Talking Points

Talking Points

CUFI Briefing: Israel Thwarts Iranian Attempts to Wreak Havoc

On Saturday night the Israeli Air Force launched a pre-emptive strike in Syria to thwart an “imminent” Iranian “kamikaze” style drone attack on Israel. Israeli officials rarely acknowledge operations in Syria, but the Israeli military announced Saturday that it had struck operatives from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force…

Talking Points

Talking Points:Iranian Piracy and Terror

On Friday, in the Straits of Hormuz, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard seized the Stena Impero, a British flagged oil tanker as well as a second tanker that was later released.  Charts have shown that the ship was undoubtedly in Omani waters, making the seizure by Iranian forces a clear violation of international law.  Iran’s seizure and detention…

Airbnb Talking Points

In November of last year, the San Francisco-based Airbnb announced its intention to de-list Jewish-owned properties in the West Bank/Judea and Samaria from its service. In an attempt to justify this decision, Airbnb issued a statement in which they sought to claim the moral high ground and portray a nuanced approach to the issue. The crux of their…

Talking Points

Talking Points – The Islamic Republic Of Iran: 40 Years of Global Terror

On Sunday the IDF reported that a missile was fired in to the Golan Heights by Iranian forces from an area near Damascus. The missile was intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome system. This is yet another act of aggression by the regime in Tehran towards the Jewish state.  In response to the missile attack, the Israeli Air Force struck Iranian targets…

Talking Points

Talking Points – Operation Northern Shield

What Happened?

Early on Tuesday 4th December 2018, the Israel Defense Forces launched Operation Northern Shield on Israel’s border with Lebanon.


The Lebanese government has failed to prevent Hezbollah from establishing a military presence in southern Lebanon, despite this being a clear violation of United Nations Security Council…

Talking Points

ICYMI: Sen. Paul Under Fire For Blocking Aid To Israel

POLITICO: Senator Rand Paul Under Fire For Blocking Aid To Israel

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is putting personal politics ahead of what’s best not only for Israel – a critical U.S. ally – but also for workers and job creators in his home state of Kentucky. As POLITICO’s Foreign Affairs Correspondent Nahal Toosi reported on Friday, Sen. Paul is…

Talking Points

Netanyahu Delivers New Bombshell About Iran at UNGA

Today during his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stunned the word by revealing the existence of a second secret Iranian “atomic warehouse.” Although Israel had previously shared this information with several international intelligence agencies and the IAEA…

Talking Points

Talking Points – 9th August 2018


For weeks we have heard that the leadership of the Israel Defense Forces was concerned that Hamas would soon escalate the violence from Gaza into a full-scale war. Since March, Hamas has incited violent riots along the Gaza border fence and encouraged thousands of Palestinians to attack the IDF. Burning kites and balloons rigged with…

CUFI Talking Points: US Rejects Anti-Israel Bias at the UN Human Rights Council

Yesterday, US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley formally announced the United States has withdrawn its participation and financial support from the “cesspool” Human Rights Council. In her statement, Ambassador Haley said,

“For too long, the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political…

Talking Points

CUFI Talking Points: More rockets fired into Israel over the past 24 hours than during past 3 years

As of right now, at least 70 mortars have been fired into Israel from Gaza in the last 24 hours and the situation continues to grow more serious. The current mortar attack is the largest assault on Israeli civilians since the 2014 Gaza war.
Early this morning, as Israelis were just waking up and taking their children to school, they found…

Talking Points

Talking Points – 4/30/18

CUFI Talking Points: Netanyahu Reveals Iran’s Secret Nuclear Files

Today Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed to the world the existence of Iran’s secret nuclear files—proven by 100,000 documents obtained by Israel—on Project Amad. You can watch the full 22 minute video presentation of Israel’s evidence below. This explosive…

Talking Points

Vice President Mike Pence’s historic Knesset Speech

Vice President Mike Pence made a historic speech at the Knesset this morning. Speaking to Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israel’s lawmakers, the Vice President honored Israel’s upcoming 70th anniversary and 3,000 years of Jewish history in Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

This was the first time in 10 years that a senior US Administration official…

Talking Points

Congress hears testimony on expanding definition of anti-Semitism


WASHINGTON — The US House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday heard testimony about increased anti-Semitism on US college campuses, as lawmakers mulled advancing a 2016 bill that would require the Department of Education to adopt theState Department’s working definition of anti-Semitism.

The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act (ASAA) would require…

Iran Talking Points

Talking Points

We Applaud President Trump for not Recertifying the Iran Deal

Today was a good day for all of us who opposed the dangerous deal with Iran.

President Trump announced that he would not recertify the Iran nuclear accord.  He also noted that if Congress does not act to fix the serious flawed in this agreement, he will exercise his power as president…

CUFI Welcomes Senate Passage of Bill Targeting Hezbollah’s Financing

SAN ANTONIO – On Friday, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, welcomed Senate passage of the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2017. This legislation targets foreign governments that support Hezbollah as well as companies and individuals that aid the terrorist…

Talking Points

Talking Points

Hurricane Harvey

In recent days, we’ve all been heartbroken by Hurricane Harvey’s tragic destruction. We weep for the 45 people who perished, and pray for the millions of people affected by this storm. Many have lost everything – their homes, businesses and houses of worship. In fact, CUFI’s Pearland City Director rescued the youth pastor of his…

Talking Points

President Trump’s Middle East Trip

President Donald Trump recently left the Middle East after a brief visit to Saudi Arabia and Israel. While the president did not do and say everything we would have asked, we were very pleased with this visit.

He began with an important speech in Saudi Arabia. The President did not apologize for American behavior or focus on old grievances….

Talking Points

Boycott, Divest from and Sanction (BDS)

The effort to Boycott, Divest from and Sanction (BDS) Israel, is an anti-Semitic movement whose end goal is the destruction of the Jewish State. BDS activists have repeatedly acknowledged that “The real aim of BDS is to bring down the state of Israel.”

Despite the immense hatred for the Jewish state displayed by proponents of BDS, CUFI is…