
The Palestinian Authority regularly incites violence against Israelis, and then rewards terrorists and their families with a lifetime salary or pension worth more than most Palestinians could ever hope to earn. In 2017, this “Pay to Slay” program handed out over $350 million in payments for terrorism. In 2018, the Palestinian Authority increased its budget for this program to $405 million. For many years, American tax dollars given to the Palestinian Authority as foreign aid intended for humanitarian services and civil government programs were effectively redirected into this slush fund for terrorists. CUFI was the first major pro-Israel organization to strongly support the Taylor Force Act in the United States, which will cut off most American foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority until our State Department can certify that the Pay to Slay program has been shut down.


Jordan conducts military maneuvers simulating war with Israel

(November 27, 2019 / MEMRI) The Jordanian Army conducted a series of military maneuvers this week simulating an attempted invasion of the kingdom, but which also appeared to be a message to Israel.

The maneuvers, which took place on Nov. 25, 2019 in the presence of Jordan’s King Abdullah II, were named “Swords of Karameh,” in an apparent…


Firebomb thrown at police post on Temple Mount as fresh violence erupts

A firebomb was thrown at a police position on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Tuesday, prompting officers to make a number of arrests and close off access to the holy site, which has seen soaring tensions in recent weeks over a long-sealed area.

The police had no comment on any injuries in the attack.

“A short while ago, on the Temple Mount, a…


Op-ed in official PA daily calls US peace envoy a ‘mongoloid’

An opinion piece published in the Palestinian Authority’s official newspaper called US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace envoy a “mongoloid,” a pejorative term for someone who has Down syndrome, drawing a sharp rebuke from the American ambassador to Israel.

The column by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, which appeared in Sunday’s edition of Al-Hayat…


Rejecting Israeli ‘piracy,’ Abbas says payments to ‘martyrs’ will continue

Israel’s decision to deduct welfare payments to Palestinian security prisoners and their families from tax and tariff revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority is an act of piracy, PA President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday.

Speaking during a meeting of Palestinian leaders in Ramallah, Abbas said that the PA will refuse to…


19 Palestinians arrested in fresh Temple Mount clashes

Palestinian worshipers clashed with Israeli police on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on Tuesday, trying to force their way into an area of the flash-point holy compound that has been closed for years. Police said 19 Palestinians were arrested.

The incident follows a similar confrontation on Monday in which Palestinians tried to break the gate that…


Anti-Israel content exposed in UN agency’s school textbooks, as lawmakers decry ‘systematic hatred’

Israel warns Syrian forces not to retaliate; former member of Israel’s special-op counter terrorism unit, Aaron Cohen, reacts.

A newly declassified report is shedding light on anti-Israel material found in U.S.-funded textbooks used by the United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) in Palestinian schools — while faulting the State…


Blood money, not benevolence: The PLO’s Justification of ‘pay for slay’

On Dec. 9, 2018 , Shira Ish-ran was shot in the abdomen by a Palestinian terrorist. She was pregnant, and she required an emergency cesarean section to save her life. Tragically, her baby, delivered prematurely, died.

Palestinian Authority law mandates “salaries” for terrorists such as the one who shot Mrs. Ish-ran if he is caught or killed. Such…


Think tank: Abbas allocates $330 million to pay terrorists, ‘martyrs,’ inmates

The Palestinian Authority has allocated more than NIS 1.24 billion ($330 million) for payments related to security prisoners and so-called “martyrs” in its 2018 budget, according to a new report published by a Jerusalem-based research institute.

The funds include salaries and stipends for convicted terrorists and their families, though the exact…


Ten Months On, Palestinian School Built With Belgian Aid Still Named After Terrorist Who Massacred 38 People

A Palestinian school built with support from Brussels still bears the name of a mass-murdering terrorist and continues to display a plaque with the Belgian flag.

The elementary school in the West Bank was gifted to the Palestinian Authority in 2013 and subsequently renamed in honor of Dalal Mughrabi — a Palestinian nationalist who in 1978 helped…


Bipartisan Bill to Counter Palestinian Textbooks That ‘Demonize Israel’ Introduced in Congress

Members of Congress have brought forward a bipartisan bill to review textbooks and other materials used in Palestinian schools that have been accused of promoting extremism.

The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum Transparency Act — introduced in the House of Representatives on Thursday by Rep. David Young (R-Iowa) — calls on the US…


Bill to punish Palestinians for pay-for-slay scheme heads to final vote

A bill meant to discourage the Palestinian Authority from continuing to pay terrorists can go to a final vote, after the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee authorized it on Monday.

The legislation requires the government to deduct the amount that the Palestinian Authority pays terrorists from the taxes and tariffs Israel collects for…


Senior Adviser to PA President Abbas Reiterates Denial of Historic Jewish Link to Jerusalem, Land of Israel

A senior adviser to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has urged Arab and Muslim nations to stand firm in denying that there is any historical connection linking the Jewish people with the city of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel in general.

“We must be careful when using a particular term or word in connection with Jerusalem, for this…


Abbas says Jews’ behavior, not anti-Semitism, caused the Holocaust

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday said that the Holocaust was not caused by anti-Semitsm, but by the “social behavior” of the Jews, including money-lending.

In a long and rambling at speech in Ramallah at a rare session of the Palestinian National Council, Abbas touched on a number of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories during…


PA lifts ‘disguise’ on ‘martyr’ payments, defying Taylor Force Act

After three years of disguising its payments to families of martyrs and imprisoned terrorists, the Palestinian Authority has lifted its veil on those payments in a “blatant act of defiance” against the United States, a new report says.

The report by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, obtained by The Jerusalem Post…


Trump signs into law bill slashing PA funds over terrorist stipends

WASHINGTON — US President Donald Trump signed into law on Friday legislation that cuts some aid to the Palestinians until they end stipends to terrorists and the families of slain attackers, as he approved a massive $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill.

The Taylor Force Act, which was named after a former US army officer who was stabbed to…


Taylor Force Act Represents ‘180-Degree’ Turn in US Stance on Palestinian Authority Terror Payments, Says Leading Advocate

The leading private advocate of pending US legislation that sanctions the Palestinian Authority for financially incentivizing terrorism pronounced himself “very satisfied” on Wednesday, as the Senate prepared for an imminent final vote on the provisions of the Taylor Force Act.

“It’s a great relief that Congress has gotten behind the Taylor Force…


Fundamentalist Terrorists Benefit from “Fundamental Fairness”

In January of 2002, a 28-year-old Palestinian woman named Wafa Idris detonated a 22-pound bomb outside a Jerusalem shoe store. The explosion killed 81-year-old Pinhas Tokatli, and injured more than 100 other people – including an American citizen named Mark Sokolow. His wife and two of his daughters were also wounded in the attack.

Two years…


Palestinian Authority increase payments to terrorists to $403 million

The Palestinian Authority increased its payments to terrorists and their families by nearly $56 million, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Avi Dichter (Likud) said overnight Monday, when a bill to discourage the practice passed a first reading.

Dichter pointed out that PA President Mahmoud Abbas authorized the 2018 PA budget…