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In The News

Assistant Police Chief barely disciplined for Nazi symbol on office door

Derek Kammerzell, an assistant police chief in Kent, Washington, received a two-week suspension after displaying a picture of a Nazi insignia on the office door above his name in July 2021. He claimed to have been inspired by the Amazon Prime TV show The Man in the High Castle. Kammerzell said that he thought the symbol was merely a German rank…

In The News

IAF chief grounds fleet after two die in helicopter crash at sea

The chief of the Israeli Air Force, Amikam Norkin, grounded its fleet of AS565 Panther helicopters after one of the aircraft crashed into the Mediterranean on Monday night, killing two of the crew members onboard and injuring a third, the military said.

Norkin also halted all training flights and formed an investigative commission, led by a…

In The News

Two drone attacks in 24 hours target US forces in Iraq

Two drones targeted the Al-Asad base in Iraq, a facility where US personnel are located. It came around 24 hours after another drone attack targeting America in Baghdad. The attack on Monday was to coincide with the US killing of IRGC Quds Force head Qasem Soleimani; the drones had “revenge” written on them. The second attack appears to also be a…

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Warnings of Palestinian intifada as IDF remains on alert in West Bank

A new Palestinian intifada could break out in the West Bank, warned MK Ahmed Tibi, as Israeli security forces there remain on high alert for potential terror attacks.

“We are still on alert in Judea and Samaria,” Defense Minister Benny Gantz told the Blue and White faction in the Knesset on Monday.

“IDF forces are deployed there to prevent…

In The News

‘It Doesn’t Stop’: Orthodox Jewish Man Rushed to Hospital Following Violent Attack in Brooklyn

An Orthodox Jewish man was badly beaten up late on Sunday night by at least two assailants in Brooklyn, in an attack that is now being investigated by the New York City Police Department’s Hate Crimes Unit.

The attack took place just before 10.30 p.m. near the corner of Gerry Street and Bartlett Street in the borough’s Williamsburg section —…

In The News

Protest against anti-Semitism held in Brooklyn after Jews attacked in hate crime assault

New Yorkers gathered in Brooklyn to protest anti-Semitism following the recent attack on two Jewish men in the neighborhood of Bay Ridge.

An estimated 100 people gathered for Sunday’s protest, which was held exactly a week after Blake Zavadsky was physically assaulted in Brooklyn for wearing a sweatshirt that featured the emblem of the Israel…

In The News

US announces $99 million in assistance to UNRWA

The United States announced that will be providing $99 million in funding to the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), the world body’s agency that handles Palestinian refugees.

According to the U.S. State Department’s Population, Refugees, and Migrations Bureau, the funds will “provide education, health care, and emergency relief to…

In The News

Lapid: 2022 will see intense effort to paint Israel as apartheid state

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid warned on Monday that Israel will face intense campaigns to label it an apartheid state in 2022.

“We think that in the coming year, there will be debate that is unprecedented in its venom and in its radioactivity around the words ‘Israel as an apartheid state,’” Lapid said during a Zoom briefing with Israeli…

In The News

Jerusalem Post website hacked with Iran warning on anniversary of Soleimani killing

Two Israeli media outlets were hacked early Monday with warnings from an Iranian propaganda video linked to the second anniversary of the assassination of top general Qassem Soleimani.

The website of The Jerusalem Post showed a scene from an Iranian missile drill last month in which Tehran destroyed a mock-up of Israel’s nuclear reactor in…

In The News

Armed drones targeting Baghdad compound shot down on anniversary of Soleimani death

The US-led coalition against the Islamic State group in Iraq on Monday shot down two armed drones targeting a compound at Baghdad airport hosting its personnel, a coalition official said.

The incident, which was not claimed by any group, came two years after a US drone strike near the airport killed Iran’s revered General Qassem Soleimani and…

In The News

Palestinian rockets explode off Tel Aviv coast, military says

Palestinian militants in Gaza fired two rockets toward the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday which exploded off the coast of Tel Aviv and prompted retaliatory strikes, Israel said.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility from Gaza militants for the rocket firing or comment from Hamas, the Islamist armed group that rules the coastal Palestinian…

In The News

Israeli researchers extract electricity from seaweed

Researchers in Israel devised a new method to extract electrical current from seaweed without harming the environment.
Yaniv Shlosberg, a Ph.D. student, hatched the concept while swimming in the Meditteranean Sea.
It was later developed by a group of researchers from three Technion-Israel Institute of Technology faculties, along with a…

In The News

Soccer fans in Belgium do Nazi salutes, chant about killing Jews, Hamas

Dozens of soccer fans in Antwerp, Belgium, were filmed giving Nazi salutes while chanting about Hamas and gassing and burning Jews.

Police are investigating the videos, which appeared on social media earlier this week. The incident appeared to have taken place at or outside Café Stadion, a restaurant near a soccer stadium.

The men chanted:…

In The News

Israel, US sign deal for 12 helicopters and refueling aircraft

Israel’s Defense Ministry has signed an agreement with the US government to acquire 12 Lockheed Martin CH-53K helicopters and two additional Boeing KC-46 refueling aircraft.

The  US Defense Department’s Procurement Delegation signed the letters of acceptance (LOAs) with Israel on Thursday evening to replace the Israel Air Force’s CH-53 Yasur…

In The News

Jerusalem resident charged with aiding Hezbollah terror group

Prosecutors filed an indictment in Jerusalem’s District Court on Friday against a resident of the city, accusing him of aiding the Hezbollah terror group.

Ahmad Zahra, 32, is charged with contact with a foreign agent and providing information to the enemy in order to harm state security.

Prosecutors say Zahra contacted a man in Lebanon nine…

In The News

West Bank: Attempted stabbing attack thwarted

An attempted stabbing attack adjacent to Gitai Avisar Junction in the West Bank was thwarted on Friday, Israel’s army (IDF) reported.
According to the initial report, Palestinian suspects drove and stopped adjacent to a military post on the Gitai Avisar Junction.
The assailant exited the vehicle, armed with a knife, and ran towards a bus station…

In The News

US Navy seizes $4 million worth of heroin in Arabian Sea

United States navy vessels seized 385 kilograms (849 pounds) of heroin in the Arabian Sea worth some $4 million, in a major bust by the international maritime operation in the region, officials said Thursday.
The USS Tempest and USS Typhoon seized the drugs hidden aboard a stateless fishing vessel plying Mideast waters, the international task…

In The News

Swastikas Graffitied at Borough Park Playground, as Antisemitic Hate Crimes Surge in NYC

New York City police are investigating the graffitiing of two swastikas at a playground in Borough Park, amid a surge in antisemitic hate crimes this year.

The offensive symbols were discovered Sunday afternoon on a structure at Gravesend Park and reported to the voluntary neighborhood patrol group Boro Park Shomrim, who contacted the NYPD,…