United Nations (UN)

United Nations (UN)

US Aims To Return To UN Rights Body, Shield Israel


US President Joseph Biden’s new administration said on Wednesday it would continue its international re-engagement by seeking election to the UN Human Rights Council where it will press to eliminate a “disproportionate focus” on ally Israel.

Under former President Donald Trump’s more isolationist approach, Washington quit the…

United Nations (UN)

Israel Leads UN Innovation Conference on Global Response to Coronavirus

Israel is leading a U.N. innovation conference focused on developing technological tools to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

The two-day conference, which began on Thursday, features world-renowned experts who are slated to discuss the connection between technological innovation and the fight against the coronavirus, in addition to the…

United Nations (UN)

Ukraine leaves UN committee on Palestinians

Ukraine has quit the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

The decision was authorized by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Founded in 1975, the 25-country committee seeks “to enable Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination…

United Nations (UN)

U.N. Adopts Resolution Condemning Iran’s Violations Of Human Rights

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted its 64th Resolution on December 19 against human rights violations in Iran.

Sponsored by Canada, the resolution was adopted with 81 votes for, 30 against, and 70 abstentions.

Prominent Iranian human rights activist Hassan Nayeb Hashem tweeted, “The resolution concerning the situation of human…

United Nations (UN)

In First, Resident of Rocket-Stricken Southern Israel Addresses UN Security Council, Calls for Action Against Hamas

A resident of rocket-stricken southern Israel addressed the UN Security Council on Wednesday, urging it to take action against the Hamas terror group.

Adele Raemer — who lives in Kibbutz Nirim, adjacent to the border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip — was invited to speak at the Security Council’s monthly meeting on the Middle East by US…

United Nations (UN)

Danon invites ‘dozens’ of UN ambassadors to tour the City of David

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon brought “dozens” of UN ambassadors as guests with him to visit the City of David to demonstrate the Jewish’s peoples ancient roots in Israel in front of the world leaders Wednesday afternoon.

Danon lead the group of diplomats through the city to tour the three-thousand-year-old archaeological…

United Nations (UN)

Israel to introduce UN resolution calling for recognition of Mideast Jewish refugees

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon announced on Tuesday that Israel will submit a resolution to the General Assembly to formally recognize Jewish refugees, or Mizrachi Jews, from Arab countries and Iran.

Danon announced the initiative during a plenary session for the annual meeting that marks 72 years since the historic Nov. 29,…

United Nations (UN)

In a surprise move, 13 countries vote against anti-Israel resolution at the UN

Thirteen countries changed their voting pattern at the United Nations on Tuesday, voting against an annual resolution that supports a pro-Palestinian U.N. agency.

Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Brazil and Colombia, which usually abstain, voted against the…

United Nations (UN)

Belgian town forfeits UN heritage status to keep parade featuring anti-Semitic float

(December 2, 2019 / JNS) A Belgian town has decided to drop itself from the list of United Nations’ cultural heritage sites in order to keep a carnival that in March featured a float that depicted large-nosed religious Jews sitting on bags of money.

The decision came a week ahead of a U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization…

United Nations (UN)

UN General Assembly adopts Israeli resolutions on agricultural technology

The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday adopted resolutions sponsored by Israel on “Agricultural Technologies for Development.”

A total of 147 countries decided to vote in favor of the resolution. The Arab League chose to abstain from voting, instead of voting against the measures.

The Israeli resolutions, which aligns with the U.N….

United Nations (UN)

UN ‘alarmed’ by reports of ‘significant’ death toll in Iran protests

The UN rights office said Tuesday that it was “alarmed” by reports that live ammunition was used against protesters in Iran and had caused a significant number of deaths across the country.

“We are especially alarmed that the use of live ammunition has allegedly caused a significant number of deaths across the country,” UN High Commissioner for…

United Nations (UN)

Overwhelming majority of UN Human Rights Council reps praise Iran on record

(November 11, 2019 / JNS) Ninety-five out of 111 delegates, or 85 percent, of the delegates to U.N. Human Rights Council’s Nov. 8 review session on Iran’s human-rights record praised the Islamic Republic, according to Geneva-based NGO U.N. Watch.

Only 16 nations criticized Tehran, according to the NGO.

North Korea, Qatar, Malaysia and Belarus…

United Nations (UN)

Israel, US to push for tighter UN scrutiny of Palestinian refugee agency

(October 31, 2019 / Israel Hayom) The United States and Israel are joining forces to push for reform in the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), according to Israel’s mission to the U.N.

Next week, U.N. General Assembly committee is set to begin discussions on the renewal of UNRWA’s mandate in December….

United Nations (UN)

Israeli elected to serve in top U.N. position

Natalia Nadal, a long-time United Nations employee, is the first Israeli to serve as the chief of enabling and outreach service at the UN.

Nadal had worked in the UN for 15 years before being elected to the role of overseeing the UN business intelligence operation. She will be in charge of improving relations between the UN and the various…

United Nations (UN)

Trump at U.N.: we won’t tolerate Iran’s ‘monstrous antisemitism’

Iran’s antisemitic hatred of Israel is unacceptable, US President Donald Trump told the UN as he warned Tehran that sanctions against it would not be lifted as long as it’s “bloodlust” and nuclear drive continued.

“For 40 years, the world has listened to Iran’s rulers as they lash out at everyone else for the problems they alone have created,”…

United Nations (UN)

Abbas promises to continue paying families of martyrs, receives applause at U.N. General Assembly

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday in his speech at the U.N. General Assembly that despite Israel’s demands, the Palestinian Authority will continue to pay salaries to terrorists.

“Even if I had only one penny, I would’ve given it to the families of the martyrs, prisoners and heroes,” said Abbas and received a round of applause…

United Nations (UN)

Foreign minister tells UN: Jews will not be ‘separated from homeland’

Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Thursday where he took the opportunity to slam critics of Israel, declaring that the Jewish people would not be “separated from their homeland,” and warned of the growing threat posed by Tehran and its proxies.

Katz, who was announced as Prime Minister…

United Nations (UN)

UN peacekeepers inspect sites of Hezbollah attack

United Nations peacekeepers on Wednesday conducted an independent investigation of Sunday’s Hezbollah missile attack, visiting the areas hit in the strikes, the Israel Defense Forces said.

On Sunday afternoon, the Iran-backed terror group fired three anti-tank guided missiles at Israeli positions near the security fence — two of them at a…