In The News

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In The News

‘One wrong move’: Tehran Times reveals Iran’s targets in Israel

An Iranian newspaper published a map on Wednesday threatening Israel with missile attacks with pins representing rocket alerts placed on dozens of potential targets, although some of the pins were placed in Lebanese territory and on Palestinian cities in the West Bank.

The map, published on the front page of the Tehran Times newspaper, was part…

UK to outlaw BDS in the ‘following months,’ Conservative MP says

British MP and member of prime minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party Robert Jenrick, has announced on Tuesday that the British government will pass legislation to outlaw the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) movement in the UK.

Jenrick, formerly the UK’s secretary of state for housing, communities and local government, made the…

Jewish groups provide relief, physically and emotionally, after tornado devastation in Kentucky

The last time Rabbi Shlomo Litvin, co-director of Chabad of the Bluegrass, had been in Hopkinsville, Ky., he was joined by thousands of other people to see a total eclipse.

He returned to the area on Monday to find a much-changed landscape after a massive tornado ripped through the western part of the state on Dec. 10, rendering much of it…

Iranian army spokesman: ‘Not backing down from goal of erasing Zionist regime’

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Brig. Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, the spokesman of Iran’s armed forces, said in a video that was posted on Iran’s Basij News Agency on Nov. 28 that his country’s “biggest goal” is to remove the “regime that occupies Jerusalem” from the map.

According to the report by the Middle East Media Research Institute…

Bennett’s visit to UAE sends ‘strong signal’ amid faltering talks over Iran’s nuclear program

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed at his private palace in Abu Dhabi on Monday in the first official visit by an Israeli premier to the United Arab Emirates. The growing economic ties between their two countries were on the official agenda, though analysts tell JNS that behind the scenes the key…

Iran nuclear talks at risk of becoming ‘empty shell,’ say E3 diplomats

Senior European diplomats said on Monday that the Iran nuclear talks in Vienna may soon be rendered pointless, given the swift advance of Tehran’s nuclear program.

“As of this moment, we still have not been able to get down to real negotiations,” said British, French and German diplomats in a statement, Reuters reported.

The seventh round of…

In The News

Terrorist cell uncovered by IDF, Shin Bet at largest PA university

Terrorist infrastructure at the largest Palestinian university, An-Najah National University was uncovered by a joint IDF and Shin Bet operation, IDF Spokesperson for Arab Media Avichay Adraee announced on Tuesday.

11 Islamic Bloc student activists involved in Hamas operations in Judea and Samaria were arrested on campus in Nablus.

US security chief Jake Sullivan to visit Israel to discuss Iran

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is set to visit Israel in the next three weeks to discuss Iran, Walla reporter Barak Ravid said, citing three Israeli officials.

Sullivan is set to meet with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid. He is also set to visit Ramallah and meet with…

Deadly clashes break out during funeral for Hamas member in Lebanon refugee camp

Several people were killed during an armed clash in the Burj Shamali refugee camp in Lebanon on Sunday, during the funeral of a Hamas member who died in an explosion in the camp two nights before, medics said.

Hamas official Raafat al-Murra said gunmen from the rival Fatah movement “shot at the funeral procession,” killing at least three…

Satellite images show activity at Iranian spaceport

Satellite images appear to show that Iran is preparing a space launch as negotiations with world powers over reviving the 2015 nuclear accord continue in Vienna, the Associated Press reports.
The images taken Saturday by US-based Earth imaging company Planet Labs show activity at the Imam Khomeini Spaceport located in Semnan province in the north…

Historic first meeting: Israeli prime minister meets Emirati crown prince

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and United Arab Emirates’ leader Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan became the first leaders of their respective countries to meet on Monday.

“The message that I wish to deliver to the UAE leaders and Emirati citizens is that mutual partnership and friendship are natural,” Bennett told…

Texas man charged with threatening Chabad rabbis

A man in Amarillo, Texas, is facing up to five years in federal prison, accused of directing death threats at three rabbis, according to a statement published on Friday by the office of the US Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, Chad E. Meacham.

37-year-old Christopher Stephen Brown is charged with interstate threatening communications…

Blast at Hamas arms depot rocks Palestinian camp in Lebanon

Lebanese media outlets and eyewitnesses on Friday reported a huge blast at an arms depot in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon.
The weapons storage in the Burj al-Shemali camp was apparently controlled by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
Videos from the scene shared by local media show a number of small bright red flashes above the…

In The News

Israeli double amputee, 19, wins world para Taekwondo gold

Israel notched its first para taekwondo gold medal after Asaf Yasur beat all competitors in the under-58 kg (121 pounds) category of the World Para Taekwondo Championships in Istanbul on December 11.

Yasur, 19, had both hands amputated five years ago, shortly before his bar mitzvah.

He’d been playing soccer with friends in the Golan Heights…

Gaza boy, 11, becomes 6,000th child saved by Israeli humanitarian group

Mazen, an 11-year-old boy from the Gaza Strip, this month became the 6,000th child saved by the Israeli humanitarian organization Save a Child’s Heart (SACH), with support from the German foundation Ein Herz für Kinder.

Shortly after Mazen was born, doctors in Gaza diagnosed him with a complicated congenital heart condition that would require…

Jewish Army Ranger Killed in Afghanistan to Receive Posthumous Medal of Honor for Heroic 2018 Rescue

A Jewish soldier killed in Afghanistan while heroically supporting an evacuation mission it set to posthumously receive the Medal of Honor, America’s highest military award.

Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Celiz will be one of three soldiers to be so honored, the Washington Post reported, citing several current and former US officials. The medal…

At Pentagon, Israel Talks Joint Military Readiness to Face Iran

The United States and Israel increased pressure on Iran on Thursday as nuclear talks stalled, with Israel’s visiting defense chief calling for discussions on joint military readiness to be able to halt Iran’s nuclear aspirations.

Earlier, Reuters reported that Thursday’s US-Israeli agenda was expected to include discussions about possible…

Eighth trilateral summit between Israel, Greece, Cyprus shows continuity of alliance

Israel, Greece and Cyprus held its eighth trilateral meeting in Jerusalem on Tuesday. It was notable for being the first to feature a new Israeli prime minister, Naftali Bennett, who said during a joint press conference with the heads of Cyprus and Greece, that the alliance is “good for our people, good for our countries and good for the region.”…