be ready to begin uranium enrichment beyond the limitations set by the agreement at one of its nuclear facilities and install new equipment at another.

Following the US withdrawal last month from the 2015 agreement,…


Can and will Iran strike Israel?

In recent months, Israel bombed Iranian objectives inside Syria several times.

Iran absorbed casualties, serious damage and international humiliation. Iran is eager for revenge, but what can it do? Does Iran want to go to war? Iran still remembers the trauma of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, which cost Iran dearly.

Israel today has fewer people…

Netanyahu says Iran’s new uranium enrichment drive is aimed at destroying Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that a newly announced plan by Iran to increase its nuclear enrichment capacity was aimed at producing nuclear weapons to be used against Israel.

“Two days ago, Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, stated his intention to destroy the State of Israel,” Netanyahu said in a video posted on social…

Iran’s top leader vows tenfold response to any attack

Iran’s top leader said Monday that anyone who fires one missile at his country “will be hit by 10” in response, but dismissed fears of war as “propaganda” by the West.

Tensions have soared since the US withdrew from the landmark 2015 nuclear accord, and vowed to restore sanctions unless Iran meets a list of strict demands.

In a speech, Supreme…

U.S. considers deploying defense system amid concern over Iranian threat

BERLIN – The US military has held preliminary discussions about moving a powerful missile defense system to Germany to boost European defenses, according to two sources familiar with the issue, a move that experts said could trigger fresh tensions with Moscow.

The tentative proposal to send the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system…


The inhumanity of Hamas’ human shields

Recently, I had the opportunity to lead a congressional delegation to Jerusalem for the opening of the U.S. embassy. During our visit, The Jerusalem Post front page was “Promises Made, Promises Kept,” with a picture of President Trump. Sadly, while the United States was keeping its promise to Israel and the American people, Hamas terrorists were…

Top IDF officer: Iran may use Gaza terrorists again to distract from Syria

A top commander in the Israeli army said Thursday that if Iran finds itself in trouble in Syria, it could again mobilize its ally in Gaza, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), to attack Israel as a distraction.

The senior officer in the IDF’s Southern Command, in a briefing to Israeli journalists, also said Hamas and PIJ had improved their combat…