

Foreign Affairs Ministry gears up for US Embassy move

The Foreign Affairs Ministry held a multi-person panel Sunday on the requisite preparations for the impending opening of the new American Embassy in Jerusalem, slated to be inaugurated May 14.

While the administration of US President Donald Trump has yet to release any official word on the identities of the dignitaries expected to arrive from…


Israeli PM Netanyahu: At Least Six States Considering Moving Embassies to Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday that “at least half a dozen” countries were considering moving their embassies to Jerusalem following the US decision to do so.

US President Donald Trump announced in December that America recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The US Embassy is due to relocate to Jerusalem from Tel…


Pilgrims flock to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter

Christians marked Easter Sunday with a mass led by the acting Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Pierbattista Pizzaballa, at Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Hundreds of pilgrims came to the church in the Old City, for a mass to mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many Christians believe Jesus’s body was buried at what became the site of…


Finance minister signs waiver fast-tracking transfer of US embassy

Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon on Wednesday signed an official exemption from planning rules to allow US State Department officials to build new security infrastructure at the site of the new US embassy in Jerusalem and skip over the time-consuming process of applying for rezoning and construction permits.

In a video clip posted on Twitter, Kahlon…


Guatemala president tells AIPAC he’ll move embassy to Jerusalem in May

WASHINGTON — Guatemala’s president told the AIPAC Policy Conference on Sunday night that he will move his country’s embassy to Jerusalem in May, and that the relocation will take place two days after the United States moves its embassy to the holy city, to coincide with the 70th anniversary of Israel’s founding.

“In May of this year, we will…


UN Ambassador Haley: ‘Jerusalem will always be capital of Israel’

The assembled Washington crowd responded with raucous applause. “This was not something that was created by the location of embassy,” she continued “This is not something that was created by an American decision. America did not make Jerusalem Israel’s capital.

“What President Trump did, to his great credit, was recognize a reality that American…


Jerusalem Mayor: US Embassy Move ‘Is Right Thing to Do’

The opening a US Embassy in Jerusalem is “probably going to be happening sooner rather than later,” the city’s mayor said on Friday.

Appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program, Mayor Nir Barkat downplayed Arab backlash to the move, saying it “is the right thing to do, so we’re not concerned about it.”

“We’ve learned that if we were scared to…


Jerusalem’s history as Israel’s eternal capital

Please watch and share this inspiring short video about Jerusalem’s history as Israel’s eternal capital. We are thankful our President put America on the right side of history by officially recognizing this 3,000 year old fact. Help us support the undeniable connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem by sharing this video.


What Life Was Like For Christians And Jews When Arabs Ruled Jerusalem

Following President Donald Trump’s declaration that the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Saeb Erekat quickly shot back and demanded “equal rights for everyone living in historic Palestine.”

Protests over Trump’s move have sparked riots in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and even violent…


Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, starts embassy move

WASHINGTON — Defying dire, worldwide warnings, US President Donald Trump on Wednesday broke with decades of US and international policy by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Despite urgent appeals from Arab and European leaders and the risk of anti-American protests and violence, Trump declared that he was ending an approach that for…


Trump to recognize Jerusalem as capital, plan embassy move, White House confirms

WASHINGTON — US President Donald Trump will announce in a speech on Wednesday that he is formally recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, while asking the State Department to formulate a plan for moving the US embassy there from Tel Aviv, White House officials confirmed Tuesday evening.

The recognition of Jerusalem, widely expected to anger…

Issues Jerusalem

UNESCO denies Israel’s Claim to Temple Mount


Half Year After Being Seriously Wounded in Jerusalem Truck-Ramming Attack, IDF Soldier Achieves Dream of Becoming Combat Fitness Officer

Jerusalem, IDF soldier Dana Ofir recently completed a training course to become a combat fitness instructor, the Hebrew news site Walla reported on Thursday.

Four people were killed and more than a dozen were wounded in the Jan. 8 incident in which an Arab terrorist from East Jerusalem drove into a crowd of soldiers at the Armon Hanatziv…


Record numbers of Jews visit the Temple Mount Tisha Be’av morning

With the Jewish people commemorating the destruction of the ancient Temples in Jerusalem on the fast of Tisha Be’av on Tuesday, more than 1,200 Jewish visitors went to the Temple Mount on Tuesday morning, activist groups said.

According to the Yeraeh organization, which promotes Jewish visitation and prayer rights at the Temple Mount and which…


PA said to offer $20 million in subsidies to East Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority has reportedly earmarked some $20 million to support East Jerusalem Palestinians in the wake of mass protests over Israeli security measures around the Temple Mount compound.

According to Channel 2, the 500 “guards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque” will each receive a $1,000 stipend from the PA.

Some $15 million will go toward…


Salomon brit: ‘We want to be remembered as a happy family’

The baby’s small cries briefly filled the crowded room. Guests stood shoulder-to-shoulder to celebrate the circumcision of the boy whose entry into the world was followed by the murder of three members of his family.

“I never imagined that I would celebrate the birth of my oldest son, who I had so longed for, with half the nation,” said Shmuel…


Finds in Jerusalem shore up biblical account of Babylonian conquest

New finds in the City of David confirm the veracity of the biblical account of the Babylonian capture and conquest of First Temple period Jerusalem. The event is commemorated next Tuesday on the Hebrew date Tisha B’av (August 1) in a day of fasting and mourning, Israeli experts said.

According to Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dr. Joe…


With husband and in-laws being stabbed below, Michal Salomon rushed kids to safety

With her family members being stabbed to death in the kitchen, Michal Salomon on Friday night gathered her children, hustled them into an upstairs room and held the door closed “with all her might.”

“I started hearing screams and shouts,” Salomon, whose husband Elad was killed in the terror attack, recounted to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on…