US-Israel Relationship

At CUFI, we believe a strong, secure, and sovereign Israel is key to a strong and secure United States. Israel needs America, and America needs Israel. We are two nations with shared values, defending the same principles, and thus engaged in the same fight against common enemies. On May 14, 1948, the US was the first country to recognize the nascent State of Israel just eleven minutes after Israel declared its independence. Since then, the US has been a friend to Israel, our most critical ally in the Middle East. One of CUFI’s core concerns is to shape and strengthen the US-Israel relationship to the safety and security of both our nations.

US-Israel Relationship

Israeli Humanitarian Group Joins Efforts to Combat Coronavirus-Related Hunger in California

IsraAID is expanding its reach from international disaster relief to helping in the United States as the COVID-19 outbreak has seen requests at food banks skyrocket.

“What happened now is an unprecedented disaster in the United States,” said Seth Davis, executive director of the nongovernmental group IsraAID U.S. “We felt it was important to…

US-Israel Relationship

Senator Ted Cruz: ‘Israel’s Enemies are America’s Enemies’

The Jewish Institute of National Security for America (JINSA) held a phone conference with Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday to discuss further US-Israel cooperation in fighting the coronavirus pandemic in their respective countries together.

In order to strengthen the partnership between the United States and Israel, and to limit the…

US-Israel Relationship

Netanyahu: ‘A Century After San Remo, the Promise of Zionism is Being Realized’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video address on Sunday that “the promise of Zionism” would be realized in just a few months, when Israel extends its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and parts of Judea and Samaria under the aegis of the U.S. “Peace to Prosperity” plan.

In a video message to the European Coalition for Israel—an…

US-Israel Relationship

Israeli Airline Brings Precious COVID Cargo to Detroit

It was around 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 12, when the wheels of an El Al jet touched down at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The plane, void of passengers, flew to Detroit from China on what could be considered a humanitarian aid mission.

Inside the Israeli jet were 3.5 million surgical and KN95 protective masks, face shields and pulse oximeters…

US-Israel Relationship

US and Israel conduct F-35 exercise without face-to-face bilateral meetings

The United States and Israel conducted a joint F-35 exercise on Sunday in the Jewish state.

The Enduring Lightening training exercise consisted of “a wide variety of operational theaters while strengthening the cooperation between the forces,” said the Israeli Air Force in a statement.

The drill consisted of F-35s from the USAF’s 34th fighter…

US-Israel Relationship

Teva to send millions of tablets to US hospitals for possible treatment of virus

Israeli pharmaceutical giant Teva said that it will donate millions of doses of its anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which has been touted as a possible treatment for the coronavirus (COVID-19), to U.S. hospitals free of charge.

It said 6 million doses will be delivered by March 31 and more than 10 million in a month.

“We are committed to…

US-Israel Relationship

In Phone Call, Trump and Netanyahu Agree to ‘Cooperate Closely’ on Coronavirus Fight

US President Donald Trump held a telephone call on Friday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

A White House statement said, “Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu discussed the latest developments on the coronavirus pandemic, and the…

US-Israel Relationship

IDF, US to hold air exercise with F-35 jets and no physical contact

The Israel and US militaries were set to launch a joint aerial exercise in southern Israel on Tuesday in which F-35 fighter jets will take part, the Israel Defense Forces said.
The drill was permitted to take place, despite a general ban on international exercises during the coronavirus crisis, because it will be held solely in the air, with no…

US-Israel Relationship

Friedman: US, Israel to emerge stronger than ever

Speaking while under quarantine, US envoy keeps spirits high with full work loadUS Ambassador David Friedman usually has a very busy schedule, going from one meeting to another with Israeli officials, flying to Washington to meet with US President Donald Trump, or addressing major Israeli or American organizations.This week, however, Friedman was…

US-Israel Relationship

Trump to share Mideast peace plan today

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he will announce his long-delayed Middle East peace proposal on Tuesday and that he believes Palestinians will eventually go along with it despite their refusal to engage on the subject.

Sitting down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office, Trump said his plan “makes a lot of…

In The News US-Israel Relationship

Trump to present Middle East peace plan to Israeli leaders

President Trump is reportedly expected to disclose details of his Mideast peace plan to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his opponent Benny Gantz during their visit to Washington, DC, this week.
The president on Monday will hold separate, back-to-back meetings with Netanyahu and Gantz, the head of the centrist Blue and White Party and…

US-Israel Relationship

IDF strengthens cyber-defense coordination with US Cyber Command

(January 23, 2020 / JNS) The Israel Defense Forces and the U.S. military are strengthening their coordination and partnership in the area of cyber defenses.

Lt. Col. O (full name withheld), an officer in the IDF’s J6 and Cyber Defense Directorate, told JNS in recent days that a joint and relatively large exercise held with the U.S. military’s…

US-Israel Relationship

Pence: In spirit of Holocaust remembrance, we must stand strong against Iran

Mike Pence, like Benjamin Netanyahu before him, draws parallels between Nazi Germany and Iran.

“In the same spirit , we must also stand strong against the leading state purveyor of anti-Semitism,” the US vice president says.

“The one government in the world that denies the Holocaust as a matter of state policy and calls to wipe Israel off the…

US-Israel Relationship

US Ambassador Kelly Craft defends Israel, blasts Iran at UN

(January 22, 2020 / JNS) U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Kelly Craft took Iran to task and staunchly backed Israel at a U.N. Security Council debate on the Middle East on Tuesday.

“While the world criticizes Israel, Israel is making the world a better place. The council should not lose sight of this fact,” she said, urging council members to instead…

US-Israel Relationship

Israel Air Force inaugurates its second F-35 squadron

The Israeli Air Force on Thursday inaugurated its second squadron of F-35 fifth-generation stealth aircraft, known as the “Lions of the South,” reviving the historic 116th Squadron.

“The Air Force shoulders a great responsibility daily. From this moment, the 116th Squadron returns and becomes part of our strategic arm, part of our qualitative…

US-Israel Relationship

No small potatoes: Rep. Russ Fulcher says Idahoans used to culture that ‘appreciates’ Israel

(January 15, 2020 / JNS) Rightly or wrongly, the first thing that comes to mind when most Americans think of Idaho is potatoes. Yet the northwestern state, which is also known for vast natural beauty and resources, is also home an emerging pro-Israel leader in Congress.

“It’s not typically the rallying cry when it comes to campaigns,” Idaho…

US-Israel Relationship

US Army to purchase Israeli-made Spike missiles

The US Army has chosen the Israeli-made long-range Spike precision missile to use on attack helicopters as an interim solution for greater standoff capabilities.
According to Defense News, an Army Requirements Oversight Council authorized the decision “ahead of a bigger decision” regarding acquiring long-range precision munitions for its air…

US-Israel Relationship

US senators back bill to provide Israel with $3.3B a year

Republican and Democratic US senators introduced legislation on Thursday to provide 3.3 billion dollars annual aid to Israel, seeking to put into law an aid agreement between the two countries reached in 2016 amid concern over rising Middle East tensions.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Democratic Senator Chris Coons co-sponsored the bill, a…