
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.

Money Talks: The $400 Million Ransom Paid to Terrorists

An unmarked Iranian cargo plane in Switzerland is secretly loaded with pallets stacked with $400 million in foreign cash. Four American hostages are kept huddled in the Tehran airport under armed guard for nearly 24 hours, on their way home but not allowed to leave just yet. Finally, Iran lets the hostages board their plane, and as soon as the…


Iran remains top terror sponsor as global attacks decline

Iran remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, according to an annual State Department report that pointed to ISIS as the primary non-state threat to US interests and allies.

Terrorism around the world declined globally last year, according to the Country Reports on Terrorism 2016. But Iran continues to destabilize the Middle…

Iran seeking nuclear weapons technology, German intel says

Damning German intelligence reports emerged in June and July revealing the Iranian regime’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and missile technology in defiance of international sanctions and UN resolutions.

A federal intelligence report also said that the Islamic Republic targets Jewish and Israeli institutions with espionage.

According to…

Iran Issues

As Islamic State wanes, Iran and Hezbollah could turn on Israel

Recent developments in the war between the Syrian regime and rebel forces show that the relative comfort zone that Israel has long enjoyed along its northern border is narrowing. The recent pummeling of the notorious Islamic State group makes an escalation in hostilities between Israel and the forces of President Bashar Assad along with his…

Unveiling clock showing 8,411 days left for Israel, Iranians rage against Jewish state

TEHRAN — Iran held major anti-Israel rallies across the country Friday, with protesters chanting “Death to Israel” and condemning the occupation of Palestinian land.

Marchers in Tehran headed from various points of the city toward the Friday prayer ceremony at Tehran University. Similar demonstrations were held in other cities and towns in Iran,…

After Iran fires missiles at IS in Syria, Netanyahu warns it not to threaten Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran not to threaten Israel and to watch its own back Monday, hours after Tehran launched missiles into Syria in what was seen, in part, as a challenge to Israel.

“I have one message for Iran: Don’t threaten Israel,” Netanyahu said.

On Monday, Iran said it fired missiles against the Islamic State in…

CUFI Applauds Senate Passage of Iran Sanctions

SAN ANTONIO – On Thursday, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, issued a statement applauding the Senate for passing the Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (S.722):

From email action alerts and phone calls to in-person lobbying efforts, CUFI’s 3.5 million members have long…

Iran Attempting to Expand into Golan Heights: Why Israel Must Stop Them

‘Shared concern over Iran driving Israel, many Arab states closer’

U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump were welcomed to the President’s Residence in Jerusalem by President Reuven Rivlin and his wife, Nechama, on Monday.
Trump, who arrived in Israel after visiting Saudi Arabia on his first overseas trip since entering office, signed the guest book before holding a private meeting with Rivlin….

Pentagon eyes Iran-North Korea military connection

When Iran attempted to launch a cruise missile from a “midget” submarine earlier this week, Pentagon officials saw more evidence of North Korean influence in the Islamic Republic – with intelligence reports saying the submarine was based on a Pyongyang design, the same type that sank a South Korean warship in 2010.

According to U.S. defense…


U.S. Acknowledges Cash Payment to Iran Was ‘Leverage’ in Prisoner Release

Story Via: Wall Street Journal
State Department confirms U.S. refused to allow Iran to take $400 million cash payment until plane carrying freed Americans left Tehran
WASHINGTON—The Obama administration said for the first time on Thursday that its $400 million cash payment to Iran in January was used as “leverage” to gain the release of American…

Iran Issues

Trump raps Iran for violating ‘spirit’ of nuclear deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — Iran is failing to fulfill the “spirit” of its nuclear deal with world powers, President Donald Trump declared Thursday, setting an ominous tone for his forthcoming decision about whether to pull the US out of the landmark agreement.

As he often had during the president campaign, Trump ripped into the deal struck by Iran, the US…

Iran Issues

Nikki Haley urges UN to shift its criticism from Israel to Iran

UNITED NATIONS — It’s high time the United Nations Security Council set its sights on Iran, rather than Israel, United States Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said Thursday during the Security Council’s monthly meeting on “the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.”

“Every month the Security Council convenes a meeting…

Iran Issues

Israel Already Preparing For End Of UN Ban On Iran Missile Activity

WASHINGTON – Throughout international talks with Iran over its nuclear program, Israeli leadership offered a common refrain: Ten years may be a long time in the life of a politician, but it is nothing in the life of a nation.

In that spirit, Israel’s government is already planning for the expiration of several critical provisions in the deal that…

Iran Issues

Israeli Security Experts Analyze Trump Administration Approach to Iran

Iran Issues

Iran sets up underground rocket factories in Lebanon — report

Hezbollah overseeing production, with help of advisers from Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Kuwaiti newspaper says

Iran has established rocket factories in Lebanon that are under the full control of the Hezbollah terror group, a top Iranian general told a Kuwaiti newspaper.
Citing one of the deputy heads of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps,…

Iran Issues

President Trump’s Response to Iran’s Ballistic Missile Tests

Iran arrests two Catholics in new wave of brutality against Christians

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) arrested two Christians – a mother and her son – in late February as part of a brutal crackdown on Catholicism in the country’s West Azerbaijan Province.

The family’s bibles and literature on Christian theology were also seized during the draconian raid, according to a March 5 report on the website…