At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

US-Israel Relationship

PA payments to prisoners, ‘martyr’ families now equal half its foreign aid

The Palestinian Authority’s 2017 budget for payments to inmates in Israeli prisons and so-called “families of martyrs” is equal in sum to about half of the foreign aid Ramallah expects to receive this year, a recently published Israeli report shows.

According to the PA Finance Ministry’s 2017 budget, published on its website earlier in July,...


PA said to offer $20 million in subsidies to East Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority has reportedly earmarked some $20 million to support East Jerusalem Palestinians in the wake of mass protests over Israeli security measures around the Temple Mount compound.

According to Channel 2, the 500 “guards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque” will each receive a $1,000 stipend from the PA.

Some $15 million will go toward...

Incitement Issues

Salomon brit: ‘We want to be remembered as a happy family’

The baby’s small cries briefly filled the crowded room. Guests stood shoulder-to-shoulder to celebrate the circumcision of the boy whose entry into the world was followed by the murder of three members of his family.

“I never imagined that I would celebrate the birth of my oldest son, who I had so longed for, with half the nation,” said Shmuel...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)

PA UN Envoy Refuses to Condemn Halamish Terror Attack, Saying ‘Don’t Expect All Palestinians to Be Angels’

Palestinian Authority Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour declined this week to condemn last Friday’s terrorist attack in Halamish — in which three Israelis were stabbed to death at a Shabbat dinner — and instead justified the act.

Addressing reporters at the UN headquarters in New York City, Mansour said, “When you have an occupation with its...


Salomon brit: ‘We want to be remembered as a happy family’

The baby’s small cries briefly filled the crowded room. Guests stood shoulder-to-shoulder to celebrate the circumcision of the boy whose entry into the world was followed by the murder of three members of his family.

“I never imagined that I would celebrate the birth of my oldest son, who I had so longed for, with half the nation,” said Shmuel...


Finds in Jerusalem shore up biblical account of Babylonian conquest

New finds in the City of David confirm the veracity of the biblical account of the Babylonian capture and conquest of First Temple period Jerusalem. The event is commemorated next Tuesday on the Hebrew date Tisha B’av (August 1) in a day of fasting and mourning, Israeli experts said.

According to Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dr. Joe...

US-Israel Relationship

Expert: $3K Per Month PA Salary for Halamish Killer Will Give ‘Momentum’ to Taylor Force Act

The e monthly salary of approximately $3,000 that the Palestinian Authority will pay to terrorist Omar al-Abed could be a powerful spur to a pending US legislative bill that would slash aid to the PA over its “martyr payments” policy, a leading Middle East expert told The Algemeiner on Tuesday.

“This is definitely going to put wind in the sails...


What Happens When Jews And Christians Throw An Israel Celebration Party

The Bible is filled with stories of miracles. But if there’s one major takeaway from the 2017 Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Summit, it’s that miracles still happen in our time, and it’s our job to notice and truly appreciate them.

The 11-year-old CUFI, which now boasts 3.5 million members, recently gathered in Washington, DC, amid steamy...

Incitement Issues

With husband and in-laws being stabbed below, Michal Salomon rushed kids to safety

With her family members being stabbed to death in the kitchen, Michal Salomon on Friday night gathered her children, hustled them into an upstairs room and held the door closed “with all her might.”

“I started hearing screams and shouts,” Salomon, whose husband Elad was killed in the terror attack, recounted to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on...


With husband and in-laws being stabbed below, Michal Salomon rushed kids to safety

With her family members being stabbed to death in the kitchen, Michal Salomon on Friday night gathered her children, hustled them into an upstairs room and held the door closed “with all her might.”

“I started hearing screams and shouts,” Salomon, whose husband Elad was killed in the terror attack, recounted to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on...


Israeli stabbed at embassy in Jordan, attacker and second man shot dead

A Jordanian man stabbed and lightly wounded an Israeli security officer at the Israeli embassy in Amman on Sunday before he was shot dead, a security source said. A second Jordanian was also killed.

The incident occurred late Sunday afternoon, but was kept under gag order by the Israeli military censor until Monday morning.

The incident occurred...


Terror at Halamish: When a family’s Shabbat celebration turned into a bloody massacre

The family had gathered for a Friday night Shabbat dinner to celebrate the birth that morning of a grandchild.

The Shabbat table was covered with a bright white tablecloth, laden with snacks, bottles of cola and an unopened bottle of whiskey.

They were waiting for other guests to arrive, the door of their home at the settlement of Halamish...

Israeli Technology

Israeli researchers pioneer paradigm shift in cancer treatment

An entirely new way to fight cancer is almost ready to go public.

The American Food and Drug Administration unanimously recommended a revolutionary new cancer treatment for its final approval. and it’s a paradigm shift in how doctors and researchers treat certain cancers.

Cancer is difficult for a person’s immune system to fight on its own - the...


Two Israelis killed, two wounded, in stabbing attack in West Bank

Two Israelis were killed and another two were seriously wounded in a stabbing attack in the Israeli settlement of Halamish in the West Bank on Friday night.

Paramedics said two men, one in his 60s and another in his 40s, died of their wounds sustained in the attack in a home in a settlement. They were initially listed among three people in...


Netanyahu Says Israel Has No Better Friends Than US Christian Zionists

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the Christians United For Israel conference Monday, affirming the American Christian Zionists as Israel’s best supporters.

Netanyahu addressed the 2017 CUFI summit in Washington, D.C., in a live stream as he was on a diplomatic visit to Budapest, Hungary. He praised Christian evangelicals for...


Iran remains top terror sponsor as global attacks decline

Iran remains the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, according to an annual State Department report that pointed to ISIS as the primary non-state threat to US interests and allies.

Terrorism around the world declined globally last year, according to the Country Reports on Terrorism 2016. But Iran continues to destabilize the Middle...


Mike Pence to CUFI: I Support Israel Because I Am a Christian

Thousands of Christians descended on the nation's capital Monday for Christians United for Israel's 12th annual summit.

Mike Pence addressed the crowd, assuring that not only he, but President Donald Trump are proud supporters of the Jewish state.

"And under President Donald Trump, if the world knows nothing else, the world will know this:...

Incitement Issues

Fmr. IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Benny Gantz; Part 1

Issues Jerusalem

City of David Top Finds #9 and #10: Ancient Menorah Engraving and Silver Scrolls

Issues Jerusalem

City of David Top Finds #8: House of David Inscription