
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.


Iran: Total ‘Annihilation of Israel’ Will Be Price for Soleimani Killing

Iranian leaders are issuing renewed calls for the destruction of Israel, saying the “annihilation” of the Jewish state is the only fair price for America’s recent killing of top Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani.

Seyed Hashem al-Heidari, cultural chief of Hashd al-Shaabi, an Iraqi paramilitary force directed by Iran, said Tehran is eyeing…

Ukrainian airliner goes down in Tehran, killing 176

(January 8, 2020 / JNS) A Ukranian Boeing 737 passenger jet crashed shortly after takeoff in Tehran, Iran on Wednesday, killing all 176 people aboard. Though a spokesman for Iran’s Road and Transportation Ministry claimed that the crash was caused by “technical difficulties,” at least two Kazakh airlines announced that they were considering…

US confirms over a dozen Iranian missiles fired at Iraq bases housing its troops

Iran struck back at the United States early Wednesday for the killing of a top Iranian general last week, firing a series of surface-to-surface missiles at an Iraqi air base housing US troops and warning the United States and its allies in the region not to retaliate.

The Pentagon confirmed the strike at Ain Assad as well as another at a separate…

Iran withdraws from nuclear deal, plans to enrich uranium ‘without restrictions’

(January 5, 2020 / JNS) Iran announced on Sunday that it will enrich uranium “without restrictions” in what would be an apparent move to withdraw from the 2015 the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal.

The development, reported by Iranian state TV, comes just days after the United States killed the…

Several wounded in rocket attack near US Embassy in Iraq

(January 6, 2020 / Israel Hayom) Three Katyusha rockets landed inside Iraq’s Green Zone close to the U.S. Embassy on Sunday night, the Iraqi military reported.

Three additional rockets fell in the nearby Al-Jadriya neighborhood of Baghdad, according to the military.

Six people were wounded in the attacks, according to Iraqi media reports.


Pompeo on Qassem Soleimani strike: Iran now understands Trump will take ‘decisive’ action

By ordering the airstrike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, President Trump has demonstrated to Iran’s leaders that he will take “swift, decisive” actions to protect Americans, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Friday on “Fox & Friends.”
Pompeo stressed that the Trump administration has shown military “restraint” in the face of…

US drone strike ordered by Trump kills top Iranian commander in Baghdad

A US drone strike ordered by President Donald Trump on Baghdad airport has killed a top Iranian commander, in a major escalation in regional tensions that have pitted Tehran against Washington and its allies in the Middle East.
The Pentagon on Thursday confirmed a strike killed Qasem Soleimani, who as head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps…

Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s shadowy general who wielded influence like a sword

TEHRAN, Iran — Revolutionary Guards commander Qassem Soleimani, who was killed Friday in a US strike, was one of the most popular figures in Iran and seen as a deadly adversary by America and its allies.

General Soleimani, who headed the external operations Quds Force for the Guards, had wielded his regional clout publicly since 2018 when it was…

US kills powerful Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad airstrike

Qassem Soleimani, the powerful head of Iran’s Quds Force, was killed in an airstrike at Baghdad International Airport, Iraqi TV and three Iraqi officials officials said Friday.
The US Department of Defense confirmed it had carried out the airstrike.
“General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members…


Iraqi supporters of Iran-backed militia break into US embassy in Baghdad

Ambassador evacuated; with cries of ‘Death to Israel,’ protesters vent their anger over US attacks on Kataeb Hezbollah group, seen as violation of Iraqi sovereignty.

Dozens of angry Iraqi Shiite militia supporters broke into the US Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday after smashing a main door and setting fire to a reception area, prompting…

Exclusive: Hamas plots attacks on Israel from Turkey as Erdogan turns blind eye

Turkey is allowing senior Hamas operatives to plot attacks against Israel from Istanbul, The Telegraph can disclose, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plays host to the terrorist group’s leaders.

Transcripts of Israeli police interrogations with suspects show that senior Hamas operatives are using Turkey’s largest city to direct operations in…

Iran arrests evangelical Christians before Christmas holiday

The Iranian regime has begun cracking down on evangelical Christians in Iran in the run-up to Christmas, experts and Iranian Christians said.

Security officials routinely arrest Christian citizens during the Christmas season, according to the 2019 US Commission for International Religious Freedom report, which found the regime arrested 114…

Horse-trading Iran hawks seize on Pompeo’s Senate interest

WASHINGTON (AP) — In recent days, Iran hawks in Congress leveraged Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s interest in a Senate run to win a key concession from the Trump administration that could help their bid to kill the nuclear deal with Tehran.

Late last week, the State Department agreed to release a portion of an internal legal opinion that says…

U.S. Turns Up Pressure on Iran With Sanctions on Transportation Firms

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Wednesday that the United States plans to impose new sanctions on Iran’s largest shipping company and a major airline for what he said were their roles in transporting material for the country’s ballistic missile and nuclear programs.

“Today’s designations put the world on notice: Those who…


US envoy urges Germany: Don’t fund Iranian terrorism

ATHENS – The most high-level US ambassador in Europe, Richard Grenell, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that Germany’s government should join the United States and work to stop Iranian regime support for terrorism in response to a German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce event in Berlin.

“The economy is strained because the Iranian regime is…

US suspects Iran behind rocket attacks on Iraqi bases hosting US forces

US officials suspect that Iran is behind a series of rocket attacks on Iraqi bases hosting American forces, after four rockets struck an Iraqi military base near the Baghdad International Airport on Monday.

The US military believes that the attacks were carried out by Iranian-backed groups inside Iraq, according to a US official with direct…


UK, France, Germany affirm Iran has developed nuclear-capable ballistic missiles

(December 5, 2019 / JNS) In a joint letter addressed to U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres that was released by the world body on Wednesday, ambassadors from the United Kingdom, Germany and France reiterated that Iran has developed nuclear-capable ballistic missiles.

The countries, all parties to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, formally the…


State Department: An estimated 1,000 citizens killed in Iran protests

(December 5, 2019 / JNS) The latest mass Iranian protests have killed as many as 1,000 citizens, including at least 12 children, said U.S. Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook on Thursday.

“This is the worst political crisis the regime has faced in its 40 years,” he told reporters at the U.S. State Department.

“Look, they even jail and…